Sunday, June 30, 2013

End of June 2013;

Brought my folks to try Sushi Express! :D My folks were so happy especially my daddy, its so cute to see them enjoying. ^^ Because its really affordable..

This is our total damage combined :D And it all worked up to $32! SO EFFING CHEAP!! One thing about Sushi Express is try not to go too close to closing time. Minzies and me went once at 9pm and we had to order from the very reluctant chef for sashimi cause none were going around the conveyor belt! Must orders from Sushi Express; Mini Salmon Bento, Miso soup (because it comes with generous servings of salmon inside) and the salmon sashimi of course :D

Went home and saw a green envelope from WEARERUBBISH! Super happy because that means my cage bralet IS FINALLY HEREEEE WOOOOO~ I've been looking for a cage bralet for the longest time and just couldn't find any nice ones ): I tweeted about looking for one and Jordus was sooooo sweet to send over the last piece to me :') So blessed hor me :D Thanks again Jordus!!! :D Now I can't wait to wear all my big armhole and backless top/dresses out!! 

Moving on, I was being a crazy fan girl on Tuesday when @Irinatyt suddenly commented on my instavideo LOLOLOL~ In case you don't know, she's like my ultimate eyecandy a few weeks back :D HHHAAHHAHA, now still considered eyecandy la but I not so siao anymore LOLOL.

Sporting this look everyday for work unless I have plans to meet friends; super loving my skin now! I've been super diligent about how I cleanse my face and I've even started using my Clarisonic again! :D

Went home after tuition on Tuesday and Daddy Quek showed me this! My old phone HAHAHAHAH SO ANCIENT OMG it still has my songs inside!! Its still working but the backlight has totally shut down so its kinda impossible to use it still.

So my BFF came back from Europe last week and we made plans to head to Adventure Cove on Wednesday together :( But us being us, bad luck queens, Adventure Cove was closed till the 27th, which was also the next day and the day Shu was flying off to KL (again). So Adventure Cove was a no-go. I changed my leave to a PM one and met her, Fangs and Magnebro for some chillin' at JEM and Star Vista! 

OM NOMS, I love Blackball but its so fattening because its just carbo overload! Sianzzz.

Thursday's OOTD; Fully dressed in Topshop, shoes from BKK and featuring my new spectacles!! :D

I am considering getting prescription lenses for this spectacles because I love it that much, but getting prescription lenses for it means I won't be able to wear it anymore if I wear my contacts. So to get prescription lenses with it and get another pair just for cosmetic purposes or just leave it as it is? #firstworldproblems LOL But yes, I super love it and just in case you want to purchase one too, I got it from a shop at Bugis Junction called "Grandchild".

Smoothie King for lunch with Matt on Friday; I was on PM leave again so I met with Matt for some retail therapy! But it wasn't so therapeutic afterall because shopping with Matt was SO EFFING DRAINING!! I felt so so so tired after shopping with him :\ We were dragging our feet at around 4pm imagine that!

Anyhoo, I FINALLY GOT MY SOIREE :D I have been considering getting them for the longest time already; but $189 is not a small sum to pay for a pair of shoes and I do have ALOT of shoes already. Heels especially, and I don't really trot around in heels all day everyday so I wanted to make sure $189 was justifiable. But everytime I decide I wanted to get the Soiree, it would be sold out at PVS (the only store in Singapore which stocks Jeffrey Campbell) and currently the classic clear strap&heel combination is OOS on most webstores. So I walked in PVS on Friday, saw it instock, the sales assistant said "thats our last pair" and I WAS SOLD. 

Okay actually I wasn't really sold immediately because I was considering between both the black strap and clear strap. Honestly, I very much preferred the black strap version but like what the sales assistant said, the black strap version can be found in almost similar style from Zara, or H&M. The clear strap one was more unique so I decided to go with unique :D When I walked off with the Soirees, I was still thinking if I made the right choice of purchasing it or did I made an impulse decision just because it was the last pair and its a highly sought after pair of heels. But I wore it out on Saturday (which I will touch on later) and I'm very certain I made the right choice. Its super comfy (when worn for a reasonable amount of time), it goes with most outfits and I've so far received tons of compliments about it! :D So yes, $189 well spent. I am gonna rape/wear the shoes just so that I can fully maximise the money spent on it LOL.

No shopping trip is complete without visiting Topshop. I am a Topshop/Zara fanatic. I shop at Topshop for the more edgy and casual apparels and Zara is my to-go-to for basics and more formal looking outfits. Tried this combo at Topshop Knightsbridge since its Summer now and what is Summer without crop tops! But I didn't get the crop top in the end because I can't wear it out without my folks finding out about my tattoos zzz. Bought the shorts though! :D

Tried this oversized top too and I love it soo much lehhhhh. Unlike Minzies, I am not really a crop top girl. I am very "conservative" (HAHAHAHHA) NO LA I am very self conscious, I got too much fats action going around my tums so I feel very unconfident in crop tops. I love my oversized tops because they are insanely comfy and this is INSANELY comfy!! But I find it very had to justify paying $76 for a plain grey top so, nopes. 

The reason why I said shopping with Matt is cray cray. This doode bought 2 shoes; and he took one hour to decide which pair of brown shoes to purchase and Pedro and Rockstar, TWICE. Yes, we went Pedro TWICE. /wrists. LOL. We were so tired in the end, we went home at 8pm after dinner at Timms.

Macarons from Minzies again ^^ This girl is too sweet, just like them macarons :D

I love my macarons, and sad to say, as much as I wanted to love these, they weren't good. They had a very floury texture and taste to them; the flavours (Strawberry Lemon Chocolate Pistachio) were not outstanding enough. I still love my Laduree and Canele best :D

Saturday was SEA Aquarium with my family! I was so tired from the day before (from shopping and sleeping at 1am) but still had to wake up at 7am for SEA Aquarium; major zzz. I was so tempted to just fuck it and not go but family outings are not as frequent as before so I figured I should just go along. Picture above of my korkor and my future sister in law!! :D

Beautiful shipwreck environment. I am so blown away by the whole experience I would choose to visit again. Will blog more about Aquarium in a separate post because I took quite a few pictures and footage there, might even do a vlog so stay tuned okays!? :D

Family picture taken but we didn't purchase it in the end, $50 #umadbro?

Rushed down to Minzies' after Aquarium, put my stuff down and headed to town to get our nails done before partying that night. WE IZ DAMN VAIN!!

Our awesome possum nails :D (mines gold, hers silver)

My super pretty BBG, can somebody tell her she not fat? We spent like close to an hour deciding her outfit because she kept insisting she looked fat in everything OMG SLAPS.

&mine, HAHAHHAA. I was wearing a The Editor's Market drop back black tank with my W.A.R. cage bralet inside and I threw on my Topshop bling shrug over. I totally forgot to take a picture of my outfit without the shrug /shrugs LOL. See how much I love my specs I wore it to Butter and everyone was asking me why was I wearing it in a club! HAHAHAHA COOL WHAT NO GIRLS WOULD WEAR SPECS IN CLUB RIGHT. So in any case, Butter was superfuckingfun that night! Love the music and the company; Matt was so smashed that night he disappeared so many times! Left Butter at 4ish, went back to Minzies, took my stuff and went to find my BFF.

Super QT BBG waiting with me for a cab to bp. Y U SO CUTE?!

Finally had KKM again at 6ish, talked about everything under the stars and left KKM feeling like I just took an adrenaline shot a la L4D. SO EFFING EXHAUSTED because I was awake for 24 hours T.T

Bonded with her sister and helped her to get ready for her cousin's wedding :D So pretty the two of you :D:D:D


So I've come to the end of this post, and June 2013. Half a year has officially passed. Can someone enlighten me how 2013 has been awesome to me so far? I don't see anything good. 2013 has been fucking shit so far, all I see is false pretense and fake happiness. Its getting that bad again.

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