Sunday, June 2, 2013

Heartbreak warfare;

OHLAAAA~ Back from the cray cray shag weekends, jam packed with meeting my bros for movie, company dinner and Old Sports chilling at my favourite haunt, Timms :))

Super loving the mascara I bought from YSL, so much so that I am ditching the eyeliner these days :D Not too sure if the mascara is that good, or because of the usage together with the Shu Uemura curler. Or just the curler. Maybe I should do an experiment and a review post subsequently :D

I can haz pretty lashes too :D

Will try to blog about my life in details soon :D When I am not so tired LOL /bareteethemoji

So how was your weekends!

OMG I've got a sudden craving for so many fooddddd :'(  I want Mookata, Steamboats, Mexican food, Ramens, everythinggggg :((( And I still want to go Pasar Bella!!! Anybardyyyyyy~~

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