Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Live fast, die young; bad girls do it well.

"I wonder where all the good guys/girls went? All that's left are the jerks and the bitches."

Sounds familiar? It sure does to me. And it got me thinking. Because recently my friends and I have been talking a lot about relationships, friendships, the past and the future. 

"Sometimes I wonder why some people can find The One so easily, while I am still here. Its not as if I did something gravely wrong; why do I still get these sort of shit? Maybe its better if I am alone. Or I'll just play with other people's feelings. Better I break their hearts than they break mine."

Maybe once upon a time, those heartbreakers got their hearts broken and so now they've built these persona as a self defence mechanism? Is everything is Life just one big fat vicious cycle? Where does this end?

Which leads to the age old question: Get your heart broken; or break hearts? Which would you rather. Despite everything, I think I'd still rather get my heart broken. I can't do heartbreaks to people.

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