Friday, June 21, 2013

5 misconceptions about me

Flowers are mehhh to me
Flowers are so not meh to me. I fucking love flowers. Daisies, sunflowers, roses, I love them all. They are so pretty and I love pretty things. However, I always say that I don't like receiving flowers because like all pretty things, they are impractical. But I love my floras.

I am a very quiet person/I am bipolar
Perhaps being called bipolar would be a closer description as compared to being quiet. I portray different personas to different types of people. If I am quiet (seemingly) around you, that means we ain't close. That means I am not comfortable with you to show you anything real about me, to you. I appear more uninhibited online because I am not really speaking to anyone in particular, so I tend to be less restrictive with my emotions and behaviour. Trust me, if we're close enough, you'd know that I am an extremely crazy person. Not sure if that's a good thing.

I am a brand whore
Materialistic, am I? I wouldn't say so. I do not go after labels because of any stature that comes along with owning them, nor do I purchase them for the idea of luxurious living. Okay, maybe a minor 20% I'd say I like the idea of luxurious living. But I prefer the term, I appreciate quality. Lets take bags for an example. Prior to my Balenciaga, I carry non-branded bags. And I had to purchase bags after bags within a span of a few months due to wear and tear. My Balenciaga has been with me since end 2010? And other than the aging of the leather, there's absolutely nothing wrong with my Balenciaga. The same concept applies to my clothes. If I were to compare my clothes from Topshop (not exactly branded, but if you purchase clothes as much as me, it is a substantial amount) and clothes from online webstores, I don't encounter fraying threads and holes in my clothes as often on my Topshop products to the online webstore ones.

I am very fickle-minded
Actually, I don't think I am. In fact, I think I know precisely what I want. I am a very precise person. Like means like. Don't like means don't like. And I won't attempt to try to like what I don't like. If I ever try to do that, you must mean a whole fucking lot to me. And when I want something, I will really try to do whatever it is within my capabilities to get it. And I find it really hard to turn away from things that I want. But I am not the sort who goes, "okay if I can't have this, I'd take this. But then this is not bad too." In that scenario, I'd take the whole damn lot. LOL. So no, not fickle-minded.

I am a very nice person
Thank you, if you think I am nice. That's probably because you are nice to me too. But if you think I am not a nice person, then _|_. Here you go, my middle finger to you. Frankly speaking, I do know it myself; like I said, I am an extremely precise person. My mannerism, interaction and behaviour towards you stems directly from how you portray yourself to me. I can be really really nice, and I can be really fucking mean and bitchy. Your choice. Its quite drastic I would say. Both ends of the spectrum; If you're a decent person, I'd treat you decently. If you're fucked up in your actions and your choices, how would you treat a mind-fucked person? So if you're thinking that I am not a nice person, maybe that's because you're fucked up. If you don't like me because of this, news flash, I don't fucking care because neither do I like you. If you're my friend, and you're fucked up, you'd get the same treatment; I would be the friend who would slap it across your face, and tell you "you're fucked up, do something about it". It is as real as it gets. I don't do backstabbing. If you're not my friend, then, I'd just be mean to you. 


& one last thing, I am all about quality. I don't give half fucked standards. With everything, I give my all. With my all, I ask nothing short of the best quality that my all can get. You can also infer from this that I only want top notch; the best efforts. 

This is me. And sometimes it gets tiring being me; when my expectations about things are just too damn idealistic.

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