Sunday, October 13, 2013


I want to shelter you;
but with the beast inside,
there's nowhere we can hide.


Lunch alone on Monday at Ichiban Boshi. Feel so proud of myself that I am comfortable dining alone.

Finally called the dental clinic to set an appointment to get braces! Excited much! 

And random selfie because one of my intern commented I looked pretty that day. I was like x.x blind sia. I was in specs and random drawn eyeliner thats all how is that even pretty? 

Wednesday's #FOTD;

Wednesday's #OOTD;

 Dinner at Dean & Deluca's. I think the prices of their mains are quite steep, but overall, the food is good, ambiance is good and needless to say their coffee is awesome!

Highlight of my Thursday! Justin Warner from FoodNetworkAsia replied my tweet!!! OMGOSH?!?!

Met May after work for some Burmese food; 

&surprisingly I really kind of enjoyed them! Pickled Tea Leaves eh!! How funky!

After which, went off with Minz, Merv and D to Home Club for some beer and smokes.  

 Dinner on Friday with Minz before I head off to +62 778!

Had a smoke or two with her and had to run to the Ferry Terminal cause we had the timing mixed up and nearly missed the Boarding timing!

Only the 3 of us because we had work and couldn't make it in the morning with the rest of them who went over in the morning!

Finally reached Batam; passed the treacherous roads and whatnots and arrived at our hotel for the next 2 nights, Holiday Inn! Check out our gigantic sized Ice Blast. Had two packs from there and I finished them by the end of Batam trip. Say Helllooooo lung cancer!

Damn chill, damn awesome. Half the time I was out at the balcony smoking.

:D:D Hello you two!

Hello my ninjas :3


Crazy night where I had beer and beer alone but I was fucking high from beer because I had like 2/3 shot gun. Woke up with a crazy bad hangover :/

Breakfast Buffet that wasn't as good as people made it out to be~

Went back after to change to swimming gear; no pictures of us at the pool, but it was the most fun (to me at least) of the trip! :D the water slide at Holiday Inn is sibei fun!!!! 

After pool time, went back to get ready to the shopping mall! 

Food was meh, shopping was meh. Everything was meh meh~~ Had fun at the arcade though! 

After lunch, went off for a massage. I think the masseuse applied too much pressure because now I have a bruise on my arm!

After massage, went back to our hotel area for dinner!

The amount of rice is crazy!!

After dinner, went back to the hotel to chill. Had alot of throwbacks with the ninjas, had heart to hearts; I thought it was a great way to end off the trip.

I think it's quite obvious how I feel about Batam. Honestly, if it weren't with the ninjas, I think Batam is a pretty damn forgettable place. LOL. But I guess it's the company that you're with that makes the trip a memorable one :) Thanks for the past 2 days, Ninjas. Thanks for always being there!


My apologies for this lackluster post, I am extremely exhausted but here I am at work. Trying my best to keep my eyes open but I may lose the fight.

Was looking through my iPhone calender and feeling a wee bit happy that my upcoming weekends are so eventful! This Saturday, USS Horrorween with my Ninjas again! Two weeks later, BKK with some of the Ninjas and after BKK I have my dental appointment to look forward to!! End November, tentative BFF trip and early December tentative HK trip! After HK trip, its Zoukout baby!!! :D 

Okay okay, shall end it off here! Hope everything is fine, till my next post x!

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