Tuesday, October 29, 2013


no one lives there anymore.
&we were lovers, now we can't be friends.
Fascination ends; here we go again.


Wasn't able to blog yesterday, too busy rushing my work because I'm flying tomorrow to +66! Was supposed to come back on 2 November 2013, but decided to extend till 4 November 2013. Good thing I did too, because my EOY plans have changed quite a bit, and this trip could be the only trip I can go on for the next few months! But it will all be worth it, shan't jinx it for now :D

Wanted to fuck it, just blog one shot next week when I'm back, but that's just crazy. I'll have way too much content. PLUS, I'm actually supposed to blog for one of my sponsor, but no time, &I don't want to give a slipshot work. So stay tune next week for that aight? :))

This is what you get when you leave me with some markers, post-its and alot of free time.


Met up with bbg after work on Wednesday; she damn fcking light sia! I think her bag heavier than her LOL.


OOTD; entirely from BKK. Shoes c/o New Look

Lunch at our favourite Udon place with Mama Quek :D

After lunch, met a rojak of awesome people; epic Friday night has begunnnn....

Dinner at Medz;

Drinks after at Cuscaden Patio; see my humsuplo Magnebro caught red-handed! Magazine also wanna fondle!! HAHAHAHAHA!


After one round at Patio, adjoined to Bar One for what seemed like INFINITY ROUNDS OF SARONGFLY & JUNGLE JUICE. 

Madness ensued. 

I kid you not. We were all pretty smashed by the end of the night; but I daresay BEST FUCKING NIGHT EVER. Now we know alot of I NEVERs ;)

Next morning, woke up at 8 despite sleeping at 5am. Rushed down to Vim for my hair makeover!

Scroll down for hair picture.

It was a mad rush day for me; after hair appointment rushed down to FEP for dinner with BFF plus nail appointment :D Finally trying the legendary The Sushi Bar.

Sake belly; fcking melt in your mouth goodness O.O

My plain Chawanmushi & BFF's Ikura Chawanmushi. 

Salmon Aburi Roll & Wafu Spaghetti. 

 Soft Shell Aburi Roll.

My verdict on The Sushi Bar?

TRUMPS KOH GRILL'S ANYTIME ANYDAY HELLO?! Firstly, there's a queue but it's not ridiculously long like Koh's. Secondly, the Salmon Aburi Roll IS MADNESS!! Perfect proportion of Mentaiko : Sashimi : Rice : AllOtherAwesomeIngredients. 


Ohai! My new hair :D Got to admit, initially I wasn't so wow-ed by it. But I guess it just kinda grows on you/me. Yknow. Sham. /applause. Will always only go to him for hair-related matters.

&hello chio nails! :D

Sunday; went into JB with my two favourite boys for fish head curry BUT no thanks to me, we were late and there was some massive queue so no fish head curry for us :( 

Decided to try this new Ramen place at City Square though! :D

Jem's ramen.

Our assortment of grilled nom-noms. Which was pretty fantastic I'd say.

My spicy ramen; it won't hit you once you taste it, it's more numbing? So by the end of it, you're just down to your sausage lips. I usually finish my soup, but this time, really can't.

D's chicken katsu don. He said it was meh~

Overall, I think it's worth a try for the ramen and the grilled mains :D 

Didn't really take down the address/exact location, but there's only one ramen stall in City Square, I'm fairly certain of that. :D

Them squids chilling.

After lunch, go bored in JB because it looked like it was gonna rain one big one, so we came back to town in Singaporeee.

A girl can never have too many Chanel, yes? :D

Making my way to MBS after to meet le familia. Why can't my legs be THAT skinny. :(

Gave my family a treat to Au Chocolat; got to say I have yet to be disappointed with the food here :D Interestingly they used Farfelle in my Vongole Aglio Olio and it was al-dente. Perfecto~ The truffle fries as usual was nothing short of spectacular, my korkor loved his Duck Confit and the Pacific Crab Cakes was phenomenal. :O Daddy's fish and chips was alright only though. Frozen Chocolate for dessert and it. is. so. goooooood!! Do order to share though; we had 4 of us, but we were struggling to finish it!

Bill came up at $160; worth the price paid though for the quality of the food!

Family that eats together, stays together (II).

Some shopping again :x Need. To. Control.

My new Chanel! Pretty nots? :D Decided to get this instead of the Classic ones because I do not conform.

Dinner on Monday with J again whoop! :D

Only ordered this because I wanted to eat the ji dan :D It's pretty okay I guess. :/

If you ever dine at Shokudo, I'd recommend the Salmon Steak, or the Salmon Wafu Spaghetti :D

Wanted to chill after at Liat Starbucks, but it was packed; Timms it was then! S'been quite awhile since I've been to Timms. The manager who always gets me my seat has recently relocated to Suntec's outlet so :/

Today; #firstworldproblems. The studs on my slippers enjoy torturing me.

On-route to Cajun Kings after work! :D

Worth the hype? Yes. The seafood was so fresh I think I just jizzed. LOL nah just kidding. But it was really good. Price-wise, it's on the steep side so only come here if you're willing to part with at least $40.

Was packing my luggage for tomorrow's trip and omgosh, headache max when I open my closet. I guess it's safe to say I like black clothes too, just not as stringent as Minz ;)

Finally packed everything, was charging my camera and uploading photos onto my iMac and decided to just blog as well. Meh. I need to be more diligent man. Have yet to blog about Hardwell and SEA Aquarium pui pui. Got the tickets to Zoukout 2013, both days and got a room at Shang. SO EXCITES! :D Really is much to look forward to! 

I. Am. Happy. :D



As mentioned previously, met with A before Hardwell for this so do support local efforts yeah? :D

Till I come back, stay safe kitties x!

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