Sunday, October 20, 2013


never too soon.
Oh, reckless abandon;
like no one's watching you.


Hello hello! :) How has October been treating you thus far? The month has been kinder than I expected on me; thankful, so very thankful. iPhone updates as usual!

So 14th came on a Monday. I expected to feel like shit; and I did. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be :3

630pm, Minz texted me to ask where exactly is my office situated at. Came down and there she was, bouquet in one hand, Cookies for Sid in the other; "here's to creating new memories".

Can someone enlighten me what have I done in my previous life to be bestowed with such a sweet angel? :') 

Thank you Minz, thank you so much for always being there for me. :') 

Was supposed to go for tuition, but the traffic conditions on Monday was horrid and so tuition was cancelled.

Minz and I then chilled at KSL because I had a movie date after with both SHs, and Minz got sucked into watching Insidious 2 too. :D HAHA.

After movie, roadside smokes. Wanted to supper but plan failed. LOL.

Tuesday was a public holiday; so family day it was. Have been spending too much time outside, need to invest more time with my family too.

Lunch at Mei Ling Food Centre. Super good tze char at super affordable prices!!! And I think the Milk Powder Pork Ribs here beats Two Chefs' hands down!! :D 

After lunch, korkor and I brought Mommy and my auntie to Windowsill's Pies for some tea time snacking :D

I'd always wanted to try the pies there, so yayy for me!! :D

Had the S'mores Pie and the Banana Almond Brittle.

Korkor preferred the Banana Almond Brittle while I preferred the S'mores. The pie crust was superbbbbbbbb, reminiscent of that of a Portuguese Egg Tart's? Sooo good!! :D

Had the Eggplant Tower as well! The Marinara sauce was da bomb!! :D

Shortly after, Daddy joined us after work at Ichiban Boshi for dinner. 

Was. On. The. Verge. Of. Dying. Help. 

Too much food on Tuesday I felt pregnant mannnnn. Preggy with a food baby. But Boshi is always a good idea for food. 

OT-ed on Wednesday; my flowers still looking as pretty as ever :3

&my this bbg ah, can turn any bad day into a good day sia.

Thursdayyyyy, meeting le bros & Minz for dinner :D

Hasty lift shot of my OOTD for the day.

Sulking, because.. I forgot why. LOL. Have y'all gotten use to seeing me with bangs? :D 

After dinner smokes before heading over to Ann Siang to Mel's workplace for free stout~~ :D I can haz beer all day every day!! :D



And I actually really like the taste of this. Moar please? 

SO Jem and I had sort of a bet to see whose choice would garner more hits. Technically speaking, both edits (the picture is also taken by yours truly) are done by me BUT Jem liked the BW one while I thought the 3D one was nicer.

&bloody hell I lost HAHAHAHAHHAA. What dyou think? Which is better?

Friday; Mommy Quek's birthday!!!! :D 

L: Just woke up face.
R: Totally made up face.

&because it's my Mommy's Birthday, my family dressed up for the occasion. I even went to the extent of using falsies, which I haven't used for damn long ever since I bought the YSL mascara! 


Sunettes in tortoise shell c/o Carte Blanche X; Top c/o Dressablebella; Shorts c/o Feistheist; Blazer c/o Harlequin (now defunct but I do have some leftover stock, if you're interested email me x); Jeffrey Campbell Soiree; Balenciaga; YSL Arty.

HDB Hub to settle some housing issue and off to our Vegetarian Buffet!

My parents :') I love y'all so so so much. 

My mommy is a vegetarian/pescatarian due to religious reasons and she believes in keeping to a strict vegetarian diet on her birthday so whatever makes her happy! :D

After dinner, coffee at Starbucks and desperately trying to get back on reading The Book Thief. I have been stuck on that book for a really long time now. Must. Get. Back. On. Track. Downloaded another 28 books on Friday morning, can't wait to start on them so must finish The Book Thief!! 

My korkor is the best korkor ever. JC shoes are generally quite comfortable but unless you came into the world wearing heels, ALL HEELS TEND TO KILL YOUR FEET after an extended period of wearing. My feet were melting into my Soirees as usual and my korkor just told me, "wanna buy a pair of flats anots?" It felt a little silly to get a new pair of flats nearing the end of the day plus I have tons of shoes at home but korkor still got a pair for me anyways :')



Saturday! Finally USS Halloween Horror with my ninjas! :D Bus ride with le BFF and on route, Armstrong came on. And then alighted few stops after with no knowledge of our presence despite the 2 of us waving like retards at him. LOL. 

Told BFF "selfie time" and she did that. AISH, people around me like to mock my signature pose AISH.

"eh take another one leh diu cut my face!"

Uploading this even though I look like pangsai because his face is captured in full -.- LOL 

My BFF :3

Third time going for this, first time going with ninjas :3 

Saw them posing for this and I yelled over FUCKING ACT SIA Y'ALL. LOLOLOLOL~~~~

 Okay la this looks pretty good though. But Magnebro, can tell you like ahm cheo ahm cheo. HAHAHAHAHA. 

My favourites :3 

Shu and her new BFF.

Blueberry Jello Shots and Turkey Leg WOOOOOOOOOOO!! I always have to get Turkey Leg and Churros when I'm at USS. MUST. 

Always prepared for the camera ah Brother Han. HAHAHAHAHA.

Love this shot. We weren't standing midst confetti, those glowing stuff you see are glow in the dark bubbles! :D And all them bros in this picture coincidentally wearing the same black tee beige berms combination :D

USS this year paled in comparison to the past years' IMO. The first year was the best; this year wasn't as scary I felt. PLUS Humans VS Cyclones rollercoaster is down, so I think that is a mood-dampener for many. Truth be told though, I had my ears covered for 2 of the walks, and the last walk GAN that DKBH kept trying to scare me KNNBCCB LAST WARNING AH. -.-

But fun night nonetheless because of the company :D

After USS, 2 went home; 1 went Zouk; the rest of us adjoined for some K time.

Like I said, beer all day err-day~

Brother Han werking it~ HAHAHAHHAHA!

Selfie time, because that's what I do best. Plus I'm weird like that, I go K but I detest the mic. I only sing without the mic. Selective mutisim. 

One does not simply sing K and not sing Jay Chou. 

#badluckJolene strikes again. 

The one night I turn down Zouk, Running Man cast was at Zouk. GAN! Texted D, and he sent me this the next morning; "Magnebro, I tried my best liao" HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA! aishhhhhhhh~~~ My Mongji~~~

Sundayyy; t'was a cold day, so I finally wore my beanie out! 

Self shot OOTD while korkor was trying winter coats at Zara. My korkor is going to Japan next January! Bo jio sia.

Dinner after at Anchorpoint & Ikea for more dinner + desserts. I love the Daim Cake and the Princess Cake at Ikea :D Sooooo good!!

Family that eats together, stays together :3

Walked around Ikea after desserts. I love home furnishing; I absolutely adore just wandering through Ikea, picturing how I'd like my room to look like. But I can never find someone who likes wandering Ikea like me. Aish. I feel like doing a room revamp, turn it into a Tumblr bedroom. I should, right? :3

Fooling around with the kiddy rides after closing time at Anchorpoint. I'm surprised I can still fit into the ride with ease. :D


To live for the small things.

I can't give enough thanks for all the blessings I have in my life right now.

Shu Hui, Damian, Minzies, May, Sin Han, Irina, Fang Hui, Adam, Matthew, Benedict, my other Ninjas, and everyone else who has touched my life in one way or another.. 

To the friends who always have me in their heart;

To the friends who feel the pain I feel and are always there for me even though they are in pain themselves;

To the friends who clear their night just to spend it with me because they didn't want me to be alone (because I won't ever feel alone when I'm with them);

To the friends who see me, who really see me;

Thank you.

I am who I am today, because of every single one of you. You have left an imprint in me that has changed me, made me less bitter about Life. &I truly hope, that my existence in your respective lives have changed you, made you feel hopeful about what Life has to offer because good or bad, I will be here...


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