Sunday, October 6, 2013


bind me till my lips are silent.
Stay where you are, ever after;
Chasing things that we should run from.

I'm feeling capable of, seeing the end.
I'm feeling capable of, saying it's over.


Prior to doing this post, I was lamenting to myself in bed last night on how am I going to blog about last week with so little pictures; only to realise actually I have quite a fair bit taken *phew.

Work these days has been pretty fun all thanks to this new intern. He's super funny and just super fun la! LOLOL D IF YOU SEE THIS, THANKS FOR MAKING MY WORK LIFE NOT SO BORING. PLEASE ASK ME MORE QUESTION SO I CAN HAVE MORE CARAMELISED COOKIES THANKS :D

So Monday, Tuesday, tuition after work. Monday was my last lesson with the boy; Tuesday was my first lesson with his sister :D I like teaching his sister because we're so alike! :D

Monday's lunch; Ichiban Boshi Kaisen Salad with the crazy amount of sashimi. Only $9.90; best money spent on a salad ever.

Tuesday's lunch, a treat by my supervisor at Grandma's. (No not my real grandma, she unfortunately passed on. Talking about the restaurant here.)

 Food there was decent, but I find it unjustifiable due to the steep pricing for the measly portions. Probablyyyy wouldn't go back. 

 Wednesday; wore this dress that I bought from BKK last year only to realise it's quite sheer from the back :/ In my defence, I did ask Mommy before heading out if the dress was sheer, she assured me that it wasn't. AISH. 

So no choice, I wasn't comfortable with walking around all day with people questioning if what they are seeing is my underwear (its actually my safety shorts) so I went to H&M during lunch and score this baby above! $39.90 and what was initially a casual buy turned out to be quite a good purchase! :D

Right photo: Last selfie taken with my long fringe :(

My latest addiction. Bought a packet of 50 on Monday, it was all gone on Tuesday -.-"

BUT, D has been paying me this for every question he asks me. LOLOLOL. Count on Wednesday was 3.

Went to Au Chocolat for dinner with FH! :D

What I've been craving for since the last visit! I love Truffle Fries, and I love my fries thick cut! So Au Chocolat's Truffle Fries have been a favourite of mine ever since The Tasting Room closed down :(

Au Chocolat's Breakfast King (I think that's the name can't remember) to share because the portion of Truffle Fries is crazy huge! The winning element in this breakfast is most definitely the Truffle Scrambled Eggs! SO FOCKING GOOD. 

Seems quite little to be shared among 2 but it's really quite filling, we couldn't finish our fries!!

After dinner, rushed down to Vim to find Sham and...

BANG!! (literally, bangs). The last time I sported bangs was in 2010? Sham has been bugging me to get my fringe hacked off since the start of the year but I was sooooo reluctant to because it took me so long to grow out my fringe and I always find bangs really high maintenance (like you have to blow dry it after every wash; the ugly holes in your fringe when the wind blows; how it grows out so fast and the dreaded awkward fringe stage when you're growing it out again). I can list out many cons that comes with getting bangs, but I really needed a change in my hairstyle. So before I could even think twice about it, I told Sham, "JUST DO IT!" 

Funny thing though, I really went :( when he was snipping off my fringe. Like I really pouted. So heartpain, BUT THERE! CHANGE. I WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS. 

Next day, still trying to get used to my bangs. Feels weird that there's perpetually something on my forehead and I can't brush them aside and tuck them behind my ears :x

(suddenly recalled the purpose of this photo! I used The Body Shop's cheek stain and I didn't spread them quick enough, resulting in me looking like Pikachu for the first half of the day LOL)

Count on Thursday: 6!!! Okay la, most of it were given to me by another intern HAHAHAHAH. There's a new addiction going on in my office.

D tryna get me hooked on gummy bears too! LOL. Okay la quite addictive but I think the cookies more addictive. Was telling D "I think I'm going to grow fat by the end of your internship knn". LOLOL. 

After work, BottomSlim again! :D So shiok, this time I really dozed off!

After treatment, Mommy and Daddy came to find me for dinner!! Second time dining at Saizeriya! Affordable Italian food!

My cute folks :3 Love them so much :D

I'd say generally the food there is not too shabby, I mean you can't possibly expect much from the prices you pay at Saizeriya. So you see, pricing of food and how good your food tastes directly correlates to each other. For example, if you price your food really high, it must be mind blowingly awesome, else people won't return. However, if your food is just average or above average but you price it just right, people will somehow perceive it to be better than it really is, purely because the price is right. I don't know if what I'm explaining makes sense but if you get it, thats what I meant.

Friday; finally meeting the Old Sports for dinner. Just because I wasn't checking my phone and Magnebro was just driving around town waiting for us to reply so that he knows where to park and I got this! HAHAHAHAHA. And subsequently when he called FH picked up so he thought I was angry LOLOLOL! He even went "I'm sorry Magnebro" LOLOLL! I AM NOT A PETTY PIG HOR!

Phone kena raped by FH LOL.

Waited a good 45 minutes for our Ichiban :( 

THIS! AMIGOS! IS DEEP IMPACT. Although I got chided once by Jem for liking this cause he say not worth $2.40 to eat the unwanted fried tempura bits in this BUT WHOA SO GOOD OKAY. 

This is not the same plate, THATS RIGHT I ORDERED TWO PLATES LOL.

AHAHAHAHAHA! Not sure if you've seen the Instavideo of this on my IG. FH scolding Magnebro for going to all the thai discos so frequently :D Damn funny!!!!


Guess what time she met us?


/claps. May, you've truly outdone yourself. 


See I so nice, still takeaway Deep Impact for her. Super funny how I was complaining to the manager at Ichiban Suntec that they shouldn't phase out Deep Impact because ALL my friends love it, but actually I think it's just May and me who absolutely love Deep Impact :x 

Chilled after at Cuscaden; so chillzx I love it! Beer, smokes and friends; what more can a girl ask for? :3

Saturday; made this for breakfast again. This time, I used Toasted Banana Bread (not on purpose, but because that's the only bread I had LOL) and I added melted cheese. WOOOOOOO WINNING COMBINATION. Daddy called while I was making this, and he thought I was cooking aglio for him but I told him we didn't have the ingredients at home so TADAH..

Daddy came to fetch me to go out and get them :D

I wanted to make Basil Chicken Aglio, which is what I do best /flipshair BUT, figured I try something different this time. Soooo, Pan-fried Rosemary Salmon it is (on Aglio Olio).

Aglio Olio is possibly one of the easiest thing to cook. With ample practice, you don't even need like measurements, everything is just based on "feeling". IDK whats the right word to use HAHAHAHA, people who cook would understand. FYI, the salmon recipe was based on Gordon Ramsay's.

After doing my housekeeping and stuff, SiH came over to smoke and chill and we were deciding whether or not to head to town to look for the others. Decided to anyways. Backkk to Cuscaden.

Walked past this place at Orchard Towers; them tacos! :D Next thing on my 'to-learn' agenda? MEXICAN FOOD. I hate cilantro but I don't mind them on my tacos :D

Sunday; decided to cook again for Daddy and me!

This time, I made Pan-fried Basil Salmon on Risotto! :D

In case you're wondering how the preparation of the salmon is like..

and my risotto after what seems like eternity of ladling stock and stirring the rice :D


Finished product! Tastes sooooo good!!

 Feeling so drained from cooking and hungry because I was waiting for Daddy to come home to eat together.

Korkor came home while we were eating; he tried some and said "the salmon is excellent!" HAHAHAHAHAHA I WAS LIKE #SUCCESSKID seriously the sense of accomplishment is like WOOOOOOOHOOOO! 

3 of us went to my uncle's place to see what else needs to be done before the house is sold off in 2 weeks' time. Walking in to an empty house, felt so weird. :/

Think I'm slowly getting used to my bangs already. 

Korkor and me while waiting for Mommy! :D As you can see, we swapped caps :D Kinda like korkor's cap more now, can I keep it? HAHAHAHHA korkor always kena bullied by me :x

After dinner; I'm not a chocolate fan but seriously man. CHOCOLATE ORIGIN FTFW! 



Wowwwweeee, what an abrupt ending there. Ohwells. Feeling sooooo drained today IDK why. It's as if I stayed up all weekend long and majorly deprived of sleep. But no leh. :s

Looking forward to the coming weekend though, finally a short getaway from +65. This month doesn't seem so bad after all/anymore! :D

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