Thursday, October 10, 2013


Why YOYO? Typically, people would say "YOLO"! And past Jolene would bitchslap that motherf* so hard they'll fly to China. But of late, I've really been adopting the YOLO concept in my life. Well obviously I don't mean like really throwing your life away and stuff, but more towards the "fuck society norms and just do what you want" kind of life (as long as you're not hurting someone or doing stuff against your own moral values yada yada). 

So okay why YOYO? Instead of You Only Live Once, I've now changed my mindset to "You're Only Young Once". And what totally tip me off the edge and made me so determined is this.

Totally not related to this guy, I can't even say that we're friends but wow his video served as such an inspiration to me. When I was watching this, all I could think in my mind was "that could be me!"

What do I mean by "fuck society norms"? Ask yourself, do you want to travel? Do you want to see the world? 

I believe most of you would say "yeah of course!"

Then what's stopping you?

Most of us would say:
  1. "Aiya no money la"
  2. "Aiya need to study first"
  3. "Aiya too old liao"
But if you really come to think about it, are those really what's stopping you? Or is it simply  because you don't want to? Not badly enough that is. You can if you want to. What's stopping you is the constant nagging feeling that if I were to fuck it and go travel for a good 1 or 2 months, I am going to waste time and my peers are going to get ahead of me in their careers and other stuff. Or the constant nagging feeling of travelling being more of an impractical want.


What is the definition of success? An awesome career, earning stacks of money and living in a awesome apartment? How do you define a Life well lived?

Imagine yourself, on your deathbed. If you're looking at the flashbacks of your life, would you want to say "oh hey you know what? I spent the years of my life, slogging like a mule and I've got all these money and awesome apartment blahblahblah" or "I travelled, and I managed to see the world, and I made so many friends, touched so many lives.."

I don't want to just merely survive in this world, and do the things that has been pre-determined for me by the society. I want to live. 

I swear man, next year, YOYO trip 2014. And I believe after such a YOYO trip, my perspective of Life would most definitely change. That's what I am counting on, a new perspective of life. 

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