Wednesday, October 23, 2013


that somebody loved me.
No hope, no harm,
just another false alarm.


Finally gathered my balls (imaginative ones) to quit tuition. I am finally free to pursue more self-indulgence. My physical body is a big mess right now; hair in perpetual disarray, my nails are proof that I am a sad excuse for a girl, complexion slightly better than usual because of my Bioderma, and I'm in shape (circle's a shape).

This weekend, gonna get my nails done and hair done. Just going to leave it all to Sham to "surprise me". M A K E O V E R  part deux. Thinking of going to DRx and getting a gym membership to force myself to keep fit. Can't wait for my braces appointment but first, BKK in a week's time. 

As of right now, can't wait to end work to meet my bbg :3 

Dreaming of Paper Town; till my next post x.

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