Thursday, December 5, 2013


Extremely aware that this post is super duper overdue ttm. Well, but here I am anyways right! :D I was thinking I'd better get down to this before Zoukout happens next weekend, and I'll have one more image heavy post to pen.

Took leave on that fateful Friday since the event starts at 6pm! Went to E's to get our drink on!

I wasn't too keen on the idea of getting wastedddddd so early in the afternoon so I opted for beer as my poison while the rest were getting high on hard liquor. 2 of them ended up dying on the bus to Hardwell! :D

Errbody all hot and sweaty while waiting for Hardwell to take the stage. And see the guy in the red checkered shirt? Common reaction whenever I use my portable ringlight! LOL.

I have no idea who the fuck is that, and wtf is going on and whether my BFF even knows whats going on LOLOLOL.

R damn cool; she's like so chio yet always damn game to be unglam :D THAT'S WHY SHE MY DASAO :D

One of my favourite couples everrrrr :)

Guess who we spotted! :D

&so I did it; I went Hardwell and I went home :D Really epic times with epic company surrounded by epic music :3 Though I very nearly fainted from dehydration at the start whilst being sandwiched between hot sweaty people, it was truly a night to remember! (all other pictures from that night uploaded on my facebook!:))

Looking forward to next weekend already! 2 days of good music with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, staycation at Shang, Adventure Cove in between; IT'S GONNA BE LEGEN- WAIT FOR IT...

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