Thursday, December 19, 2013


one love, one house.
No shirts, no blouse.
Just us, you'll find out.
Nothing I really wanna tell you about, no.


I'd be lying, if I told you that it wasn't easier to just walk into someone's arm and take comfort in that. It's nice, no doubt, to twirl my stems around the fences nearby for support and to grow towards that sunlight that I so desperately crave. But no arms, could guarantee any form of security to me. I just receive constant reminders from all corners that the only reliable form of support, is yourself. &it sucks. I want to believe that there's still good in this world; that we can have Love that is selfless and resilient. 

But I fear my expectations are too far-fetched.

Because too often people get comfortable in their situations, and let their selfish desires get the better of them. &go on to screw up the one good thing in their life. Was it all worth it, to watch everything burn? When you've seen the same thing happen one too many time, you start to question if this is the norm. Maybe there really isn't such a thing as faith and loyalty. Am I/Are we supposed to accept that? That people stray, whilst in a consensual committed relationship, and it is okay

Is it okay?

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