Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Ohaiyo gozaimasu~ 

Yes, I've finally gotten them braces on!! &now I'm super hungry, I can think of one million things I wanna eat RIGHT NAOOOO but can't :'( All I can eat is porridge and steam egg. 

Wouldn't say I'm in pain, but my mouth (specifically my inner lips and my teeth) feels super duper uncomfortable! I think there's abrasion all around my inner lips from the constant rubbing between the metal brackets and my mouth. I can now understand why some people would die to remove the braces right after putting them on.

While waiting for the dentist to prepare the metal brackets, I asked him "will braces make my face smaller?" &he said, "yes but not from the braces. It's because you'll snack less, so the first thing you lose is the fat pockets on your cheeks. So your face becomes sharper!"

I shall TRY to use this braces thingy to stop snacking so much. I actually did buy Laduree yesterday but I highly doubt I can eat it T.T


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