Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday was the bomb!❤

Will blog more about that later, uploading pictures on FB(:


Wednesday was the most awesome clubbing session ever!(: Pictures are available on FB so if you know me, click on my FB profile link on your right & go view them!(: Totally rad night I'm telling you, so many things happened! Like hip only! Where is Snakebite!):

Thursday wasn't so great, I was seriously stoned. Jane & I. Totally stony. & crappy. Talked to Matthew for almost 2 hours on the phone about, well, stuff. Important stuff not important stuff. Sigh. Figured I don't really know what I want to. I don't know what I want, what am I supposed to do, how am I supposed to deal and just wtf is wrong with me these days?? SERIOUSLY. I think imma abstain from clubbing for now. Feeling abit sian and blah. All those alcohol, makes me feel like puking. But then again, I don't mind a little Jagerbomb!

Ok, I think I'm still a little stony. Shall go catch a 40winks. Byeee!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hello kittywittys(:

The cough isn't getting any better!): What a mood-dampener. Tsk! Sorry to whoever's gonna be in the same class as me tomorrow cause my cough is going to be incessant!): && its those really dry kind where you keep coughing and no phlegm which makes the throat even more irritated hence more likely to cough somemore? yknow that kind. Geez Louise sucks balls yo. So yes work today was ok(: I practically baked one whole glass bottle full of cookies meself(: Slowly pinching 8g of cookie batter and then squishing it on the baking tray, sounds like fun? Totally man.

ANYWAYS, I am so motherfcking eggcited for this week cause of _______!(: Can't wait!! SiewwHui! Eggcited nots!((: Will not say anymore you guys will know in a jiffy! Shit I like everything also don't say, owells(: Byeee!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hola amigos!(:
So who has seen my new hair, raise up your hands now! HAHAHA. As if I can see, pfftt. So poor me will be stuck at home instead of going for training cause of the bloddy cough and nose which seems perpetually filled with mucous. Eww. Hate it. Have to blow it like what, every 2 minutes? Arghh. So my days have been lessons, food, lessons, food, facebook and How I Met Your Mother. OMFG How I Met Your Mother is some awesome possum blossom super duper whooper good show!!((: It had me laughing like crazy to my laptop! Really good stuff, shan't tell you more go catch it! I'm so addicted I hope Romeo passes me the second season soon or else I'd probably develop withdrawal syndrome.\: So yes, maybe today I'll see if I can start on the individual part of Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum's assignment. Oh dear God, I can somebody sleeping already, OK shall not talk about that but about next week!(:
Soooooo, there's this whole dilemma thingy going on. So hard to make decisions between fun and fun BLAHH. Would it be Phuture/ButterCookies on Wednesday? Or DBL O/Play on Thursday? Or just Zouk on Thursday??? Cause I always wanted to try ButterCookies, sounds fcking awesome but there's the school factor, so yeah. & on Thursday, the guys all wanna go zouk only while the girls wanna go Play cause there's a Pyjamas' Party!! I know I'm so tempted to split myself in two to be at multiple places at one time): I wanna Zouk too cause me thinks Zouk is damn fun, ShunLi also thinks so!! &&Fanghui never try Zouk before!\: Oh mannnn. Alright, I will blog later about somethingelse(: Till then, toodles!{:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Me did something with my hair while I was out with the class today! :D Awesome awesome(: But me shan't post any pictures or whatsoever of it YET! Hahaha! Keep you guys in suspense. Teehee! But don't worry I didn't shave it off or chop off fcking alot. HAHA. Never thought I would spend SO EFFING MUCH ON HAIR but yeah I did!\: But after seeing the results? It was damn worth it(: So see you around & you will see me with my new hair!(: Byeeee!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

These few days in school have been moderately fun. Hahaha. Its very, "like-that-luh" kinda thing yknow? But me being sick is dragging everything down. Damn fcking irritating throat and nose. ): & the chui-ness that comes along with being sick. Fcking unbearable\: But yeah! Today after my 2 hour lesson I will be off to town with my superduper classmates!(: PastaMania cause we are cheapo people & also (crossesfingers) to collect my top&ring from Hosanna!(: Sounds awesome?(: Yeah I thought so too! But me thinks I shouldn't spend so much money already): Damnnn. Team dinner at Shokudo this saturday. Can we not go there??? So expensiveee! Goes into your tummy and you shit out still smells as bad so no need so expensive luh LOL! OKOK now I got to go prep for school!(: Text me if you miss me!(:
PS: Thanks everyone for the positive comments!(:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Omegad me thinks me is sick. Like fever & sore throat kind of sick. Oh. My. God. Must be all the Chocolate Macadamia Icecream. /: -whines. I hate falling sick.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

For that moment, that one second, I swore myheart stopped beating.
But then again, there's nothing in there.
I once read a novel, and in it there was this part that explains how it takes 7 years for every single cell in the human body to die. Which means 7 years from today, your body is filled with new cells which will last you another 7 years before they die &be replaced. The Marilyn Monroe film "The Seven Year Itch" was something along this line.
Does that mean I need 7 years to completely eradicate all thoughts &memories of us? Thats too fcking long man.
Tomorrow, school reopens. Kinda feeling blank towards it.
If this makes you happy, NO! Romeo, I'm not over you. I'm still feeling fcking upset. I'm still missing you. I still ask myself what did I do? Yes, does that make you feel a sense of triumph? I'm sorry I'm still so 'like that' because unlike guys, I actually commit. Some fineprints you have on your relationship contract. Woohoo she's sucha fcking loser man. Whatever. I got what I wanted man, I scored. & now I don't need to be there for her anymore since I'm outta school anyways I don't need a fcking girl man. Bros before Hoes.
Pfftt. Guys. Such Dickheads. So guys should stop blaming lesbians when all the girls are attached to them CAUSE YOU GUYS DONT KNOW HOW TO FCKING TREAT A GIRL. You guys don't even know exactly what you guys want & you jump into a relationship, thinking that one day when the relationship doesn't work out all I gotta do is just get out of it & nothing else matters cause she's none of your fcking problem BUT FCK YOU. DO YOU HAVE ANY FCKING IDEA HOW LONG IT TAKES FOR US TO FCKING GET OVER YOU? Seems like fcking forever I'm telling you. & sometimes when guys break up with girls they give a fcking pathetic reason like, "oh if we're meant to be, we'll be together in the future no matter what." SHIT YOU UPSIDE DOWN MAN. So you think you can just waltz in & out of our lives like its a fcking restaurant aye? FCK. So the next time you want a girl & she's attached to a lesbian, DON'T YOU DARE FCKING SAY YOU FCKING HATE LESBIANS.
Ok now that that's out of my system, at least I feel a slight tinge of .. hmm relief? Like finally something is off my chest. Phew. Sorry girls, I just broke the code of conduct, 'thou shalt seem nonchalant about breakup'. I can't. ARGH.
But then before a problem can cease to exist, I can totally feel another rising already. Fck luh.
PS: I know I'm going to regret posting this entry. But owells.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Rare pictures of meeee!(: HOHOHO!! Just to emphasize just why some girls, ok make it MOST, JUST LOVEEE EYELASHES!(: Keep looking at my eyes and you'll totally not see that HUGEASS PIMPLE below my right eye!(: HAHAHA! (actually my left eye but for your convenience just look at the eye on your right) HEHS.

ME WANTS EYELASH EXTENSION!): Please donate to the 'JoleneQuek's eyelash extension' fund. Will be most grateful! HOHO.

Friday, April 17, 2009

when did we fall apart
or did you lie, from the start

i was blind, such a fool
thinking we were unbreakable.

it was you & me against the world
& you promised me forever more
was it something that i said
was it something that i did
cause i gotta know what made me unbeautiful

i'm stuck in time, stuck on you

Oh crap just shut up. All I can take away from this episode of my life is that they were all built with a foundation of lies, thats why my life now feels so damn shaky. Cause the lies wither away to reveal nothing at the bottom. Then my world started crumbling & collapsing right in front of me. But now, I think I'm doing a fantastic job building it back(: Friends make awesome bricks(:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The past 3 days was, hmm. Won't say fantastically fun cause the chalet was so damn slack so lepak but it had its fair share of funny moments. Well at least I finally got the whole L4D issue resolved thanks to Benedict!(: Thx son! :D
Clubbing was fun yet disappointing at the same time. The drinking part was fun although the flaming lamboghini was screwed this time. Bloody waitress wasn't paying attention when I was drinking mine so I think I drunk the flames as well cause she didn't pour in the milk on time.): Me thinks me throat is burnt. HAHA. But seriously, its been quite painful since. & after my 2 vodka shots, I was gone. Not wasted kind of gone but fcking high kind of gone. I was rambling & babling about the weirdest stuffs. Haha only friends on FB will get to see the video(: HAHA. & for the first time too, Jane&Shuhui, who are both supposed to be damn gooddrinkers, got pretty darn high. ShuHui kept asking the bouncers&securityguards to STFU, and Jane, well Jane HAHAHA, skip. LOL. The night was pretty screwed when people started getting dead drunk & started puking. So freaking early I'm telling you. Just when the goodmusic came on, we were all outside taking care of the people puking outside. TSK. 2am lehhh. So early! Usually we club till the lights came on but this time? SIGH. As usual only friends will be able to see the pictures on FB(:
The fatefulnight in the chalet. HAHAHA. After BBQ, we played CircleofDeath in the girls' room. It was fun! & funny! So many rules, 'No speaking of Chinese', 'No pointing', 'No saying of the words you, me, i' & 'No calling of names'. I kept calling people's names.): Boo. Chivas damn killer. Cause I got quite high afterwards. Mixture of crying & laughing. More laughter though. Zixin was gone. Wasted. HAHA. Totally. So was Adam!!!! But he didn't puke so not that bad. (: Adam you damn funny when you're drunk man!!
I made a decision a couple of weeks ago. Now I think its time to stick to it. Everything ends today. I will stop wondering, stop thinking, stop caring. Fo real. Cause as much as I want you to be the one for me, it will never come true if you don't want/think that I'm the one for you. Its fcking heartbreaking when I hear from others that their partners are willing to change for them just so that they can be together. Am I not worth changing for?): But whatever, its all done & I will stop holding on. I know I've said this gazillion times. Seeing you there on the floor, covered in puke, yet nothing much I can do. I tried to help you. But you didn't need it anyways. Your friend, Jimmy, he's a good friend& a friend for keeps(: At least I know without me, you still have friends like him to look out for you. TC.
You run and tell your friends that you leavin me
They say that they don't see what you see in me
Wait a couple months then you gon see
You won't find nobody better than me

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why did everyone go???): Daphne TayLiyun! Clubbingattire SOS!! Me needs your help ASAP!): OH NO! _____ OR NOT? _____ OR NOT? FCK NOTHING GOES RIGHT THESE DAYS!):

Lol that paragraph above sounds acutely bimbotic. BUT I REALLY NEED HELP. Do people repeat their attire? LOL.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

We've come so far, lets not stop now,train harder for IVP & show the world just what we got!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some stuffs are easier said than done. Sometimes we don't even know exactly how we're feeling. Sometimes we don't even know that its gone till its really gone. But then its too late, yes?
I really feel like I'm all set & ready to take on this world now, alone(: Maybe with the help of nice nice AWESOME FRIENDS!(: I love you guys &many thanks for being there for me(:

Monday, April 6, 2009

This week & the coming week seems to be filled with pretty darn eggciting events(: Totally makes one feel like jumping into a time machine and just fast forward to the future. Gonna be attending 'The Flea Titan@ Mt Sophia' this Saturday with Atiqah before heading down to SP for the usual SPCPOC. Sunday will also be down at SP but for the very crucial match against NTU's IVP team\: Nervewrecking YES. &then the following week, I have the Polo Chalet @AlohaLoyang which starts on the 15th YES THE 15TH NACC CLUBBING DAY so any amigos who are going to both the chalet & clubbing we ARE going together & returning to the chalet together(: Though the guys would wanna plan their route for the day since Yushan & I already kinda sorta planned the route for the girls(: For us its Phuture first to get CHOPCHOP then off the Zirca/Rebel till probably 12, then Butter Factory till probably 1plus then back to Phuture! Maybe you guys wanna check out StJames but I personally HATE the crowd there RIGHT SHUHUI? LOL. Then on the 16th at the chalet the PoloGirls are organising NACP Underage Party ROFLMAO!! DiscoBalls, Lightstix, & GHEYMUSIC FTW!{:

When you're too in love to let it go

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you love someone but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pretty darn eggciting(: So much anticipation!(: && I hope all the good things come rolling in soon, I've beeen too down in the dumps lately.): Will keep you guys posted(:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hello I'm finally back!(: Today was awesome! Really fun going around Singapore with Daphne!! HAHA! Bought my long lusted after clutch, which is reptileskinned, so suitable for clubbing! So you guys will only get to see it when I club HAHA(: & one 10dollar lingerie top from CottonOnBody which is leopard print!!!!!! YES OMGOMGOMG 10 BUCKS UBER CHEAPCHEEP! :D So many fantastic buys awesome I feel ready to play match with NUS High already LOL NO LINK! Alrighty now Imma sleep super tired): Night world!
PS: OH YES TODAY I WAS UBER UBER TEMPTED TO GET A ____ PIERCING!!): But because I'm going to club on the 15th which is less than 2 weeks away, I will only get it afterwards\: OWELLS.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yes, sadly my resistance to temptation is so weak. ): I caved in to pure evil & I ordered the black bandageskirt from FLB. Eeks. && More accessories. HAHAHA. \: OWELLS. I finally got my hands on L4D! :D HOHOHO! Awesomeness! But I won't play on Garena anytime soon cause I told my SON BENEDICT that I will practise first HAHAHA! OK IM OUT!(: