Thursday, April 16, 2009

The past 3 days was, hmm. Won't say fantastically fun cause the chalet was so damn slack so lepak but it had its fair share of funny moments. Well at least I finally got the whole L4D issue resolved thanks to Benedict!(: Thx son! :D
Clubbing was fun yet disappointing at the same time. The drinking part was fun although the flaming lamboghini was screwed this time. Bloody waitress wasn't paying attention when I was drinking mine so I think I drunk the flames as well cause she didn't pour in the milk on time.): Me thinks me throat is burnt. HAHA. But seriously, its been quite painful since. & after my 2 vodka shots, I was gone. Not wasted kind of gone but fcking high kind of gone. I was rambling & babling about the weirdest stuffs. Haha only friends on FB will get to see the video(: HAHA. & for the first time too, Jane&Shuhui, who are both supposed to be damn gooddrinkers, got pretty darn high. ShuHui kept asking the bouncers&securityguards to STFU, and Jane, well Jane HAHAHA, skip. LOL. The night was pretty screwed when people started getting dead drunk & started puking. So freaking early I'm telling you. Just when the goodmusic came on, we were all outside taking care of the people puking outside. TSK. 2am lehhh. So early! Usually we club till the lights came on but this time? SIGH. As usual only friends will be able to see the pictures on FB(:
The fatefulnight in the chalet. HAHAHA. After BBQ, we played CircleofDeath in the girls' room. It was fun! & funny! So many rules, 'No speaking of Chinese', 'No pointing', 'No saying of the words you, me, i' & 'No calling of names'. I kept calling people's names.): Boo. Chivas damn killer. Cause I got quite high afterwards. Mixture of crying & laughing. More laughter though. Zixin was gone. Wasted. HAHA. Totally. So was Adam!!!! But he didn't puke so not that bad. (: Adam you damn funny when you're drunk man!!
I made a decision a couple of weeks ago. Now I think its time to stick to it. Everything ends today. I will stop wondering, stop thinking, stop caring. Fo real. Cause as much as I want you to be the one for me, it will never come true if you don't want/think that I'm the one for you. Its fcking heartbreaking when I hear from others that their partners are willing to change for them just so that they can be together. Am I not worth changing for?): But whatever, its all done & I will stop holding on. I know I've said this gazillion times. Seeing you there on the floor, covered in puke, yet nothing much I can do. I tried to help you. But you didn't need it anyways. Your friend, Jimmy, he's a good friend& a friend for keeps(: At least I know without me, you still have friends like him to look out for you. TC.
You run and tell your friends that you leavin me
They say that they don't see what you see in me
Wait a couple months then you gon see
You won't find nobody better than me

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