Wednesday, April 22, 2009

These few days in school have been moderately fun. Hahaha. Its very, "like-that-luh" kinda thing yknow? But me being sick is dragging everything down. Damn fcking irritating throat and nose. ): & the chui-ness that comes along with being sick. Fcking unbearable\: But yeah! Today after my 2 hour lesson I will be off to town with my superduper classmates!(: PastaMania cause we are cheapo people & also (crossesfingers) to collect my top&ring from Hosanna!(: Sounds awesome?(: Yeah I thought so too! But me thinks I shouldn't spend so much money already): Damnnn. Team dinner at Shokudo this saturday. Can we not go there??? So expensiveee! Goes into your tummy and you shit out still smells as bad so no need so expensive luh LOL! OKOK now I got to go prep for school!(: Text me if you miss me!(:
PS: Thanks everyone for the positive comments!(:

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