Friday, April 3, 2009

Hello I'm finally back!(: Today was awesome! Really fun going around Singapore with Daphne!! HAHA! Bought my long lusted after clutch, which is reptileskinned, so suitable for clubbing! So you guys will only get to see it when I club HAHA(: & one 10dollar lingerie top from CottonOnBody which is leopard print!!!!!! YES OMGOMGOMG 10 BUCKS UBER CHEAPCHEEP! :D So many fantastic buys awesome I feel ready to play match with NUS High already LOL NO LINK! Alrighty now Imma sleep super tired): Night world!
PS: OH YES TODAY I WAS UBER UBER TEMPTED TO GET A ____ PIERCING!!): But because I'm going to club on the 15th which is less than 2 weeks away, I will only get it afterwards\: OWELLS.

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