Friday, May 4, 2012

Random #933463820

I am so fucking tired. I nearly twisted my ankle while transporting my loots from Ikea. I spent a good 3 to 4 hours manually screwing every screw with the ridiculously small gear. I dissembled my old table, assemble my table, chair and new shelf ALL ON MY OWN. Oh em gee I'm totally marriage material, I can cook a mean plate of prawn aglio, pretty awesome chicken soup, can bake cupcakes and brownies and now adding to my very impressive list of skills.. I can fucking be the handyman (or in this case, woman). Whoever my husband next time confirm good life HAHAHAHA~ 

Anyways, I really like the layout of my room right now. But its still rather messy because I'm too tired to continue packing. Its approximately 240am right now, I am tired and sweaty and grouchy. And I have EMS tuition with the P5 kid tomorrow. Feckin' joker, Math exam (EXAM! NOT TEST!) and the homework I give him previously? 5/8 blanks. Bravo kiddo~ Good luck tryna remember my orders at Mcdees next time. Maybe I should really scare him and tell him, "eh your this result for, PSLE already just go interview at McDonalds la. Or you want Long John? Or Burger King? Ok la give you good one, you want MOS or Carl's Jr?" 


Okok, I gotta go sleep now. Up at 10am tomorrow. After tuition, maybe go for a run. Then get back to packing my room. Might post a picture but ohwells~ :D 

Nights world, night B.

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