Monday, May 7, 2012

Love is..

I know we didn't start off like a fairytale. I was upset. I didn't understand why you were so clammed up. I didn't know how to tell you how much I wanted you. At the same time, I didn't want to let you know how much too. Stuff happened. I thought I'd probably never have you.

But thankfully you realised. Thankfully you opened up. Even though you were skeptical about our future initially. 

As time goes by, we got to know each other even better. With your meagre pay/allowance from NS of $400, you coughed out $300 to buy my wallet for my 20th. Three quarts of your pay, just so that I can get a Kate Spade wallet. Nothing less. 

But still, I made you unhappy at times. Got myself drunk when I party without you. Made promises not to get wasted, but end up falling all over the place, stumbling into your arms at 2am in the morning.

Said never to take things for granted, yet I did. From the start, I was always the first person you thought of when you wake up in the morning. I know because I am always the first person you bbm, at 6ish in the morning. Yet I? 7ish, to 8ish, to 9ish in the morning. While you waited for the text that seemingly never came. To make you feel like you were taken for granted, to make you feel like you're the first thing I think of in the morning..

Throughout these almost 2years of national service, I kept pestering you to go overseas with me. Even though I am fully aware of your financial situation ($400/month), I still kept pestering you about BKK. And you still relent. Yet I wanted more. And could still display disappointment.

Needless to say, the scrapbook you made of us for my 21st, and the TOMs that I wanted so bad from Rockstar, and a super adorable Turtle that I still cuddle to sleep every time you're not with me..

Love is going to all parts of Singapore just because I want to eat something from somewhere.

Love is eating crabs with me even though you aren't a big fan of crabs and hate peeling them.

Love is peeling my prawns for me. Cooked and raw. Because they are too messy, or I didn't want my hands to smell fishy.

Love is never stopping me from doing what I wanna. Even though you don't really like it.

Love is always listening to my boring work stories even though you don't understand half the things I say. 

Love is threatening any douche who bullies me.

I will not mention what have I done in this relationship. Thats not for me to say. But what I want to say is thank you for loving me. Thank you for changing into such a wonderful, amazing person that you are without losing the person I fell in love with on 28 April 2010. Thank you for everything you've done for me that I failed to see. I am sorry for everything I did wrong, and the things I did not do. 

And of course,

My Love is you, Jeremy Chia Jia Ming. 

I love you baby, so fucking much.

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