Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pretty hair ^^

Didn't take any pictures at the place itself cause I'm not so buay paiseh and I'm not paid to blog for them. But good things must share, no?

In case everyone's like me, skeptical about what our dear bloggers are advertising for.. Essensual Bugis' Japanese Spa Treatment is tried and tested by yours truly.

Its really good! My hair is unbelievably manageable right now, smooth and tangle free!! Mad lovin' my hair right now. So picture spam of my face. Not bad for the pictures! Cause of makeup and good hair. I actually filmed a make up tutorial.. but I look so fucking chui inside I'm seriously SERIOUSLY considering uploading it at all. My skin's been breaking out and I haven't been to Beauti Instinct for close to 2 weeks. /weeps.

Oh yes, and my hair was dyed at Salon Vim 313. Please take note. :D 

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