Saturday, June 30, 2012

Helipad; June 2012

Helipad yesterday instead of usual Zouk. Night wouldn't be possible without KongAik's help, so here's a shout out to him! :D 

Observations about Helipad as compared to Zouk, the people there dress way sharper than the ones at Zouk, but Zouk still wins hands down to me. Firstly, way too many fights happening on the dance floor, and the bouncers take way too long to do something about it. Those KIDS can try that at Zouk and see what happens to them. But Sarongfly is some pretty good shit O.O Taste good and pretty damn potent. And some random girl stopped me while I was heading back in with boyfr after smoke break to ask me where I got my dress and that I looked good #ohstopityou~ :P

Nonetheless, a fun night with the usuals. <3<3<3

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ah Ma

Seeing videos of grandmothers, never fail to evoke some form of sadness, yearning and regrets in me. After watching this video, just the mere thought of my own late grandmother I just feel like breaking down. Who would have thought its been almost 10 years since Ah Ma passed away.. and I still miss her. :'( 

le BFF


BFF just left my place after we filmed Bestfriend Tag :P The laughter we shared during filming is memorable! Gonna need to edit and all so stay tune ya? 

Tomorrow, Zouk/Mink? LEGGO! :D:D:D Cheers to the upcoming weekends &PARTY HARD :D

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I have ran out of excuses for this post.

Trying to milk every penny worth by using my ring light every night :x Then again, I don't suppose I need to explain? Heh. Love my dress today! But I am super not satisfied with the pictures that I took of the whole outfit so nada~ No OOTD. Bought my dress from Bugis though ^^ Very girly, very sweet, very not me :x But the material is super soft and silky >.< Super nice to the touch!

Anyways, tomorrow is le BFF Day FINALLY :D:D:D Plan for tomorrow probably to Orchard Towers for thai food and then we're coming to my place to film Bestfriend Tag! :D WEEE SO EGGCITES! SO STAY TUNE OK :D:D:D 


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


credit here.
I want a basic Tshirt dress like this! And it must be as baggy!

credit here.
The pants are a need. O.O

credit here.
Isn't the dress so cute? ^^

And for guys..
credit here.
Refreshing to see short sleeved denim shirt as an outerwear as compared to the usual long sleeve. 

Alright alright, I better get back to work. is sooo inspiring, I sent the above picture to le boyfr and he's now scouting for new jeans ^o^ If ever we have an apartment, I think we both need a walk in wardrobe >.<


One of my favorite from his tracks :D

Narcissism 101

A quick disclaimer before you scroll down anymore, this post is just my face times.. 13! Hehe, so if you still wanna scroll down, you've been warned! :D

Random 2 photos taken on Sunday when I was on the way to meet Jessicaaa~

AND I BOUGHT MY RING LIGHT~~~ which explains why theres an influx of narcissistic photos of myself in good lighting ^^

After awhile decided to try red lips :P Looks more fresh hur? :$

And the picture taken by my BB to broadcast over twitter and Facebook that BBs can take nice photos too~ >:D

Thank you whoever has made it to the end of this pointless post :P Hope I didn't make you lose your appetite :S Yayyy now can take more self shots wooo and OOTDs! :D:D:D:D:D