Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I have ran out of excuses for this post.

Trying to milk every penny worth by using my ring light every night :x Then again, I don't suppose I need to explain? Heh. Love my dress today! But I am super not satisfied with the pictures that I took of the whole outfit so nada~ No OOTD. Bought my dress from Bugis though ^^ Very girly, very sweet, very not me :x But the material is super soft and silky >.< Super nice to the touch!

Anyways, tomorrow is le BFF Day FINALLY :D:D:D Plan for tomorrow probably to Orchard Towers for thai food and then we're coming to my place to film Bestfriend Tag! :D WEEE SO EGGCITES! SO STAY TUNE OK :D:D:D 


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