Saturday, June 30, 2012

Helipad; June 2012

Helipad yesterday instead of usual Zouk. Night wouldn't be possible without KongAik's help, so here's a shout out to him! :D 

Observations about Helipad as compared to Zouk, the people there dress way sharper than the ones at Zouk, but Zouk still wins hands down to me. Firstly, way too many fights happening on the dance floor, and the bouncers take way too long to do something about it. Those KIDS can try that at Zouk and see what happens to them. But Sarongfly is some pretty good shit O.O Taste good and pretty damn potent. And some random girl stopped me while I was heading back in with boyfr after smoke break to ask me where I got my dress and that I looked good #ohstopityou~ :P

Nonetheless, a fun night with the usuals. <3<3<3

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