Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Something that pisses most people off to no end; cheating. When you cheat on someone, you DON'T start giving explanations for your actions. Because they are not! There's no explanation for cheating. When you cheat, its a choice, not a mistake. You cheat, fully aware that its the wrong thing to do, and yet you went along with it. If you dare to cheat, you fucking own up to it and live with whatever consequences like a fucking man. All your explanations are just sheer excuses. 

Cheating does not necessarily equate to a physical relationship. There are emotional forms of cheating. If you find yourself feeling guilty about texting someone else or meeting that someone else.. what are you feeling so guilty about?

You see there's a difference. If you don't feel no love anymore, just fucking leave. I think most people appreciate it if you were to just fucking leave right this fucking instance as compared to dragging it on, making them feel like they're so fucking fantastic while you're fucking someone else. FUCK YOU UNDERSTAND. I am so sick of seeing people treat my friends like a fucking option. SERIOUSLY. If you love her, there's NO FUCKING SUCH THING AS "OH I REALLY WANNA BE FAITHFUL TO YOU BUT I CAN'T GUARANTEE IT." DUDE, YOU FUCKING RETARED BRUH? BEING FAITHFUL IS PROBABLY THE MOST NOBLE DAMN THING YOU EVER DID. BEING FAITHFUL IS A COMMITMENT. IF YOU WANNA, THEN YOU DAMN WELL MAKE SURE YOU DO. WHAT THE FUCK IS "WANNA BUT CAN'T GUARANTEE". DAFUQ YOU TALKING ABOUT.

Thats why if you feel no love, just fucking leave. Cut it all off if you think the other party is so fucking fantastic. OPEN YOUR FUCKING PRETTY EYES. YOU CAN'T FUCKING HAVE THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS. ITS EITHER THIS OR THAT. FUCKTARD.

Its all a vicious cycle. Someone has to stop this. Cheating here and there. Can't people just fucking make up their mind and just stick to that one person? I just don't get it?

For my friends out there who are in such unfortunate situation, take it as a wake up call. The best damn relationship advice I have for you guys is to stop looking for love. When you stop looking for love, stop wasting your time on Mr Right Now, Love will come looking for you. Mr Right will come. I promise.

We all have that one friend (or more) who seems to always (or is now) attached to a douchebag. If your truly care for your friend, encourage her to leave the douchebag! Urgh~ He/she deserves someone who treats them like they are their number one priority, not a fucking option. Let go amigos.

PS: this is not about me. Rather my thoughts on cheating and relationships in general since my friend(s) seem to always find themselves in such situations :( I'm a lucky girl, my boyfr loves me to death. ^^

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