Friday, June 1, 2012

Feeling extremely uninspired of late. My life has been extremely boring. Have been toying with the idea of snipping my hair off ala Tricia Hwam. I think she looks damn good with short hair. Obviously I won't look half as good, but you know how girls' brains work. But for now, I'm leaving my hair as it is, since I always regret my hair decisions.

Going to Jaybee again tomorrow with B and hopefully BFF and her +one. Might stay over. But I've been craving for a party too. Yet at the same time, don't really wanna party because I'm gonna get tired easily, you know how it is with old people. Yeah I'm old. Don't understand how people who started partying at the same time as me can still party as frequent now. Buay sian meh?

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