Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I swear I could die, waiting for that damn iPhone5 to be released. I mean, can't Tim Cook just effing give us a date already? :'( 

This week is a boring week. Money running dry since we're approaching PayDay next week, le BFF still in +82. With no money and no desired company.. 

So I declare this week, Family Week. I believe I have neglected my family for quite a bit already. Sorry Papa Quek Mama Quek and Korkor Quek <3

What a random update hur~  Maybe I should put up a list of things I wanna/should do:
  • Steamboat! Like at my house, I cook the soupbase everything myself steamboat o^^o Anybody wanna join? :D
  • Clean up my shoe collections. My shoes are all sitting in a pile on top of each other. I need to clean them up and do something about the shoes I no longer wear~ If I have some good shoes to giveaway, anybody wants? :D
  • Sell my old clothes? I always buy buy buy and wear them once or twice and never wear them again. But I hardly ever sell my outerwears cause I believe outerwears are super versatile and you never know when it'll add something special to an otherwise blah outfit, no?
Thats all for now at the tip of my head I guess. le Bro Sam Ang jioed me 7 July Powerhouse with le CPF colleagues.. Powerhouse eh. Dafuq you mean people still patronise that club? LOL.

Having writer's block man. Nothing interesting to share with yall. Hmm. Maybe I will give a review on my skincare products, namely Kiehls~ Vlog? I don't know man, /yawns.. what a pointless entry. Feeble excuse to whack one narcissistic picture of yours truly.

Till my next one, X.

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