Sunday, June 30, 2013

End of June 2013;

Brought my folks to try Sushi Express! :D My folks were so happy especially my daddy, its so cute to see them enjoying. ^^ Because its really affordable..

This is our total damage combined :D And it all worked up to $32! SO EFFING CHEAP!! One thing about Sushi Express is try not to go too close to closing time. Minzies and me went once at 9pm and we had to order from the very reluctant chef for sashimi cause none were going around the conveyor belt! Must orders from Sushi Express; Mini Salmon Bento, Miso soup (because it comes with generous servings of salmon inside) and the salmon sashimi of course :D

Went home and saw a green envelope from WEARERUBBISH! Super happy because that means my cage bralet IS FINALLY HEREEEE WOOOOO~ I've been looking for a cage bralet for the longest time and just couldn't find any nice ones ): I tweeted about looking for one and Jordus was sooooo sweet to send over the last piece to me :') So blessed hor me :D Thanks again Jordus!!! :D Now I can't wait to wear all my big armhole and backless top/dresses out!! 

Moving on, I was being a crazy fan girl on Tuesday when @Irinatyt suddenly commented on my instavideo LOLOLOL~ In case you don't know, she's like my ultimate eyecandy a few weeks back :D HHHAAHHAHA, now still considered eyecandy la but I not so siao anymore LOLOL.

Sporting this look everyday for work unless I have plans to meet friends; super loving my skin now! I've been super diligent about how I cleanse my face and I've even started using my Clarisonic again! :D

Went home after tuition on Tuesday and Daddy Quek showed me this! My old phone HAHAHAHAH SO ANCIENT OMG it still has my songs inside!! Its still working but the backlight has totally shut down so its kinda impossible to use it still.

So my BFF came back from Europe last week and we made plans to head to Adventure Cove on Wednesday together :( But us being us, bad luck queens, Adventure Cove was closed till the 27th, which was also the next day and the day Shu was flying off to KL (again). So Adventure Cove was a no-go. I changed my leave to a PM one and met her, Fangs and Magnebro for some chillin' at JEM and Star Vista! 

OM NOMS, I love Blackball but its so fattening because its just carbo overload! Sianzzz.

Thursday's OOTD; Fully dressed in Topshop, shoes from BKK and featuring my new spectacles!! :D

I am considering getting prescription lenses for this spectacles because I love it that much, but getting prescription lenses for it means I won't be able to wear it anymore if I wear my contacts. So to get prescription lenses with it and get another pair just for cosmetic purposes or just leave it as it is? #firstworldproblems LOL But yes, I super love it and just in case you want to purchase one too, I got it from a shop at Bugis Junction called "Grandchild".

Smoothie King for lunch with Matt on Friday; I was on PM leave again so I met with Matt for some retail therapy! But it wasn't so therapeutic afterall because shopping with Matt was SO EFFING DRAINING!! I felt so so so tired after shopping with him :\ We were dragging our feet at around 4pm imagine that!

Anyhoo, I FINALLY GOT MY SOIREE :D I have been considering getting them for the longest time already; but $189 is not a small sum to pay for a pair of shoes and I do have ALOT of shoes already. Heels especially, and I don't really trot around in heels all day everyday so I wanted to make sure $189 was justifiable. But everytime I decide I wanted to get the Soiree, it would be sold out at PVS (the only store in Singapore which stocks Jeffrey Campbell) and currently the classic clear strap&heel combination is OOS on most webstores. So I walked in PVS on Friday, saw it instock, the sales assistant said "thats our last pair" and I WAS SOLD. 

Okay actually I wasn't really sold immediately because I was considering between both the black strap and clear strap. Honestly, I very much preferred the black strap version but like what the sales assistant said, the black strap version can be found in almost similar style from Zara, or H&M. The clear strap one was more unique so I decided to go with unique :D When I walked off with the Soirees, I was still thinking if I made the right choice of purchasing it or did I made an impulse decision just because it was the last pair and its a highly sought after pair of heels. But I wore it out on Saturday (which I will touch on later) and I'm very certain I made the right choice. Its super comfy (when worn for a reasonable amount of time), it goes with most outfits and I've so far received tons of compliments about it! :D So yes, $189 well spent. I am gonna rape/wear the shoes just so that I can fully maximise the money spent on it LOL.

No shopping trip is complete without visiting Topshop. I am a Topshop/Zara fanatic. I shop at Topshop for the more edgy and casual apparels and Zara is my to-go-to for basics and more formal looking outfits. Tried this combo at Topshop Knightsbridge since its Summer now and what is Summer without crop tops! But I didn't get the crop top in the end because I can't wear it out without my folks finding out about my tattoos zzz. Bought the shorts though! :D

Tried this oversized top too and I love it soo much lehhhhh. Unlike Minzies, I am not really a crop top girl. I am very "conservative" (HAHAHAHHA) NO LA I am very self conscious, I got too much fats action going around my tums so I feel very unconfident in crop tops. I love my oversized tops because they are insanely comfy and this is INSANELY comfy!! But I find it very had to justify paying $76 for a plain grey top so, nopes. 

The reason why I said shopping with Matt is cray cray. This doode bought 2 shoes; and he took one hour to decide which pair of brown shoes to purchase and Pedro and Rockstar, TWICE. Yes, we went Pedro TWICE. /wrists. LOL. We were so tired in the end, we went home at 8pm after dinner at Timms.

Macarons from Minzies again ^^ This girl is too sweet, just like them macarons :D

I love my macarons, and sad to say, as much as I wanted to love these, they weren't good. They had a very floury texture and taste to them; the flavours (Strawberry Lemon Chocolate Pistachio) were not outstanding enough. I still love my Laduree and Canele best :D

Saturday was SEA Aquarium with my family! I was so tired from the day before (from shopping and sleeping at 1am) but still had to wake up at 7am for SEA Aquarium; major zzz. I was so tempted to just fuck it and not go but family outings are not as frequent as before so I figured I should just go along. Picture above of my korkor and my future sister in law!! :D

Beautiful shipwreck environment. I am so blown away by the whole experience I would choose to visit again. Will blog more about Aquarium in a separate post because I took quite a few pictures and footage there, might even do a vlog so stay tuned okays!? :D

Family picture taken but we didn't purchase it in the end, $50 #umadbro?

Rushed down to Minzies' after Aquarium, put my stuff down and headed to town to get our nails done before partying that night. WE IZ DAMN VAIN!!

Our awesome possum nails :D (mines gold, hers silver)

My super pretty BBG, can somebody tell her she not fat? We spent like close to an hour deciding her outfit because she kept insisting she looked fat in everything OMG SLAPS.

&mine, HAHAHHAA. I was wearing a The Editor's Market drop back black tank with my W.A.R. cage bralet inside and I threw on my Topshop bling shrug over. I totally forgot to take a picture of my outfit without the shrug /shrugs LOL. See how much I love my specs I wore it to Butter and everyone was asking me why was I wearing it in a club! HAHAHAHA COOL WHAT NO GIRLS WOULD WEAR SPECS IN CLUB RIGHT. So in any case, Butter was superfuckingfun that night! Love the music and the company; Matt was so smashed that night he disappeared so many times! Left Butter at 4ish, went back to Minzies, took my stuff and went to find my BFF.

Super QT BBG waiting with me for a cab to bp. Y U SO CUTE?!

Finally had KKM again at 6ish, talked about everything under the stars and left KKM feeling like I just took an adrenaline shot a la L4D. SO EFFING EXHAUSTED because I was awake for 24 hours T.T

Bonded with her sister and helped her to get ready for her cousin's wedding :D So pretty the two of you :D:D:D


So I've come to the end of this post, and June 2013. Half a year has officially passed. Can someone enlighten me how 2013 has been awesome to me so far? I don't see anything good. 2013 has been fucking shit so far, all I see is false pretense and fake happiness. Its getting that bad again.

Monday, June 24, 2013


sometimes I look at the people around me, and I wonder why can't I be more like them. The way they look, the way they speak, the way they behave. There is always something about me that's not good enough. I don't need somebody to look at me and tell me that I am enough. I need to tell myself, that I am enough.

Am I though?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

&your hands, they shake with goodbyes;

&I'll take you back, if you'd have me.
So here I am,
I'm trying.

Hello!! I'm back with another iPhone picture update :) Last week's haze was crazy bad, hope everyone's much better now because the haze recently has let up quite a bit I've been going out mask-free :D Sent this picture to le BFF and she said its a well-taken picture. /shrugs I took this while I was rushing to work, guess I'm an accidental photographer /flipshair LOL! :D JKKKKKKKKKKKK.

Bad haze equals ditching the contacts and less make up. Ignore my cui nails, its a high time for a manicure I know, gonna get my nails done this weekend! :D

I was just telling my brother, "I think secretly mummy and daddy is thankful for the haze; haze makes us damn dulan to stay out so we'll be home early everyday!" And what else to do when we're home then to KILL THEM ZOMBIES! I even have a whatsapp chat "L4D2" with Matt, Adam and my korkor! :D 

Friday! WWZ date with Minzies, and we had Smoothie King for dinz!! :D:D:D Finally tried SK, and our verdict: LOVE IT! Love that they had the calorie intake next to every item in their menu, yummy wraps and yummy smoothies! I think I can safely add SK to one of my to-go-to eats in town :D

LOL, my OOTD on Friday. Which I am preeeeetty sure you can't see shit 'cept for my yellow NBs. I was wearing a damn old F21 floral dress, my Styledasher varsity jacket and NBs. :D

Mask still on because the haze was still damn bad on Friday :/


So far I've started using both Skin Inc products, the Herborist mask, Neutrogena Hydro Boost gel, all the Jane Iredale makeup samples, AND I AM LOVING ALL OF THEM!! /screamsandthrasheshandsaround will do a more detailed review of this month's VT by this weekend okay? :D

Saturday!! I've recently changed my everyday make up routine and I like it! Some overall shimmer on lids, thinner eyeline, and spam mascara! Loving the fact that I am less dependent on falsies now that I have my holy grail YSL mascara! Mascara REALLY makes a whole lot of difference :D Anyways, this filter from "Camera360" is called 'Sexy Lips' and basically it plays up all the red tones in the picture. My lips look especially reddish here because I am using Jane Iredale's Forever Pink lip and cheek stain! I mega love it leh!!! It makes my lips look a very natural pink and it doesn't dry it out like most lip stains/tints do :D (Y)

Lunch on Saturdayyy! 1 green apple, 1 red apple and 1 orange :D 

Minzies and I, hehe. We had a fail trip to Praise Haven thrift store; walked in and out within 10 minutes LOL. Only thing that caught our attention there were the books. 

OM NOM NOM DINZ! :D We were at GWC, where we first met at B&J, and we had Ichiban Boshi for dinner AGAIN! It was salmon overkill because we had the above, and also ordered a side order of salmon sashimi. I think we possibly had 10 slices of salmon each. 

After dinner, it was back to Wheelock Timms for chilling. #OOTD for that day, all apparels from Topshop, shoes from TOMS. 


& this is my everyday make up recently. Anybody wants to see an updated everyday make up tutorial? HAHAHHAAHHAHAA, /buyaolian

Really trying to maintain a healthy diet now. The ideal meal plan would be Cinnamon Honey Oatmeal for breakfast, salmon/soba/edamame for lunch, and an extremely light dinner (froyo maybe? :D)

Sunday saw me at Shu's place. :D:D:D:D I AM SOOOOO EFFING HAPPY MY BFF IS BACK!!!! :D Chatted for hours, and then it was furniture building time LOL. 3 girls, took 2 hours to finish assembling an Ikea cupboard, but after that we were like professionals. Ikea wanna hire us? AND SHE GAVE ME MY FIRST PRADA as a belated 22nd birthday present :DDD Touched, :') I love you BFF. Thanks for everything you've done for me, and for always being there, and always having the best reaction to everything that I tell you HAHAHHAHA. :D 

Thats all for now folks! Will update again soon! :D Have a great last week of June!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

5 misconceptions about me

Flowers are mehhh to me
Flowers are so not meh to me. I fucking love flowers. Daisies, sunflowers, roses, I love them all. They are so pretty and I love pretty things. However, I always say that I don't like receiving flowers because like all pretty things, they are impractical. But I love my floras.

I am a very quiet person/I am bipolar
Perhaps being called bipolar would be a closer description as compared to being quiet. I portray different personas to different types of people. If I am quiet (seemingly) around you, that means we ain't close. That means I am not comfortable with you to show you anything real about me, to you. I appear more uninhibited online because I am not really speaking to anyone in particular, so I tend to be less restrictive with my emotions and behaviour. Trust me, if we're close enough, you'd know that I am an extremely crazy person. Not sure if that's a good thing.

I am a brand whore
Materialistic, am I? I wouldn't say so. I do not go after labels because of any stature that comes along with owning them, nor do I purchase them for the idea of luxurious living. Okay, maybe a minor 20% I'd say I like the idea of luxurious living. But I prefer the term, I appreciate quality. Lets take bags for an example. Prior to my Balenciaga, I carry non-branded bags. And I had to purchase bags after bags within a span of a few months due to wear and tear. My Balenciaga has been with me since end 2010? And other than the aging of the leather, there's absolutely nothing wrong with my Balenciaga. The same concept applies to my clothes. If I were to compare my clothes from Topshop (not exactly branded, but if you purchase clothes as much as me, it is a substantial amount) and clothes from online webstores, I don't encounter fraying threads and holes in my clothes as often on my Topshop products to the online webstore ones.

I am very fickle-minded
Actually, I don't think I am. In fact, I think I know precisely what I want. I am a very precise person. Like means like. Don't like means don't like. And I won't attempt to try to like what I don't like. If I ever try to do that, you must mean a whole fucking lot to me. And when I want something, I will really try to do whatever it is within my capabilities to get it. And I find it really hard to turn away from things that I want. But I am not the sort who goes, "okay if I can't have this, I'd take this. But then this is not bad too." In that scenario, I'd take the whole damn lot. LOL. So no, not fickle-minded.

I am a very nice person
Thank you, if you think I am nice. That's probably because you are nice to me too. But if you think I am not a nice person, then _|_. Here you go, my middle finger to you. Frankly speaking, I do know it myself; like I said, I am an extremely precise person. My mannerism, interaction and behaviour towards you stems directly from how you portray yourself to me. I can be really really nice, and I can be really fucking mean and bitchy. Your choice. Its quite drastic I would say. Both ends of the spectrum; If you're a decent person, I'd treat you decently. If you're fucked up in your actions and your choices, how would you treat a mind-fucked person? So if you're thinking that I am not a nice person, maybe that's because you're fucked up. If you don't like me because of this, news flash, I don't fucking care because neither do I like you. If you're my friend, and you're fucked up, you'd get the same treatment; I would be the friend who would slap it across your face, and tell you "you're fucked up, do something about it". It is as real as it gets. I don't do backstabbing. If you're not my friend, then, I'd just be mean to you. 


& one last thing, I am all about quality. I don't give half fucked standards. With everything, I give my all. With my all, I ask nothing short of the best quality that my all can get. You can also infer from this that I only want top notch; the best efforts. 

This is me. And sometimes it gets tiring being me; when my expectations about things are just too damn idealistic.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Repost @hellothisissofie;

""everyone says, but you are XXX, you can choose anyone you want, you are amazing the way you are, and you deserve way better than what you put yourself through."

but then i say, that's not the point, i love him and i want to do these things for him, so that is all that matters. but in the process we keep loving ourselves less. giving in and giving in and then suddenly he seems so far away and I ask yourself why why cos i already keep giving. and to me he is the world, and he deserves all of me and all that I can give.

so it doesn't matter what people say. whatever I can take, I just take, even the smallest things. and the tiniest things that he does means so much, and I keep hanging on to it. every single word, every single action.

but somehow the more I try to hang on, the further he seems to go away from me. OR if I try to walk away he suddenly pulls me back, then I go back to the same cycle again.

And i know i'm finding every single excuse possible to justify his actions or rather non-actions. Maybe he's busy, maybe he just didn't have the time.

But i think he knows, he doesn't want me.
Simply. Put."

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Everything has changed.

Something inside me has changed. I am no longer the same girl from 1 year ago. Was talking to Minzies today and I am so so so excited for my life now (:

So funny, how she merely said "Okay, our dream life is..."


That was my response. Doesn't sound much to you, but the whole point that I actually said that without hesistation, says alot. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mid June update!

Hello!! /waves how has June been treating you ((: I've been having such a YOLO life lately I feel like slapping myself; but then again, YOLO soooo :D

Random selfie I took that didn't make it to my IG so I'm posting it here instead. Magnebro once said, "you either slacking at work or taking selfies at work, fucking good life sia" LOLOLOL couldn't agree more. Butttt I don't slack okay, I'm just really efficient at work :D

& if you've been following me on IG (@jolenequek_), you would have seen this! One of my many YOLOs, and probably the most YOLO of all YOLOs. Saw this quote one day on weheartit, IGed it, thought "whoa what an apt phrase to be tattooed, thought about it long and hard, decided I wanted a tattoo on my inner arm, 3 days later walked into Deon's, secured an appointment the next day, and tadah.

White ink for the win because its very inconspicuous. Tattoos need not be done to be shown to the world. Do what pleases you because thats all that matters in the end right? I get tattoos only for me, so who cares. :D Will blog a proper post on this when the tattoo has finished scabbing and all :D


Got sick of my blonde streaks (which used to be lime green, done at Salon Vim); so I DIY dyed it to blue/purple. Colour in picture is Special Effects' Wildflower! Chio hor the colour, mega love!

Wednesday's OOTD! Shoplabellavita top and skirt and Zara heels.

My BBG :)

 Meet Minzies :D We've been meeting up soooooo fucking often these days but I am loving it. 2 fucking like-minded souls, both fucking obsessed with being as skinny as possible, both smoking addicts, both suckers for Topshop (or clothes in general) :D

She's pretty much the one person giving me alot of strength to always love myself, who's really there lifting me up when I feel down as shit. Things seem alot easier with her holding me up; thanks bbg :D

Random selfie at 11ish pm after I had this damn spicy korean ramen. The soup is like red!?!?!? but I love spicy food so I won't complain. Twitpic this with the caption that you should eat this if you want some instant lip tinting and lip plumping effect ;) Nice ah, pink and full lips HAHHAHA!


And my bbg surprised me with Laduree :'))))) WALAO SERIOUSLY WHERE GOT PEOPLE SO SWEET ONES!!! WHO NEEDS A BOYFR WHEN YOU GOT MINZIES. I should create a hashtag for her next time. LOLOL! Lucky me got 8 Laduree macarons :D Fucking love Laduree :)

My pretty bbg's OOTD, see take for her so nice..


top: Kissablebella; skirt: Topshop; wedges: Zara; bag: Balenciaga

and our OOTD together :D So happy, I've lost 5kg in 2 months! :D 4kg more to lose to hit my dream weight! :D LEZGO LEZGO! :D

Nomming on Pistachio macarons in bed at 12am. Life is good :D


Went to NP for lunch with my "son" (how secondary schoolish but yeah long story) and Magnebro one day! Wanted to feel like a student again HHAHAHA #cheapthrills

SKINNY LEGS FTW! Us otw to visit Jem :) 

Jem, if you're reading this, please buy/get more fun racing games for your PS3 so I can play HAHAHAHAHHA! :D

And random selfie while I was chilling at his place. Suddenly felt unwell again, feverish and all :'( Last warning sia, falling sick every 2 weeks. 


&today! Today saw me at Daily Dozen again, this time Magnebro having his YOLO moment HAHAHAHA! After which, Minzies came over to my place to chill :D

Pretty bbg! :D Playing around with my ring light :D We actually filmed a video together, but I better not promise anything since I got damn alot of video backlogs and my friends are starting to complain "WALAO ALWAYS SAY GOT VIDEOS COMING UP BUT ALWAYS NEVER SEE ANYTHING UPLOADED ONES" HAHAHAHA SORRY BOSSES, EDITING VIDEOS VERY MAFAN LEHHH I TRYS MY BEST OKAYSSSS :D

Ringlight makes anybody and everybody looks times one hundred times better, (Y).

Our dinner, each person one slap of salmon steak with miso sauce. :D ifjolenecancooksocanyou :D

And we ended the day with chilling at BPP starbucks :D

Thats all for now folks! Will blog again soon k!!! BYEEEEEEE /wavesssss :D