Sunday, September 22, 2013


to sing to me your Freedom song; to make love where there was none.
Alchemy, now it's all gone.

After Hardwell on Friday, I've been spamming Above and Beyond like crazy. Everytime I'm out, my Spotify is perpetually on Group Therapy, which is A&B's 2011 album. So good, my favourite song from that album would be Alchemy. The beat, and the lyrics, especially the lyrics, just mind blowingly good.


Let's start off our recap with a screenshot of a conversation between SiH and me. Super kiam pah sia my reaction, BUT, like I always tell SiH, if you don't bring yourself up, who is? Once in awhile, it's okay to take credit for who you are. LOL. But don't do it too much, overkill makes one obnoxious.

After tuition, waited for le BFF to come over for some simple dinner and heart2hearts. And she so randomly commented that she was in the mood to camwhore, and I told her, "okay you camwhore, I really damn lazy, I have no make up on Imma be like.."

..and I sent that picture over..

.. and she sent that!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA funny shit. This is why we BFFs, damn unglam one sia AISH.

And clever me, while waiting for her downstairs, wanted to have a smoke, (I was trying to dry out my cigarette) and end up with that. If you're a smoker, you'd know that makes this cigarette practically impossible to smoke already AISH. 

Tuesday; me and my big hair.

Magnebro is now in +886 and just take a good look at his hotel room!! JELLY MAX MAGNEBRO! 

M sent this over whatsapp and said, "The revival of your favorite TTR truffle fries".


I love The Tasting Room's truffle fries, but they closed down shortly after I started to frequent there, and now that they're back, I AM SO PSYCHED WOOOOO~ 

After tuition, waited for FH to come pick me up because we were going to collect IAMHARDWELL tickets!!! WOOOOOO~~~

Saw Lincey at Zouk, but didn't say Hi cause I shy LOLOL! Collected our tickets~!



So after the collection, we wanted to go for supper (dinner for me). It was around 10pm? As usual, we wanted to head down to Swee Choon. Finally navigated our way to Jalan Besar, parked the car and as we walked towards SC, I stopped and said, "eh, today Tuesday hor? SC close on Tuesdays leh. -.-"

So we went back to the car, drove off and set off to the next Dimsum place, 126. I casually commented on how suay I am and how I wouldn't be surprised if we drove to 126 and 126 ends up being closed too.

Yep, you guessed it. We went there, and it was closed too. #okaycan. 

AND SO, left with nowhere else, we headed to Upper Thomson for some UDDERS BREKKIE WOOOOOOOO!!! (Magnebro, jelly bo? GO TW SOMEMORE LA!)

Anyways the picture above, story goes like this; FH parked near the HDB area at Upper Thomson and there was 3 uncles seated there. BFF just said, "OMG that is so like S, J and D when they're old and become uncles!"

And I laughed like some siao ding dong BECAUSE REALLY LOOK LIKE!!!! I can totally imagine those 3 boys, like uncles already and sitting around and talking about 想当年. 

I LOLed so loud that when we alighted, one of the uncles asked us why we so happy. LOLOLOL~~

WEEEEEEEEHOOOOOO~ I kinda really like Udder's pancakes :D And this only costs $11.50!! Major yums!! :D

And the other 2 shared this. Siao one those 2, super chocolately PLUS MAO SHAN WANG. Heaty ttm!!

After supper, while having a smoke, we were talking about how lame 1D is but how annoyingly catchy their songs were and guess what..

while driving back, the 3 of us were singing along at the top of our lungs to YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL OHHHHHHHH OHHH OHH! THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!

So fun; here's to more Roadtrips okay!!! :D:D:D:D

Wednesday; so tired, look at how tiny my eyes were.

Started on my mini project near the end of work after I was done with my work for the day...


The first stage done; I kept improvising on the design till Thursday night, so this isn't the final design. Apps the Ninjas after this and made plans for them to come over to my place the next day for them to do the Ts :D

Was about to sleep and saw THIS!! OMGAHHHH iOS7 IS SO BLOODY PRETTY!! Don't tell me "OH IT LOOKS JUST LIKE ANDROID NOW" SHUT UP LA OKAY. To me, Android is too much of a hassle, whereas Apple just simplifies everything. To each his own? So shut up! Nobody asked for your opinion anyways PFFT.


My last working day for the week; went to work and my colleague pinned this to my board :D HOW EXCITES!!

Was tumblr-ing and saw this! True to such a huge extent for me! Whooop!

After work, went to meet korkor because he wanted to shop and I love korkor-meimei bonding time :D PS, yes if you can't already tell, I fcking love my korkor :D I can say it one thousand million times; HELLO KORKOR :D

Ichiban Boshi for dinner; AND WTF THE SUNTECT OUTLET PHASED OUT DEEP IMPACT. WTF. WTF. WTF. I WAS SO UPSET WHEN THEY TOLD ME DEEP IMPACT ISN'T ON THE MENU AISHHHH. (Deep impact is this maki that's Scallop/Octopus on the surface and Tempura flakes in the middle of it. It's. like. Heaven is a place on earth with you. AND THEY TOOK IT OFF WTF.)


Back home, and there we were making the Ts. :D

 It was quite an experience; I think I was really lucky to have bought the correct spray paint the first time because as you can see below...

Armstrong's T didn't turn out that well as he used his white spray and the colour just didn't stay at the exact spot and just ended up all smudged. Tried to salvage it by making it look like the white portion at the back is the shadow of the gold HARDWELL in front; seems legit?

So after they left, I was digging through my stuff for my PSP charger. Couldn't find it, but found this instead :P I really wanna look for my uniform, but I have no idea where it is and my wardrobe is just one big pile of mess in there, I don't wanna dig. LOL.

And I also found this. It's been with me since my secondary school days LIKE WTF I was half expecting it to be all dried up and wanted to toss it but holy macaroni it wasn't!! Girls' School alumnus will know what this is :D It was all the rage in mine, and we used to use this and write our names behind our pinafore belts; and on friendship bracelets :D

 Since I didn't have to sleep early, I went to outline my T and E's. Chio hor!!

Was deliberating whether I should add on the additional words, and decided to FUCK IT JUST DO ONLY. Freehand somemore because I couldn't find Mommy's fabric chalk :D

SEEMS LEGIT YO? While people spend $20 for a ready made HARDWELL T, mine costs less than $10 yo!! :D And the sense of accomplishment after making it, PRICELESS. 

不要臉 moment #2: Really think quite impressive lehhhh.. I can cook, I can bake (albeit not thaaaaat fantastic), I can DIY shit, I can assemble/dissemble IKEA furniture on my own; WHERE TO FIND TELL ME WHERE TO FIND SUCH GIRL!?@??!??! 



(will blog more in-depth about this in a separate entry because I have alot of video clips and I intend to make a video on it :D)

Woke up, settled the final OOTD and walked over to E's place for pre-Hardwell drinks.


Set off at 5pm, I managed to convince them to take bus instead of cab and OMG this is what happened HAHAHAHHAA :D

Our resident chiobu cannot tank; :D

Finally made it to Clarke Quay; went off with FH for awhile to meet Ash for TTT's shoot. Can't wait for the pictures to be out so I can kope and blog about my tattoos :D heheheheheh.

OOTD; other than my DIY top, Raybans wayfarers and NB, everything else from Topshop.

Squeezed in the crowd at 715pm; major sweat fest inside. Stood there for a good 90 minutes for Hardwell to finally come out. After the first 30 minutes into proper Hardwell, we were out to the sides because it was so unbearably hot and mad dehydrated, BFF and me were - this close to fainting. A pity we had to give up our good spot, but I'd rather be still alive, thanks.

Bumped into SHUNSHUN; wanted to take a photo of just the 4 of us, and the half naked guys around us decided to join in. UMMM, awkwards? LOL.

Finally a proper one :D

Proper group shot after the whole event; had some major post Hardwell withdrawal syndrome. :(

I am still extremely attached to the event, and how much fun it was that I've yet to cut off my Hardwell entry tag HAHAHAHAHHAHA DON'T JUDGE. It makes a nice arm candy also so SHUT IT. LOL. Haven't had so much fun in a such a long time; just hours of plain fucking good music and great company and getting high on good music and good music alone. :D Next up, Zoukout 2013? :D

 Saturday; woke up to Minz' text about this girl (we damn kpo) but yeah.. it's amazing how well we can relate to someone who's a total stranger yes? :/

And what her dad said, is like wow.

Nua-ed the entire day; was really reluctant to even leave my bed, but had to because I had an appointment with a sponsor :D Dragged my lazy ass out and made my way to City Square Mall!

I can haz pretty flower :} Yknow me and flowers :}

Enjoying my treatment; will blog about this on Thursday WATCH OUT FOR IT K :D It will be a very informative post, trust me, I learnt so much from my therapist! :D

After my treatment, headed back to BP to meet SiH, had ramen for dinner :D 

Mentaiko gyoza..

Pretty decent ramen for a heartland mall :D

Smoked and talked after dinner while waiting for BFF, but ended heading over to KSL for beer and to meet E.

Bloody hell, really like uncles LOL. Headed home at 1230 because I was sooooo tired and just wanted to sleep zzz.

Sunday! Plan was to meet my BBG Minz as she needs to go collect her IP5s WAAAA GIAN MAXXX.

MOTD; while waiting for her, I had so much time to kill, I decided to curl my hair. And I went from good hair day to bad hair day AISH ITCHY HANDS. Magnebro FT me while I was rushing out and his first comment to me was, "eh whats with your hair?" 

(/x\) Thanks ah Damian. HHAHAHAHHAHAHHA.

Had quite a bit of time to kill so we stopped by Suntec first for my lunch. DTF because I haven't had it in such a long time :D

Super love XLBs although my ultimate favourite are the ones from Crystal Jade :D

Cookies for Sid for dessert; my favourite flavors are Nutella and the Ginger ones! :D

BBG's OOTD; obviously edited by me because she damn lazy to edit ones HHAHAHHAHAHAA :D

And mine; yes I am aware this is a repeated outfit, BUT I LIKE SO THERE! :D

Damn chio the iP5s, the camera like don't even need filter, your face will be damn chio already :'( I WANTTTT! I am aiming the gold one, but I'm not in a rush to change phone uh, so let's just see how it goes :D 

Walked around MBS after and decided to settle my craving for Truffle Fries at Au Chocolat!!! 

I've heard tons of rave about their Truffle Fries so YAYYY :D Gots to love impromptu dining decisions!

Lovely ambience, styled like a proper French bistro (not as if I've ever been to one in France) and the service was impeccable! :D

The Truffle Fries ($15) SURE DIDN'T DISAPPOINT! Portion was humongous too, we had extreme difficulty finishing it!!! Every serving of fries comes with 2 dips; Mayonnaise and Barbeque sauce AND I SUPER MAD LOVE THE BBQ SAUCE. It goes really well with the fries!!!!

Completely unaware the portion of fries would be so huge, we also ordered the Crabcake Sliders ($18).

The Crabcakes, JUST the crabcakes, was OMG. Party in my mouth. Minz love the salad too. But the bread was mehhhh~ It was cold and tough. Kinda spoiled the dish IMO. So we ended up just eating the crabcakes alone. 

Super worth it, just look at the crabmeat fibres :D

All in all, great dining experience at Au Chocolat! I would loveee to return to try their other courses! :D

Au Chocolat
Bay Level #01-03
The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands
2 Bayfront Avenue
Singapore 018956

Spent the rest of our time gossiping and talking about boys LOL.

After dinner; walked from MBS to Dhoby Ghaut via CBD/Clarke Quay because the whole Raffles City area was shut down, no thanks to the F1. PFT. Am I the only Singaporean who's annoyed by F1? 

So hello you, thanks for reading :D I've come to the end of last week's update, stay tune for Hardwell post and the Bottomslim post on Thursday okay? :D

Till then, stay safe x!

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