Sunday, September 1, 2013


and I've always lived like this, keeping a comfortable distance. And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness; because none of it was ever worth the risk.


Starting to feel extremely lazy again. I know what I got to do, but I feel so uninspired to actually go about doing it. I am so close to not doing this weekly update post 'cause I am THAT lazy, /yawns. But I'm here anyways. Cannot make it a habit to be lazy. SO YES I AM BACK. Let's kick start this update with a #selfie, shall we? :D

One of the rare days where I have tuition and I actually bother with wearing contact lens. Tried using my Cyber Colours mascara with my Shu Uemura curler and as you can tell, lashes are not as va va voom as when I use my YSL. 

Horribly pixelated selfie after tuition. 

& dream guy!!! /heartshapeeyesemoji But so far everyone I showed this to all commented, "aiya Singapore don't have one" #OKAYCAN

#OOTD for Tuesday's tuition; looking like a legit teacher yes?

And SOS! I hate Math, even if it's just P6 Math. It is totally unfathomable how I managed to get my A2s for both E Math and A Math. 

Some Iron Man 3 after tuition with korkor :D

Wednesday's #OOTD; realised I haven't worn this OSF number in so long. Quite a bit of memories attached to this dress, but hey, time to forge new memories yes? :) [clearer picture coming right up]

Lunch with a colleague at Swesons, I never knew Swensons actually served pretty decent food for the price they charge!! Look at the juicy scallops!! :D

And my favourite from their dessert menu, some Chocolate Malt thingmajiggy! :D Ran back to office in heels and almost died from stitches! :/

Met my CEO Bro for dinner at Boshi Nex. Thanks Auntie Loo for the free meal :D

Last warning bro, your face damn small next to mine leh zzzzzzz :(

I think I've blogged way too much about Ichiban Boshi that I don't know what to say about their food anymore LOL. So yes, if you haven't tried Boshi, PLEASE DO. 

Car rides with the windows down and singing and air jamming to our favourite songs from We the Kings, The Maine, Boys like Girls, etc. So so so fun! #DreamTeamNYC LEZGO!!!!

Initial dessert plan was for some Wimbly Lu, but they were closed by the time we got there. So we traveled to Dempsey's B&J for some ice cream!! Everytime I look into the dipcases, I feel so sad I'm on the other side of it. Gone are the times I can eat ANY flavour I want to LOL. Tried their relatively new flavour, the Maple Tree Hugger! Which I quite enjoy!! :D

Here ya go!! Dress c/o Ohsofickle; Frances Blazer c/o FeistHeist.

Thursday's #selfie; I constantly worry my face is too big. I want a teeny tiny face without compromising on the size of my brain. 


Picture of my #OOTD while I was at H&M trying their basics. Silky Red Shirtdress c/o The Scarlet Room.

And what I bought from H&M! I've never really been a fan of H&M, mainly because I always felt their merchandises were all over the place; I never knew where to start looking. So most of the time I will just walk one round and exit without buying anything. This time, I had quite a bit of time to kill after work before meeting M so I gave the brand a chance AND I AM GLAD I DID. Minzies always told me that H&M is actually quite a treasure trove but you have to really dig for it. 

I bought 2 basic muscle tanks (in black and white) for only SGD$3.90 each (YES EFFING $3.90), the above blue shorts for SGD$17.90 (not exactly effing cheap but it's super duper comfy so I just got it anyways) and the heather grey crop top for SGD$7.90!! I especially love the grey top because the cutting of the top is very slimming and it doesn't hug my fats :D So happy with my purchases!! :D 

Friday! Went lingerie shopping during lunch at Robinsons. OMGAH. Mind = blown. I got myself fitted again because I think I've been wearing ill-fitting lingerie since the beginning of time. And say whaaaaaat~ Okay not going to mention my size here because I know there are tons of anonymous tikos prowling the net x.x

BUT YES SLOGGI IS SO DAMN COMFY AND SHIT O.O I think Friday's purchases just kickstarted my newest obsession; Lingerie shopping AHHHHHH~~~


Had been having Swee Choon craving since the last time I went there; craving my Custard bunz so 3/4 of the Old Sports decide to meet up after work on Friday for some bonding :D

Same as Boshi, I believe I've blogged way too much about Swee Choon to have anything else to blog about LOL. BUT THEIR CUSTARD BUNZ REALLY LAST WARNING. HAIYO. (and psst Miss Leow you need to get a manicure to trim your cuticles HAHAHAHAHHHAHHA)

#OOTD with Miss HotstuffBlogshopModel Minzies; Hearts you so much Minz!! :D

After Swee Choon, we went to Mustafa for some shopping and then off to 320Below! Not saying this because FH is friends with the owner's daughter BUT THEIR ICE CREAM IS THE BOMB. The kind that I would get a craving for! :D So yums leh sumpah.

Basically they make the ice cream on the spot once you order them. Using nitrogen to freeze them flavours all nice and tight; we had the Earl Grey, Salted Caramel and lastly Toffee.

I felt there was quite a distinct difference in their ice cream as compared to ice cream from your typical ice cream store. This was insanely creamy, yet light at the same time (IDK how that's possible) and the flavour packed a punch. I would love to go back and try the other flavours!!!!!! :D

The flavours they offer at 320Below. They even have weirdass flavour such as Garlic, Blue Cheese, etc.. W H A T T H E F I S H ?

Initially we ordered 2 flavours to share because we were quite stuffed from Swee Choon, but I couldn't get enough of it and forced FH to get the third scoop, which was the Toffee! I liked all 3 but if I had to choose a favourite out of them, it would most definitely be the Salted Caramel. :D

LOL. 2 things to note from this picture; Minz is too fair and FH is too violent!!! HHAHHAH! :D

33 MacKenzie Road
Singapore 228686

I started my Saturday really bright and early, #ohgodwhy. Was so tired but had to wake up at 6am to go to my Uncle's house. And while we were there, Daddy, Korkor and me went walking down memory lane at our old neighbourhood. YES I USED TO STAY IN PASIR RIS, aish my impression of Pasir Ris has been tainted boooooo x.x

The old market that I used to patronise so often with mommy; pulling the back of her tee shirt while she goes around grocery shopping. 

And my old houseeeeee omgahhhhh memoriesssss~ I miss the East so much, one day I'll be back staying in the East; best if I can stay in Katong! :D

My primary school!! :D LOL. People must be thinking I cray cray, taking pictures of a Primary school like some tourist!

Went back to my uncle's place and had awesome homecooked food. Check out them prawns. Homecooked food is ALWAYS the best.

So I heard you like big hair? 

ANYWAYS, left my uncle's place with my korkor to meet his girlfr cause he wanted to get Supreme x New Era too BUT he damn suay. We walked under the sweltering heat to Bien, only to discover all Supreme caps OOS. OHWELLS. Wanted to get Swiss roll from Rich and Good Cake Shop since we were in the vicinity but korkor don't want TSKKKKKKK. Ended up at BlackBall because his girlfr and me like BlackBall HOHOHO! :D

But really is fat die me. One bowl of carbohydrates AISH.  

OOTD that day featuring yet again my worn to death Topshop shorts and Sperry.

They wanted to catch a movie, while I was killing time to meet Damz and Jem so while walking to Dhoby we spotted Victor's Kitchen!!! I've always wanted to try this but could never get the time right. We walked past that day and they happened to be open so DIM SUM LEZGO! 

The Chee Cheong Funn and Phoenix Claws were expectedly good LOL. Soft fluffy chee cheong funn with fresh prawns and the pheonix claws were sufficiently tender and soaked in all the awesome sauce. 

The reason why we wanted to try Victor's Kitchen; THEM CUSTARD BUNZ. 

ALTHOUGH the custard inside is pretty noteworthy, I kind of still prefer Swee Choon's. This was a tad too oily despite the awesome taste to it. And the bun wasn't as soft and fluffy as Swee Choon's. But if you're around the area, I still think it's worth a try :D

Victor's Kitchen
91 Bencoolen Street #01-21
Sunshine Plaza
Singapore 189652

Finally reached the destination without stopping by any other food places (*phewww); I am totally judging the mass of people in this picture. You'd think they were queuing for free food or something but nooooo. It's some 1D event. *coughsLAMEcoughs*

Waited will 7ish till Magnebro came and pick me up in search of the ultimate chilling spot. And while driving to Thomson area, he whipped this out!


I don't really have a sweet tooth but I can't explain my obsession with macarons, especially Laduree's. And honestly, I can't really tell the difference with the ones from Singapore's outlet and these HAHAHAHA. But I still appreciate the gift all the way from Paris Magnebro :')

So yeahhh, we were looking for a cafe that we could smoke and chill and preferably not in town because town is always so damn crowded. And we ended up all the way at Thomson Plaza's Starbucks! Finally a proper catch up after Magnebro's return from Paris and the #DreamTeamNYC proper reunion :D Can't wait for our NYC trip next year!!

(and FML I realised I got way too many plans la, want to visit Jules in UK, want to Eat Pray Love in Greece and want to USA roadtrip with Jem and Damz; MO QIN LA)


Insanely soft and fluffy pancakes; this dish only costs $11.90 if I'm not wrong!! I think it's pretty value for money!! :D

Ordered additional serving of scrambled eggs for Magnebro because he just got his wisdom teeth (YES ALL 4 THIS GUY THINK HE HERO) extracted and he can't eat a lot of things.

Poor guy had to minced everything he eat! HANG IN THERE MAGNEBRO!! FRIDAY COOK OFF EVERYTHING CAN EAT LIAO!!

It was an awesome Saturday night/Sunday morning chillzx session with le bros. :) 

Sunday = Nua day; woke up to waffle crisps and croissants AND OF COURSE ONE LADUREE EVERYDAY YAYYY!!  

Hello you pretty little things just sitting pretty in your little pretty box /heartshape

Korkor's girlfr bought Stroopwafels for us because she knows my obsession with them. Everybody that loves me are trying to make me fat~

I basically nua-ed the whole Sunday away; drifting in and out of sleep to the tunes of Kodaline. Only left house at night for dinner with korkor and his girlfr! 

Pizzahut for dinner because I told korkor "Tumblr keeps showing me pictures of pizza can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HAVE SOME PIZZA?!"

And Pepperoni never fails to disappoint :D

After dinner smokes while waiting for the 2 love birds to bid farewell. LOL. 

Went home to kill zombies and repaint my nails. :D Lately I've really been having fun changing nail colours and such :D No more wasting money at nails salons!! :D:D:D


Okay dokay, the past week sounds crazy boring on paper but it was a very chillax week for me. I quite like it like this; Some weeks are power packed to the extent of me feeling totally drained, and some weeks are just real slow and more focused on quality time with the people who matter. :)

What's up for this week for me? So far on the cards, there is home cooked dinner at my auntie's on Wednesday; Cook-off with Damz and Jem on Friday and possibly partying on Saturday to celebrate Damz' ORD :D

See y'all if I see y'all! Till then, do stay safe x! :D

DAMNIT LINCEY SPINNING ON FRIDAY!!! Aish.Friday or Saturday damnnnnnn~

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