Sunday, September 29, 2013


and we wonder why no one loves us.


I know I said on Twitter I'd try to get down to doing the Hardwell video on Saturday but I was sooo lethargic, I didn't. I told myself, "don't be lazy, do it when you're up on Sunday." But I had a super long night on Saturday, only reached home at 7am so Sunday I pretty much crashed through it. 

Obviously, what I'm trying to say is no, I've not done the Hardwell video. The most I've done for it to-date is importing the various footages on to iMovie. And creating a new project. I've yet to start dragging and editing whatsoever. 

This sense of plain nonchalance has spilled over from last week to this. And there are so little pictures for last week I feel so.. I feel so whatever that even my brain doesn't bother to come up with the correct word to describe this whatever mood I am in. Pfft. So patronise me alright? Let me throw a few pictures in this post and let's call it a day.

Pictures may not be according to the flow of a week (like Monday, Tuesday, etc); alright let's get down to it!


I think I'm the Queen of slack-dressing in the Corporate World. Who else dresses like this on a working day that's not Friday? No make up somemore. /claps. 

Don't you think my BBG damn chio? :3 

Favourite Sweet Potato Balls from Maxwell Market.

Random selfies while doing my draft for BottomSlim. I came home, plpped myself on my chair and just churn out the entry before even showering and changing out of my work attire. I had to though, because if I got too comfortable, I probably would just go to sleep. My laziness always gets the better of me.  

Playing cupid for my Magnebro HAHA.

Selfie moments during my second appointment with BottomSlim :D 

The amazeballs machine they use for my thigh treatments :D

Spotted this interesting looking cafe while Daddy Quek was driving around Jalan Besar area, did a quick google and this turned up! I want to try!!! :D

Whampoa Fried Hokkien Mee; beats Food Republic's hands down and only $4.

Menya Musashi with the BFF.

Finally had the time to visit the much raved about Wimbly Lu.

Rootbeer cake with Vanilla Ice Cream; mehhhhhh~~ I've tasted better cakes without having the need to travel all the way to Lorong Chuan.

Their signature waffles was pretty good; but then again, Gelare serves pretty good waffles too. The location kinda made me have pretty high expectations for it but sad to say, I'm a wee bit disappointed with Wimbly, just like how Koh Grill disappointed me. LOL.

OOTD; denim on demin.

Think I'm too much of a bro, but I DON'T CARE I LOVE IT.

First time going for Poptart and I must say I had a lot of fun!! The night started off pretty bad, I was seated on the curb outside valet for a good 30 minutes cause I wasn't feeling very good. But once we were in, the music was so awesome!! They played The xx, Jet, The Killers, Of Monsters and Men, Phoenix, etc! I walked past Phuture to get to Velvet and heard a snippet of Lil Jon(or was it Lil Wayne) going SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS; couldn't help but feel disgusted by how I actually found such songs appealing last time :x

Left Zouk at 3ish to find Magnebro at his favourite haunt; Neverland. 


In a siam diu.

Let's take a moment to commemorate this moment.

Okay just to be clear, prior to this I have been to a thai disco. Not of my own choice, I just went along because that was the plan. Never did understood the allure of Thai Discos.

I didn't exactly want to go this time too, but Magnebro was there. The guys I was partying with wanted to stop by to wish their friend (whom I also know LOL so technically speaking also my friend) happy birthday and Minz was just OMG LETS GO TO NEVERLAND.

So once again, going because of majority.

Poor May got dragged along HEHEHE but she damn cool la she can be friends with anybody ones. Hope you weren't too bored with my friends! :D

But this trip kind of changed my perception towards thai discos. I guess if you throw the right company into whatever setting, it will always turn out a good thing. Because guess who was singing along to Black Eyed Peas and Justin Bieber at Neverland? :x

May, Minz and me were totally singing along to all the songs the thai singers were singing, completely oblivious that we were probably the only ones singing along. BUT it was fun, it was fun. (And no, I wasn't even drunk. Not even a little. Guess I was drunk of happiness from being around happy people :D)

Went off at 6 for some KKM. Walked under the sudden onset of morning drizzle to cab home. Totally died once my head hit my pillow. And thanks to that walk under the rain, I think I'm falling sick again. AISH.

Made some Garlic Omelette with Pan-Fried Oregano Tomatoes on Toasted Multigrain. 

Not trying to be obnoxious but seriously it was so good. I wanted to make Guacamole and Pan-Fried Salmon wrap but I decided to meet Mommy Quek outside for dinner so I didn't get the ingredients. Had to make do with what I had in my fridge so that was it! 

I love cooking. But I hate cleaning up. HAISH.

Safe to say, guys really love their food.  

Finally out and had to get my favourite Americano :D

Manhattan for dinner with the folks.


So yeah, done with this post. My mind is on a shut down mode I can't even process what is going to happen this week. What's up for you this week?

Till my next one, stay safe x!

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