Friday, September 13, 2013


"I'm not a concept. Too many guys think I'm a concept or I complete them or I'm going to make them alive, but..

Don't assign me yours."

I'm still thinking, still pondering, still whacking ideas off walls and sounding them out. And it hit me.

You know how you hear people talk about self love, and you kinda just hear their advices and not really listen? I mean, self love, of course I love myself?! Honestly, I didn't really understand their concept and what was the definition of self love then. 

Self love. You mean like spending a lot of money on myself? Primping; making sure I'm always well groomed? What exactly is self love? 

Until the apple fell on my head/ I sat under a Bodhi tree and attained enlightenment. /halo

KIDDING... what I'm trying to say is I just sorta bounced ideas around until the right combination hit each other and I just went *dinggggggg~ 

Loving yourself means being happy in your own skin. Being happy alone. I realised that the very moment that you think you could/would just die if you lose someone, that means you're not having enough self love

It just sort of hit me that perhaps a successful and long-lasting relationship is one where 2 independent, happy individuals come together and share their happiness with each other; and not a relationship where 2 different individuals have to rely on each other for happiness

If you can't be happy alone, how can you share happiness with another? You know what I mean?

Which is why now I'm very apprehensive when it comes to relationships now. I am still learning, still trying to be independent, and strong and be happy alone. And if I were to have my next partner, I guess the most important thing I would look for is that he/she has self love

Your partner can give you a lot of love, but no amount of love can ever fill up the void that's created by self-love deficit. So if you don't have self-love, then it's just a relationship doomed for failure.

Everyone's the main character of their own story. If you're always waiting for someone to save you, then you're just going to perish. Because everyone's too damn busy saving themselves. 

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Love yourself. Be happy alone. It's not as easy as it sounds. Once you've got that figured out, the chips will all fall nicely into place. 

Happy Saturday kitties x. 

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