Tuesday, September 17, 2013


non stop we have the beaten path before us.


Alright guys! Here I am, a day late with the weekly update! T'was a busy day at work yesterday, so I figured it doesn't hurt to postpone this entry as long as I get down to it asap.

 Monday as per usual, grab-and-go outfit with zero makeup because I had tuition after work. After tuition, I went for a run with my korkor :D From BP to CCK, a good 5km and then dinner at 302! 

So long since I had the traditional soya beancurd that I almost forgot how the texture is! In case you westsiders don't know, if you're craving Rochor beancurd when you're in the west, CCK302's beancurd is really quite similar to it! :D

Tuesday's FOTD; 

And I feel so thankful always for such opportunities :))) Upcoming sponsored review coming up! Watch out for it yeah? :D and PS, hope y'all know by now that I only write the truth and only that. So I'll make sure whatever comes here, is nothing but the truth :D

I AM HARDWELL is this Friday!! Prep mix on 8tracks has hit a whopping 1,111 right now!! :D

 Went home after Tuesday's tuition to home cooked food by Mommy :D 

And this, dear Sir, is the bombdiggity~ Curry prawnssssss om nom nom!

Wednesday's FOTD! Going out after work to chill with all my favorite people :D 

You must be thinking, why all of a sudden there's roman numerals on a post-it note. I was browsing Pinterest and then IG and #inkidea suddenly hit me :D 3.12. My birthdate. But the placement is a bummer. I want to get it on my inner forearm :( But that is a super obvious placement, Mommy probably is gonna kill me D:

Whut whut whut whut~ (in the tune of Thrift Shop) Finally got down to the Snoopify app! so fun! Too fun! :D



His IG got taken over by yours truly for a good 15 minutes, and this was uploaded to his IG LOLOLOL!! One day you watch out, I will take your phone and change your FB name to Damian DropitlikeitsHot Kang HAHAHAHAHAHA! :D In any case, if you're reading this, TAKE CARE AND ENJOY TW! :D

Dinner at Astons again; everytime I go out with the boys, it's mostly Astons. Mehhhh~ 

Met Minz after dinner to chill at Starbucks Centrepoint, and after all the boys left, we went to skatepark to talk till 1130pm! :D And as if that's not enough... 

 We went home and FT SOMEMORE :D Can never have enough bitching session with this girl one! :D SASSY SEXY INDEPENDENT BEYONCES YEAH? :D

While talking, I ended up digging this up!! Me c/o 1997! HAHAHA!!! 

Helped Minz to Snoopify her picture too :D 

Sleep-deprived me at work; I had like 2 hours of sleep before I peeled myself off my bed but NO REGRETS! :D

Collage of the Old Sports :D 

Cool uh? I like! :D

Thursdays call for a #throwback; c/o 2009 at NP Loft :D 

I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH! Hair please grow faster okthxbai.

Really is x.x at work.

OOTD; Leopard dress c/o Topshop, current fav outer wear c/o Taobao and Sperry.

Headed to Old Town for some noms..

AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SHIT! HK style Condensed Milk Buns! My fav is still the one from Leban, but ehhh I don't go there anymore so this is a close second!! 

And all thanks to RM ep 162, I got sucked into the whole KPOP shit, and I was going gaga over Kikwang from Beast! :D And the song Fiction was stuck in my head for a good 2 days okay! No joke!

And korkor finally brought home the home-made Snowskin moon cake from Jora! :D


Friday, saw me experimenting with hairstyles again~ Should I cut bangs? Got feel to cut bangs sia, but I know I confirm regret, wehhhh~ And left picture is me trying out a victory roll :D One day I shall wear it out heh :D 

Productive day at work always end up with me being bored at the end of it. Cause I'll be left with nothing to do. Productive B)

After which, headed to Chinatown to meet M for dinner before her work! :D I loveeee the food at Chinatown! It's always damn good and damn cheap! 10 XLBs for $5! Cha Kway Teow for $2.50! And all super yums!! :D

 HELLO E! HELLO J! :D I have very cute friends :D

After sending M off to her workplace, I walked from CBD back to Suntec to meet my folks. 

Yknow what is Love?

Love is giving your daughter the top part, the good part of a bread, and you eating the crust. I didn't ask for it, she took the bread out, peeled the top layer off and gave it to me, and she took the bottom, the crust. :') Of course, I tried to switch with her, but she refused. :')

Which is why, if you want to talk about unconditional love, I really believe that it doesn't exist anywhere except with mothers and their children. That's the only form of unconditional love I believe in.

Saturday; nua-ed the whole f*ing day because I was soooo tired omgahhh IDK why. I wanted to work out, I sumpah I really did. But when I went to my room to take my yoga mat, I saw my unmade bed and went "wah looks shiok", laid face down on it, and yep you guessed it, I dozed off and napped for an hour. LOL. BUT, when I woke up, I immediately changed to my sports bra and went to do some simple reps of crunches, squats, flutterkicks and pushups.

What I did:
  • 50 flutterkicks
  • 25 pushups
  • 50 crunches
  • 50 squats
That was the first time, I ever did squats in my life. And (*&^%$%^&*( THEY ARE TRULY THE BANE OF MY LIFE. LIKE MATHEMATICS. ARGH. I did 2 sets of the above and my legs turned to jelly. And right now, after 4 days, MY WHOLE LOWER TORSO AND THIGHS ARE IN PAIN. Not aching, mind you, PAIN. JUST SHEER P A I N. 

Squats. Pffft. 

After work out, I went to town to meet the boys again. My mommy asked me, "why all your friends all boys one?" I told my mommy, "Cause Imma bro."

But I did realise, I think other than a few good girlfriends, most of my closest friends are guys. I guess I just click better with guys in general? 

Whopping 57 plates, although I think I ate only 7 out of it LOL. And my Melon Milkkkkkkkkk :D

Starbucks again afterwards to chill. After the DOTA people left (guys and DOTA), SiH and me went back to Panjang KSL to chill over Tiger! 

Bro, like what I said, you are not weak; you're stronger than you think you are. Everytime you find yourself thinking less of yourself, remember what we talked about :) And thank you for confiding in me :') Honestly, I am really touched that you value my opinion so much. :) 

Reached home at 1am; good make up day = take more selfies time :D But yeah, failblog because the top left picture was taken while I sneezed -.-

SUNDAYYYYY; FAMILY DAYYYYYYY!!! I LOVE FAMILY DAY :D Must cherish all these moments before they're gone :'x

Lunch at Anchorpoint because I felt like having fish curry and Mommy likes the fish curry there :D

Went to town after lunch with korkor and mommy; OOTD, Scallop top and black knit cardigan c/o Topshop, Shorts c/o Feist Heist, and Sandals c/o Taobao :D


And guess where we went for dinner... -.-


And my Melon Milk againnnnnnn~~~ But damn dope la this drink, forever won't get sick of it one :D

Called it an early night because it's work day again the next day, went home and changed my nail colour!! CHIO BO? :D


Abrupt ending, lol. So that sums up my past week, how was yours? This week seems to be passing way too slow! Can time just speed up to Friday and then go super slow mo during Friday??? And my one Friday seems to be super jam packed with appointments, :x AISH! Take leave like machiam still so busy :x OHWELLS.

Seems like the whole world going for Hardwell, SEE Y'ALL IF I SEE Y'ALL!

Till then, stay safe kitties x!

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