Sunday, September 8, 2013


it's already gone. 'cause I don't wanna lose you now. I'm lookin' right at the other half of me.


Seems like with every passing week, I have less and less pictures uploaded. OHWELLS MAKE DO OKAY. Starting off the meh Mondays and Tuesday..

#OOTD in office lift; S'been so long since I wore that H&M cardigan out!

Teachers' Day gift from my tutee :D

#FOTD for Tuesday.

Was feeling unproductive at work, all fidgety so I just decided to wear my hair in two french braids! Look damn childish BUT WHO CARES, not me~

Quite happy that my hair has finally grown to the length where I can tie them in braids without using an obscene number of bobby pins.

Wednesday; rushed down to Sultan Plaza to collect my Taobao loots before heading to my auntie's house for some home cooked goodness! :D

Before I could even take a snapshot of our dinner, my brother dove in and put curry on his rice already LOLLLL! But I bet if I didn't say anything, you'd probably not notice one of the plate of rice has curry on it.

Went home and immediately started assembling my outfit for Friday~ Enthu maximum! Sent this to the Ninjas groupchat and told my bros "FRIDAY NEW BALANCE DAY LEZGO!"

Then it occurred to me Friday's event was "CODE: London" and this dress would be so apt! But bahhhhhh~~~ Really pass the age of bodycons to club. Meh~

Oh nothing.. just me lying in a pile of clothes. :D

Thursday's #FOTD; got stuck in my bus to work for almost 2 hours T.T Crazy heavy rain resulting in crazy jams (and flashflood) everywhere! 0945 and I was still on the way to work freezing my ass off!

My typical lift shot; Carl's Junior for lunch! :D

#MOTD; all the bloody raging hormones cause a minor pimple outbreak on my face :( I had 2 pimples on my cheek and my huge one on my temple :(

Met the Old Sports after work for dinner and smokes! :D Astons for dinner where I had carbohydrates overload AISHHHHH~~~~

After dinner, FH and Magnebro got dragged by Minz and me to take neoprints! LOLOLOL~~~


But when it came to decorating the pictures, FH was the most pro! HMMMMM, secretly neoprint addict ahhhh FH! 

Bloody blogspot. Always have one photo that refused to be uploaded the right way. Pfft. Spot the photo where we have furballs as eyes! HAHAHA!

My proper candid #OOTD; everything from Taobao for a total of $45! :O OMG?

FH went off after awhile, the rest of us adjoined to Centrepoint SBs for coffee and smokes. Had some super serious talk and everytime we do that, we end up smoking way too much. 

Sometimes I really don't understand why things got to be so complicated. Why can't people just be simple? 

Fridayyyyyyy~~~ I was on leave 'cause my Magnebro ORD LO!!! Plan was for a cook-off with J, S and Magnebro!! :D

Despite it being my off-day, I still woke up relatively early like 10am? Helped around the house before Magnebro came to pick me up at 12ish before we went down to pick S! 

Daddy gave me this packet of cookies that taste super good!!! :D Damn yums! Then again, IDK if it taste good because it's really good or because it's from Daddy :')

Grocery shopping at Anchor Point :D It's quite crazy shopping with boys~ While I was there like trying to think systematically; for e.g. what dishes we were going to cook, if there's too much food, the most cost friendly selection, etc..

The boys: Just buy only, whatever you want just buy.

We ended up buying $108 worth of food. FOR 4! And dishes we were cooking included Basil Chicken Aglio (by me), Hamburger (by D), Cajun Chicken (by J), Scrambled eggs (by S) and we still had a side of Mushroom Soup and Tortilla chips with Cheese dip and mashed potato. UMMMMM. FAT DIE US?

SUCH CHIVALRY~ I wasn't carrying anything at all :D HAHAHAHAH.

And then while D was getting his wisdom tooth stitches removed, the rest of us went to Ikea for lunch! :D

3ish, finally on our way to D's uncle's place WHICH IS JUST PLAIN GORGEOUS! DREAM HOUSE SIA AISH!

BEE-EEE-A-U-TIFUL! Lobby already so chio!! AISH!

The view from the 37th storey! Really damn chio!! :D During the whole time we were there, we couldn't help but keep going to the balcony to sit and smoke and chill.

D and his burgerrrrr~

Chilling, smoking, talking about life and the future :)

Dream Team NYC; next year, 3 of us in NYC! :')

Selfie for you? The lighting too good to pass on indulging in some narcissism.

Really is chilling like a boss while the rest are cooking HAHAHHAA! 

D's burgerrrrr~ I think D cook until damn frustrated with his burger! LOL! I mean look at how thick the patty is!! One patty took damn long to cook and he had 5 patties in total!

My very standard confirm good (flipshair) Basil Chicken Aglio :D

And we had way too much food LOLOLOL! I think we threw away quite a fair bit. Really too bloated laaa.

"Shoot down the sky line, watch it in prime time."

Pretty night lights :) Quite shiok the location, Zouk was just down the road!

YEAH YEAHHHH TEAM NB!! 11ish, headed to Zouk for Code London!!!!

 We had to drink at WB that day because it was just pouring like mad. So not much pictures because Zouk was so packed!

Still managed to cramp an OOTD at the smoking corner of WB! Wore my NB because I wanted to kill the dancefloor!! But didn't really manage to do that in the end because 1. Shu was damn bored. EDM not really her kind of music. 2. ZOUK WAS TOO FUCKING PACKED.

So packed that when I stepped down from the podium I stepped on this guy's feet. LOL and he asked for my number and the first thing I asked him in my slightly high state was


Lol~ I think everyone (or at least Minz and me were HAHAHHAA) got stunned by my immediate response. Still upholding my high moral values despite being a little tipsy. But come to think about it, I also damn silly la, I ask that question he confirm say no right? AISH silly. But then again, I am pretty sure it was just a game so.. HOPE I HELPED HIM WIN HAHA!

But I really enjoyed the music leh :( Too bad, Shu was feeling meh, R was feeling pissed with the crowd, Minz needed to leave for Mink and so we left at 2ish. 

COOL THING THOUGH, I went to Clarke Quay with Shu and D to meet my korkor for supper!!! HAHAHA! Damn cool I first time meeting my korkor for supper without our folks around. We went Clarke Quay to meet Kor and later cabbed down t Swee Choon~

Had a really good time suppering, laughing at Shu and her CHAPCHYE WTF LOLOL~

I had a rather (actually it's very) meh Saturday. It's always like this, the day after partying always end up nuaing it away. My korkor and I just stayed home the whole Saturday, watching Foodnetwork Asia and he playing Dota. Maybe I should try playing Dota one day~ LOLOL~~

Sunday; plan was to go out with my family!! :D I love it when my whole family go out together for the whole day :') I really really love hanging out with my family. Reminds me of how my mommy used to bring my korkor and I out when we were younger, and wait for daddy to end work. If I ever had a family of my own, I'd do the exact same thing. :') Bring my kids out and wait for their daddy to end work :)

Lighting in my room so good, I took way too many selfies!! I still have a lot :x

Korkor :D

Mommy :D

And my daddy! :D

OOTD; Top and sandals from Taobao.

OOTD with my mommy :D Hehehehehehe! She damn cute, she took my OOTD already then say "Okay help me take also" WHERE GOT MOMMY SO CUTE ONES?!

Went to Bien again but Korkor damn suay, Ain't Laurent without Yves snapback also sold out! HAHAHA. So now he has to really just wait for Supreme to be restocked~

Ah Chew's for some mid day dessert~

We walked from Haji to Bugis to Dhoby where we stopped by SOTA and went into some random Art Gallery~ I was walking and this purple flower just dropped so nicely in front of me. So pretty! 

Dinner at Rendevous; my mommy is Peranakan so our family naturally likes such cuisines too. (We were talking about our Heritage earlier that day too, I guess maybe my family line does have a little Malay blood somewhere? Confirm have one right? LOL which explains why I don't really look Chinese? IDK LA AISH)


Ended off the night with a walk around Clarke Quay and Liang Court and crepes for dessert :D


This week, no major plans. Though I heard something about Pasar Bella or Sunset Grill on the Ninjas chat. We shall see how it goes~~ Sidenote, HARDWELL NEXT FRIDAY :O:O:O

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