Wednesday, November 20, 2013


and I have 2.


Where do I even start? Fiercely protective; they call my shit in my face when I have clearly crossed the line (&you know just how much I appreciate real people) and making me do something about it because they know that's what I would do if I'm not blindsided by impulse; they are there out of the club in 5 seconds when I call them bawling my eyes out; In short, always there, in heart and in person. I don't even think I have ever been so comfortable being myself amongst guys before we happened. Heck, they even carry my shopping bags (&you don't just carry random friends' shopping bags).

If I had to list out all the things I am thankful for, it would probably fill up my entire blog. But hey, I just want to let you two know just how grateful I am that you both are in my life :') For everything that you've done for me; being there, and just being yourself with me, thank you. We might not be able to go to NYC together next year as forecast (thanks to my upcoming job), but I'm sure one day we will make it happen together!

I love you both sooo very much (yes Magnebro, our brotherhood has just up-ed another level), and YAYYY to seeing both of y'all later! :D:D:D 

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