Tuesday, November 12, 2013


In the midst of a job swap; I'm currently up to my eyeballs in stress. Everyday at work, I feel like I took a deep breath as I walked in at 9am, and exhaled only at 6pm when I leave for the day. Then again, most of the time my hours aren't just fixed to that. 

I'm trying my best, to tell myself that all these will end in a few weeks time. I need to grow thicker set of skin. I need to learn to not take things too personally. So hard, so hard. Especially so for me because I hate being misunderstood and I take pride in the work I do. So when people think otherwise of me.. it really affects me.

I am aware that I haven't been blogging about my life of late, purely because I don't have the time to sit down and blog about it. Not saying blogging is not important, but I'd like to think reality is more important than blogging. 

So please bear with me for this month; Won't reveal my new job/company as yet because things are still premature (I got the job already but I think it's best not to jinx it till I start). You'll know when I'm ready to say! 

Till my next (maybe random) post, stay safe and happy! :))

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