Tuesday, March 31, 2009

On the 15th of April 2009, please keep yourself free(: Details all available on FaceBook(:

Monday, March 30, 2009

Poolslot later.
Nothing else to look forward to. I know oneday, I'm gonna look back & regret something that I did not do. I just know it. & it is totally fucked up.

Ok I think I had enough rest. & might never get my tattoo. ITS SO MIND BOGGLING! I can't seem to settle on one that I want for the rest of my life. So why make things so difficult? Just one step at a time(: I think alot of people will like the idea of me not getting inked. (: So what else??? Hmmmm. Life has been pretty boring and routined. & I can't wait to club again on the 8th!(: The booze the music & just getting high HAHHAA!!! Oops I'm sucha loser when I drink. Like crazy only. OK LUH BYE.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The first weekend of SPCPOC was pretty good(: Won't go into too much details cause I think its a tad too early to say anything. && I think I'm heaty. Like sick heaty. The weather was all hot&cold. &my body has been working non stop ever since the holidays started.): REST! ON HIATUS for a day before poolslot on Tuesday. Hmmm.

Regrets. My life seems to be filled with it.

"I'm not a princess. This isn't a fairytale. I'm not the one you sweep off her feet."

You say move on, where do I go?
I guess second best is all I will know.
Cause when I'm with him, I am thinking of you.
Oh I wish that I was looking into your eyes.
How do I get better when I had the best.
You're the best.
& yes I do regret.
How I let myself let you go.
Won't you bust in through the door & take me away.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I am feeling so weary. After today's matches, I feel more chui than ever. The sun was scorching hot & I think I absorbed too much of the heat, now I feel terrible. ): && I've got a huge ass craving for the chocolate milkcurd from outside SP the mrt station together with JCo glazed donuts.. NGOMNGOM. Ok bye gotta rest early for tomorrow's match against NTU Seniors):

Friday, March 27, 2009

Competition tomorrow! Against Black Crooks. Worry, much? SIGH. My head's spinning & I don't know why. Just feel like getting lost in music again.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My toes fucking hurts from yesterday's suicide mission: To club in skyhigh heels.


But yesterday was uber fun!(: From the getting high from alcohols, which I did cause I remember after drinking the Flaming Lamboghini, I couldn't stop laughing! Like seriously! & Shunli got infected by my very contagious laughter! LOL! & YEAH pretty much protecting each other on the dancefloor, from roaming hands and desperate crotches. Pfftt. I think loads of stuff happened while I was high, can't really remember. Only remember some guy telling me "My friend wants to get to know you!" & my reply was, "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAA!" & proceeds to dance. HAHA! Totally ignore him! LOL. Well yesterday was great. At least I could walk straight. I could right! Could I? Pictures on FB!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Thanks Daphne((:
Anyways, the sun was so hot today! I'm majorly sunburnt with 3 shades of browns on my back! ): -frowns & I think I shouldn't stay under the sun for too long): Cause I keep getting headaches):
Dear Devlin Capt. AKA LeowFangHui(: ,
I THINK YOUR FELLOW 'TIMMADE'(LOL corinne!) here is damn chui! As if a swollen thumb is not enough, my left shoulder has decided to start crackling too! & right elbow! & my left thigh feels strained!): CHUI AHHHH!):

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some songs are just not the same anymore.

ANYWAYS, I have a new Topshop dress!(: WHEEEE. But I'm still deciding whether I should wear it for this Wednesday anot!): Or stick to the other!): OH NO. Decisions YET AGAIN. OKOK Have to wake up early tmr again for training!): Night world.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

With the folder 'Club Hits' on my PSP on replay, I'm so hyped for this coming wednesday((: Can't wait for Phuture cause this time its with all the people I know!! LOL! I already planned out what Imma wear!(: Hehheh!!(:
Thumb's still swollen): But owells. Just cannot really hand tackle people and gym and do pushups. SO, I don't think I'm going to see sinseh(: HAHAHA!
OMG, should I wear my killer heels on wed?? :
Should I get bandage skirt in black or dark grey!! Pfftt.
PS: Tmr got work): So sian feel like sleeping in): Owells, have to work! To pay for my insatiable spending appetite. One last one before competition(:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

everyday I sit here waiting...

Just got my results. (: As usual luh. Worries came to a naught. Pheww. But I think I could have done better since I kinda didn't really study for CHN : lol. So yeah, even though my grades pale in comparison to my overachiever friends(HAHA!!) I think they are pretty good.(: So the next 2 years are crucial for me to maintain them and get into NTU!! JOURNALISM HERE I COME(:

Went down to help out the CCA Showcase today, followed by abit of the guys' poolslot. My. Right. Thumb. Totally. Gone, me thinks. && my thighs and shoulders and back &&& IM SUNBURNT): So yeah, I'm dying. Google the lyrics for 'heavily broken'. So spot on. Alright, me is rather tired. Bye.

PS: please takecare.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I wanted to add more pictures but internet is screwed. So thats all for now): Today was bad. The thumb is really in bad condition! Thank God for WanLing's Nike headband to wrap my thumb or I'd probably not be able to gym at all HOW SAD RIGHT!): && my butt and thighs damn pain from sprinting today): PFFFTTT. OKOK I'm going to sleep now! Have to wake up early tmr!(: Can't wait! GOODNIGHT!(:

Monday, March 16, 2009

credits to Daphne.
How true.
I pulled the nerves in my right thumb during training today. Boo, very painful. How to throw ball like that??): Chui. Anyways SIEWSHUHUI. No more Phuture tomorrow! Phuture confirmed on 25th!!(: Hehssss can't wait! Like forever clubbing with Yushan also HAHA! Bahh. Nothing else to update. HAHA.
do you know what it feels like loving someone who's in a rush to throw you away? I could never see us ending like this.
I no longer know what I'm supposed to do anymore. I don't even know how you're doing.): How the hell did we end up like this?): Why? I read your past blog entries & oh how much you've changed): Sigh.

As you can see I dyed my hair today! & I did that in school LOL. Ngee Ann Poly poolside toilet. Cause our dear ATI-JIA mother didn't want me to go over when the house is all messy.HOW CUTE RIGHT? Sounds uncannily just like someone else's mum. Hmmm. Was super unglam she used clothes pegs to divide my hair!

On the bus to town where we did pull ups! LOL QUITE FUNNY cause ATI-JIA sways damn alot and she keep kicking me and the wall.

So pretty now right? So the colour extensions I did were....



Ahem! ATI-JIA is my smexy!(:

Biting into my cheese stick at JP(: Pretty awesome yo!

Although you look like a cow here, I still love you ATI-JIA AHAHHA! ZOMG SO EVIL(:

OHOH and I saw this damn cool thing at the night market at CCK! I like to call it the 'Human Hamster Ball'! How quaint!(: I wanna play in it too but the ball so small if I go in I'd probably sink into the water):

&& should I go Phuture this Wed?): Like so fast go club again and get guys glued to my ass. Pfftt. ): Like the company but dont really like the atmosphere. Not really the atmosphere. Aiya, don't know luh.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Finally back from the rather IT Fair. Being the last day, the crowd was massive. : So anyways yesterday I was in town with my Daddy and Mummy. We were at Taka Cold Storage & I saw the super gonna be extinct soon Kinder Surprise Eggs! You know the ones with the tin foils? Cool shit right! They are selling individual eggs for 1.80 each. Okok here's the part. Some nasty bastard(must be some kid) broke one of the eggs and there was this toy just laying there and screaming "TAKE ME!" so being a nasty bastard too I took it. Who could resist it man!!(: Look at the guy!

He's in love with me(:


Got my awesome pink 320Gb external hardisk(: So pretty! & slim!(:

&& tomorrow after land training its hair colouring session at ATI-JIA'S house!! Say goodbye to half dyed ahlian-ish hair and those red extensions! Imma get lighter brown hair and who knows new extensions? Haven't decided on the colour of the extensions so you guys can wait and see(: A new way to celebrate a new life!((: HOHOHO!

OMG camwhore!

Aiya one more luh next time no more ugly hair!{:



I. Know. Sometimes
It's gonna rain.
But baby can we make up
Now. cause. I. can't
Sleep through the pain.
We fighting this war
Baby when both of us are losing.
(this ain't the way that love is supposed to go.)
(What happened to workin it out)
We've fall into this place
Where you ain't backin down
And I ain't backin down
Oh baby this love ain't gonna be perfect.
And just how good it's gonna be
We can fuss and we can fight
Long as everythings all right between us...
Before we go to sleep.
It's all for...
(Fighting for)
(Crying for)
But we won't let it go for
(No not for)
This should be nothing to a love like what we got
I don't wanna go to bed
(Mad at you)
And I don't want you to go to bed
(Mad at me)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

OMG I really spent alot on clothes^^. But not regreting!(: So many clothes, so pretty YAYY! LOL. && I'm going to ATI-JIA's house on monday to dye my hair(: HOHOHO! Can't wait and she's giving me makeup tutorial(: Anyways, I've decided to set aside my next pay for my tattoo!(: Since Belle said it's gonna be about 50plus should be OK(: Hoorah alot of things to look forward to(:

Thursday, March 12, 2009


(: Jolene Quek is going to live for herself from now on. Why hang on to someone if he doesn't appreciate you? Geez wheez should have told mummy earlier. Pfftt(: ANYWAYS PHUTURE ON 25TH MARCH!! JANE SHUN SHUHUI!! C02 GIRLS! TA NA MEISHAN!! HELLO?(: hahahaha!
Take it back, take it all back now
The things I gave
Like the taste of my kiss on your lips
I miss that now

I can't try any harder than I do
All the reasons I gave, excuses I made for you
I'm broken in two

All the things left undiscovered
Leave me empty and left to wonder
I need you
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me waiting and left to wonder
I need you
Yeah I need you

Don't walk away

Touch me now, how I wanna feel something so real
Please remind me, my love
And take me back
Cause I'm so in love with what we were
I'm not breathing, I'm suffocating without you
Until you feel it too

All the things left undiscovered
Leave me waiting and left to wonder
I need you
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me empty and left to wonder
I need you
Yeah I need you

When I'm in the dark and all alone
Dreamin' that you'll walk right through my door
It's then I know my heart is whole
There's a million reasons why I cry
Hold my covers tight and close my eyes
Cause I don't wanna be alone

All the things left undiscovered
Leave me waiting and left to wonder
I need you
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me empty and left to wonder
I need you

I need you

Cause I can't fake
And I can't hate
But it's my heart that's about to break

You're all I need
I'm on my knees
Watch me bleed
Would you listen please

I give in
I breathe out
I want you
There's no doubt

I freak out
I'm left out
Without you
I'm without

I'm crossed out
I'm kicked out
I cry out
I reach out

Don't walk away
Don't walk away
Don't walk away
Don't walk away

There's just too much left unsaid. Too much left to fate when we are the masters of our own life. We create the future. We make it what we want.
Hello everyone. Quackweiwei is back. LOL! Still quite dead. After training me and Yushan chiong all the way down to Zouk. By 9plus we were in. But they chilled outside till 11plus, in the end I got the chop to get into Phuture and all BUT SIEWHUI cannot come so it was off to St James to meet her. & after boarding a cab to St James, a quarter of the way I realised the dress for ShuHui was with YS, so I asked the cab driver to U turn and wait for me while I go find YS. I had to put 10 bucks deposit and after I PRACTICALLY COMBED THE ENTIRE ZOUK FOR YS AND FINALLY GOT THE DRESS, I went back and found out that motherfcker of a taxi driver scooted off with my money!!!!! TMD. I was like, "NO NO NO FCKKKKKKKK" outside Grand Copthorne. Pfftt. So yeah what to do flag another cab to go St James): Finally met her and her friends. Clubbed till what 5am? LOL I was totally high after drinking Tequila Pop. Had like 2 vodka shots, one baileys, one tequilapop and one mixer. : Chatted while waiting for first bus to go back to ShuHui's house to sleep. Can you imagine, 2 zombies walking about. Then watch her play L4D and finally slept. Shit my mind's not sequencing anything now. Okok, will upload piccas on FB!(: 109 piccas, we the bomb SHUHUI!<3
For the first time, I realised that I have a part to play in the disintegration of our relationship. I always tell you that the simplest gestures you do would make me so happy. Then I thought back and realise I wasn't doing so either. For example, you always wanted to webcam with me last time, but I didn't wanna cause I think I look damn ugly. I could tell you were mostly disappointed. But now I think webcam is quite fun but webcaming with you now just seems weird. Another example would be cooking. Sometimes I told you I would cook for you or we cook together but it always turns out you will be the one cooking everything yourself. I can sense you were getting a little taken for granted too, idk? & lastly clubbing. I had wanted this clubbing session to allow me to just let loose. Just relax and stuff but no. I think it just made it worst. It was fun and all but it could be better, cause you werent there. I remember how last time you would ask me whether I wanna go but I always say I don't want to too. Now I understand how you felt. I really do. & I'm sorry. I wish I could take it all back. I just wish there's something I could do. But sadly, I don't think there is. Joanna told me, " Oh Libra guys!! They need freedom! They can't stay focused in one relationship for too long. You cannot chap them one" pfftt. Horoscope. Really? Tell me,how did you do it? How did you just cut off all your feelings aside? Tell me. Cause tomorrow I need SOS.

Just let me forget everything. Please. I'd do anything. I feel so fucking terrible.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Be back Thursday night. Muacks(:


OMG so many movies I wanna catch!

Trasformers: Revenge of The Fallen, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Jennifer's Body, The Uninvited... && loads more! )):

Monday, March 9, 2009

HOHOHO dancedance tmr(: But at St James.. Is it fun? SiewShuHui I WANT ZIRCA OR REBEL): pfftt.

Today is pretty shitty. Tomorrow I will forget.


你没想像中爱我 - 石欣卉

原来, 你没想像中那么爱我
你的存在 让我更寂寞

我有一丝无奈 也有一些明白
该 放开

不爱我别再说 假装爱那是撒盐在伤口

啊... 谁说我不在意空等候
原来 你从来都没深刻爱我

- 石欣卉