Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello everyone. Quackweiwei is back. LOL! Still quite dead. After training me and Yushan chiong all the way down to Zouk. By 9plus we were in. But they chilled outside till 11plus, in the end I got the chop to get into Phuture and all BUT SIEWHUI cannot come so it was off to St James to meet her. & after boarding a cab to St James, a quarter of the way I realised the dress for ShuHui was with YS, so I asked the cab driver to U turn and wait for me while I go find YS. I had to put 10 bucks deposit and after I PRACTICALLY COMBED THE ENTIRE ZOUK FOR YS AND FINALLY GOT THE DRESS, I went back and found out that motherfcker of a taxi driver scooted off with my money!!!!! TMD. I was like, "NO NO NO FCKKKKKKKK" outside Grand Copthorne. Pfftt. So yeah what to do flag another cab to go St James): Finally met her and her friends. Clubbed till what 5am? LOL I was totally high after drinking Tequila Pop. Had like 2 vodka shots, one baileys, one tequilapop and one mixer. : Chatted while waiting for first bus to go back to ShuHui's house to sleep. Can you imagine, 2 zombies walking about. Then watch her play L4D and finally slept. Shit my mind's not sequencing anything now. Okok, will upload piccas on FB!(: 109 piccas, we the bomb SHUHUI!<3
For the first time, I realised that I have a part to play in the disintegration of our relationship. I always tell you that the simplest gestures you do would make me so happy. Then I thought back and realise I wasn't doing so either. For example, you always wanted to webcam with me last time, but I didn't wanna cause I think I look damn ugly. I could tell you were mostly disappointed. But now I think webcam is quite fun but webcaming with you now just seems weird. Another example would be cooking. Sometimes I told you I would cook for you or we cook together but it always turns out you will be the one cooking everything yourself. I can sense you were getting a little taken for granted too, idk? & lastly clubbing. I had wanted this clubbing session to allow me to just let loose. Just relax and stuff but no. I think it just made it worst. It was fun and all but it could be better, cause you werent there. I remember how last time you would ask me whether I wanna go but I always say I don't want to too. Now I understand how you felt. I really do. & I'm sorry. I wish I could take it all back. I just wish there's something I could do. But sadly, I don't think there is. Joanna told me, " Oh Libra guys!! They need freedom! They can't stay focused in one relationship for too long. You cannot chap them one" pfftt. Horoscope. Really? Tell me,how did you do it? How did you just cut off all your feelings aside? Tell me. Cause tomorrow I need SOS.

Just let me forget everything. Please. I'd do anything. I feel so fucking terrible.

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