Thursday, March 19, 2009

everyday I sit here waiting...

Just got my results. (: As usual luh. Worries came to a naught. Pheww. But I think I could have done better since I kinda didn't really study for CHN : lol. So yeah, even though my grades pale in comparison to my overachiever friends(HAHA!!) I think they are pretty good.(: So the next 2 years are crucial for me to maintain them and get into NTU!! JOURNALISM HERE I COME(:

Went down to help out the CCA Showcase today, followed by abit of the guys' poolslot. My. Right. Thumb. Totally. Gone, me thinks. && my thighs and shoulders and back &&& IM SUNBURNT): So yeah, I'm dying. Google the lyrics for 'heavily broken'. So spot on. Alright, me is rather tired. Bye.

PS: please takecare.

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