Wednesday, November 27, 2013


but you're just a line in a song.


How many more notches, till you realise it's not them, it's you?

Monday, November 25, 2013


Had my extraction yesterday, together with wedging the separators between my teeth in preparation for Project Chio Smile. I thought I was the lucky one, didn't have to deal with the achy feeling in my teeth because yesterday, I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I projected myself to feel besides the taste of blood initially.

Evidently I spoke too soon because I woke up today with that annoying aching feeling in my mouth. My bite is damn soft, I don't know how am I going to chew later argh. Got to keep telling myself, this is all going to be worth it.

Anyhoo, purpose of this post: hop on to Dayre! Its free on the Apple Appstore and also available for Android devices! I was hesitant on opening yet another account on yet another social media platform, but now that I've started, it's so addictive! It's easier to update there, and not as many limitations as the other social media platforms respectively! I foresee myself there pretty often!

Obviously I will still be here, but I think I'm going to spend a fair bit of time updating there :) See you on the other side! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I'm afraid;
somebody else might take my place.

Finally had a well-balanced weekend. Had a really late night on Friday (spilling over to the wee hours of Saturday morning) but I had ample sleep; only waking up at 2pm for both Saturday and Sunday. For some of you, it might seem like whaaaat I only wake up at 4pm on weekends, but nope, 2pm is a luxury for me already!

Finally had the chance to eat Army Stew with J and BFF! :D Whoopdedoop! What made it even more awesome was Monday night was a chilly night :3 Chilly weather + hot stew = I AM RESIGNED TO MY FATE OF BEING FAT!

BFF & me VERSUS D & J.

Is it TO-MAH-TO or TO-MAY-TO? Now we know :D

Came home to my ASOS package!! My first time ordering from ASOS (I KNOW I AM SUCH A MOUNTAIN TORTOISE); AND this is my favourite buy EVERRRRR!!!! 

I sat down, tore open the package and immediately put it on. COMFIEST SHIT EVERRRRR. I slept in it yes :3 and I'm always very reluctant to take it off :(

Too much work being a human, I'd take being a leopard anyday~~~


Gelare waffles on Tuesday for lunch :D (yes blogger decided to throw tantrum again)

After work, coffee at the usual with the usuals :D

My watch decided to commit suicide btw. The mechanism at the back kind of dropped off? So now I'm watch-less zzz. I was facing the dilemma of "should I repair it or just buy a new watch" and the unanimous reply from everyone even my mother was to throw it away and get a new watch. "What for repair something that's already broken?" #notsureiftheyarestilltalkingaboutthewatch LOLOLOL. 

I did just send it back to City Chain for repair though. If it's free, then just repair lorrrrr. If there are charges I'm gonna ask them to just throw it away HAHAHAHAHAHA. Aiya see how. 

D's favourite quote, the mostest annoying-est phrase everrrrrr! Lucky you guys not his friend HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA 

Bread Society's Katsu Curry Rice for lunch :D

&then I had Bonchon 4 fingers for dinner with my bros. Another one of the 'always wanted to try but never got round to it' food. MAJOR YUMS CAN, especially the spicy wings OMGOSHHHHH SO GOOD!! 

And then we went to Zouk. 

Me. Zouk. On a weekday night. /blinks. 

Okay la I went there for a bit and then left at 11ish HAHAHAHHAA. But still. I haven't been in the Jiak Kim vicinity on a weekday night for so long (when its not a PH the next day kind of thing)!

Thursday; met FH & Ng for dinner. Plan was to go Symmetry but I had to go to Bishan after work so change of plans, we decided to try out Grub. 

Bloody hell though, we didn't know where to stop so our cab dropped us off at Bishan Park 2. 


Yeps, so the three of us had to walk allllll the way to Bishan Park 1, tummy all completely emptied out by the time we reached Grub. 

BUT THE FOOD WAS WELL WORTH IT. Not sure if I was TOO hungry or what, but I really enjoyed my meal there! My Steak & Fries was sooooo good; tender and juicy & the sauce was perfect!

The Sticky Date pudding was 5 thumbs up (if I had 5 thumbs).

The only thing I didn't like about Grub was the location. Not that its far, but the fact that it's situated in a park, so if I wanted to smoke I had to walk all the way to the carpark to smoke.

FH tearing up her belated birthday present from yours truly.

I am extremely selective with who I buy presents for. So if you've ever received gifts from me on your birthday, do know that you hold a special place in my heart :3 /mushymax

TGIF!! Skipped lunch to head over to MBS and finally got my paws on the Balenciaga bracelet! I really want the Hermes CDC but the price is just T.T #umadbro Maybe next time la, I'll get it together with my Hermes Kelly/Lindy! 

After work, went down to Harry's for a bit for a company gathering. Two bottles down and I was walking around red-faced. Really hate my asian flush so bad because it's a tell-tale sign that I consumed alcohol even though I'm not a wee bit tipsy :(

Rushed down to Tanjong Pagar to meet my bros for dinner. Wasn't expecting to get my mind blown away but... 


I was extremely apprehensive and skeptical when J told me, "this is reviewed as best truffle fries in Singapore". I mean, y'all know I love Au Chocolat Truffle Fries; I've tried so many other stores, but Au Chocolat was a tough contender to beat. I wasn't expecting much as I put the fries into my mouth (with one eyebrow cocked up)..

WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?! One taste was enough for me to say "BEST DAMN TRUFFLE FRIES I'VE EVER TASTED". Every fry, down to the last one in the basket, is evenly coated with the truffle aroma, evenly salted & peppered. The good people at SPR MRKT are most certainly not stingy with the shaved Parmesan cheese, and the interesting bit here? They add kelp into this awesome combination. 

Prepare to get your mind blown. 

Not a fan of onion rings so I shan't comment on this.

TO-MAH-TO SOUP; which was delightful, but hard to beat the one I had at Roast.

Eggs Royale; which I didn't eat.

Pulled Pork sandwich; O.O I have this strange fascination with Pulled Pork. Something about slow roasting a huge chunk of pork and pulling them meat fibres apart by using as simple an equipment as a freakingggg fork. 

H.C.M. Omelette. (Ham Cheese Mushroom/Mozzarella)

Overall, I'd say SPR MRKT is worth the trip down. Of all the cafes I've tried so far, I like this the most. It has a very unpretentious vibe, and serves really good food with no service charge or GST. One of the co-owners came out to chat with us, and I expressed my concern to him after giving my compliments to him for the food. I mean, it always happens like this; cafes usually start off serving food of the highest standards, but tend to slack off when it reaches a certain level of popularity. He said, "we've been around for a year and a half, and the food is still pretty good. So I guess that.. /shrugs" HAHAHAHA. Cool cool. I sincerely hope they do stay the same :D

2 McCallum Street
Singapore 069043

Went down to Cuscaden after dinner to meet the rest for drinks, but at 2ish, it was just down to J, me and SiH. J brought us to this amazing place; felt so good just sitting there. Never felt more alive :3

Saturday; headed to town to get my korkor's birthday present and meet SiH for dinner.


&Made for some desserts :D This Caramel Lava cake is damn dope!!! :D

Morning car rides are the bomb diggity; windows down, singing your lungs out to the songs on the radio :3

Topshop Christmas collection hiakhiak :D I love Christmas; so happy it's that time of the year again!! :D

& family dinner yesterday at Nakajima Suisan Grilled Fish. My family love Japanese food, and the first time I dined here, I knew I'd be going back for more. Prices are affordable and the food is of excellent quality! :D


Awkward endingggggg......

HAHAHAHA, okay la. I'm on half-day leave today :( Going to the dental clinic for extraction omgosh I'm really damn nervous because I'm scared of injection :( Inject arms whatever still okay leh, gan this time inject my bloody gums AISHHHHHHHH. Ohwells no pain no gain. :(

I've been secretly blogging on Dayre too, follow me there if you'd like! :D 



read on at the risk of your own eyesight LOLOLOL :D

Clear and hydrated skin; isn't that the dream? For me at least, I'd like to think yes that's the dream complexion to have! If you've been reading my skincare posts, I've been preaching about how good complexion is ze bombzx because the reason why we even pile on make-up is to create the illusion of better skin, yes? 

As opposed to my other skincare reviews, this time I was sent a product that I've used before I was sponsored :D Well that shows a lot, doesn't it? 



As my disclaimer shows, every #selfie is in this is #nofilter #nomakeup (too much IG lingo going on). Apart from my horrid eye circles (I'm really working on it :(), I'd like to think my complexion has actually improved a great deal! :D It's not so dry and flaky, not so dull anymore! :D


Not only does it instantly hydrates skin and helps preserve its optimum moisture balance, it also replenishes and locks-in moisture for complete hydration. While hydrating your skin, it does not feel irritated due to it unique formula that's skin pH balanced and free of fragrances, mineral oil, alcohol and colorant!

After prolonged use, what you get is soft and supple skin! :D:D:D YAYYYYY~~~

 There are a few ways to use this multitasking product. I use it as a toner; a few drops on my palms and pat it all over my face. Or it can be used as a hydrating everyday mask; soak a cotton pad with the lotion, peel off the single layers of the cotton pad and plaster it all over my face. Leave on for at least 30 minutes and voila~ Instantly refreshed face :D

I love how it gives my face a glow :3 Makes me look so healthy :D

I'm absolutely certain most of you know where to get this from, but because I'm so nice and kind /flipshair (HAHAHAHAHA I KID) you can get Hada Labo SHA (which stands for Super Hyaluronic Acid) Hydrating Lotion at Watsons, NTUC, Guardian, SASA, and most major departmental stores that carry beauty products at $22.90 for 170ml. 

Not sure if you're ready to commit to a full-sized bottle? Get a free sample from Sample Store!

All you have to do is click here! Follow the instructions and a lovely package will be sent to you, simple as that! :D

Loads of thanks to Samplestore and Hada Labo for this product! :D

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


and I have 2.


Where do I even start? Fiercely protective; they call my shit in my face when I have clearly crossed the line (&you know just how much I appreciate real people) and making me do something about it because they know that's what I would do if I'm not blindsided by impulse; they are there out of the club in 5 seconds when I call them bawling my eyes out; In short, always there, in heart and in person. I don't even think I have ever been so comfortable being myself amongst guys before we happened. Heck, they even carry my shopping bags (&you don't just carry random friends' shopping bags).

If I had to list out all the things I am thankful for, it would probably fill up my entire blog. But hey, I just want to let you two know just how grateful I am that you both are in my life :') For everything that you've done for me; being there, and just being yourself with me, thank you. We might not be able to go to NYC together next year as forecast (thanks to my upcoming job), but I'm sure one day we will make it happen together!

I love you both sooo very much (yes Magnebro, our brotherhood has just up-ed another level), and YAYYY to seeing both of y'all later! :D:D:D 

Sunday, November 17, 2013


and I won't let it down.
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try;
well how can I say I'm alive?


I said I wouldn't be blogging till somewhere after this month, but since I have a little time on hand today why not. Starting off with my epic trip to +66. Honestly, I was a little apprehensive about this trip. I love the country. But there's just too much memories tied to that place. I got unraveled on the last night there, all the suppressed thoughts and emotions finally broke through but all's well ends well. I would consider this trip, my favourite of the lot. :) 

Woke up bright and early due to an early flight. &I am always dressed down at the airport. Airport fashion = no fashion. 

I always prefer the window seat. I know some friends like aisle seats because it's easier to get out and easier to get the flight attendant's attention but I just love looking out of windows. Needless to say, even though I have a phobia for heights, I love looking out of the plane window :D


Touched down at Suvarnabhurmi :D (I just typed that without googling it ALRIGHTTTTT!~)

Took the Airport Rail Link to Phaya Thai, then switched over to Ratchathewi. 

Previously I have always been staying at Pratunam. This time I stayed at Bangkok City Hotel. Somewhere a little off Pratunam. The hotel is pretty good, but the location... I still prefer Siam or Pratunam.


My previous trip I didn't get to eat this so I brought my entourage there :D The fish is like magic O.O So freaking soft, and fresh and just so yummy :O

After dinner, desserts at After You! 

Shibuya Honey Toast.

Sticky Toffee Toast.

Molten Lava Cake.

Would I recommend After You? YES if you have an extremely sweet tooth. Unlike most thick toasts, the bread used in the above Toasts are more reminiscent of a croissant. Soft, flaky yet fluffy; truly an experience. Not a fan of chocolate, but I absolutely dig the Lava cake.  

Plan for the first night was Khao San, but we were too lazy; decided to chill in our bath tub instead. LOLOL. 

Really chill night, girls' night in over some beer and smokes :D

Next morning, woke up bright and early to utilise our hotel's pool! :D

Horrigible eye circles :s

Meet my squirrel friend :D heheheh so cute.

The pool at our hotel came with in-built jacuzzi, quite shiok :D

#selfiesalldayerrdayinbkk because the lighting at our room was amazeballs :D

Went to the Wanton noodles at Soi 19 again. Am I the only one who thinks the noodles are like okay only? I very much prefer the pork trotters. Truly a #heavenisaplaceonearthwithfood moment.

My favourite fried chicken uncle and auntie. Their store is somewhere along the mini lane leading to Citin. They are Thai-Chinese so we have no communication barrier. They are such a lovely pair :D

Om noms.

Platinum and Amari Watergate for some shopping.

Met the rest of my bros after for dinner since they're finally in BKK too!! :D

Tawandang as recommended by E & J :D If I'm not wrong, this is somewhere at Sathorn area.

You can't see it through this picture because of the lighting but I was pretty tipsy already. Had 3 pints of Dunkel without much food intake because I wasn't feeling very hungry. 

After Tawandang, headed back to the hotel to change and to Wip! :D No pictures at Wip because... IDK why. LOL. Minz got pretty smashed but we still made it till 6am (BKK time). 

Amazingly, we still managed to drag our sorry asses up for brunch at Roast. I've been meaning to try this since eons. So glad we made it happen this trip! 

 see what I mean by #selfiealldayerrdayinbkk? HHAHAHA. I love the ambience at Roast. Extremely chill, I could chill there all day everyday happy day! 

Outdoor seating, looking in on the indoor seating.

Best damn Tomato Soup ever. If you're going to Roast, YOU MUST ORDER THIS OR YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US!!!!! 

May's Egg Benny.

Minz' Boston Clam Chowder; which was good too but the Tomato Soup set the bar too damn high already!

My breakfast fit for a champion! :D (bloody blogger upload like this again diu)

Everything on this plate was fcking ace except for the sausage patty thingy. Didn't really dig the patties.

Minz' Beef Pasta. 

Lovely place, isn't it? :D

Walked past Mr Jones'; but too stuffed to eat anymore :s

Went to Siam for shopping before deciding on Another Hound Cafe for dinner!

The food at Another Hound Cafe was AMAZEBALLS too!!!! So good we went back the next day for dinner too!

New wallet because my old one is too old.

Went over to the boys' room for drinks before heading to Scratchdog!

THE LEGEND HAS FALLEN. (&I know what's Jem's response to this; NOT EVEN CLOSE. I was tired.) LOLOLOLOL.

No pictures at Scratchdog once again, HAHAHAHA SHIT I AM SO SORRY I was too damn busy shuffling kthxbye. :D

May, my korkor and his gf's last day in BKK, woke up to send them off, and Minz and I packed our luggages, dropped it off at our massage place before heading to Siam for lunch. 

Food here was good, but nothing to shout about. 

2 of us then piled onto a single motorbike to get back to our massage place. 

Our massage place quite shiok, seems pretty legit. It's called Zen Massage and it's just next to our hotel :D

After our massage, the two of us lugged our luggages allllll the way to Centrepoint. We had two more nights, so we decided to crash at the boys' place :D

Bromance maximum. 

I look like a bloody chipmunk here T.T

JJ market after.

Can't believe I didn't get to eat my custard puffs this time :(((((((  Didn't really shop at JJ either because we went there at 4pm? LOL failblog.

We went to Union Mall after since it was in the vicinity. There was alot of shopping to be done there but I was really really exhausted I was walking around like one zombie. Slept the whole cab ride from Union Mall to Siam and woke up with a stiff neck.

Another Hound for dinner again, this time with Jem and Damz.

Awesome possum food :D

Headed back to the hotel to prepare for another night of shuffling, and alcohol. 

Demo this time AND IT WAS SOOOO FCKING FUN. Officially my favouritest club in the whole world (for now) it trumps Zouk too :') Had major withdrawal symptoms for +66 partly cause of Demo too. Music was awesome, ambience was not shady at all, and the crowd was O.O

Left picture: My pretty BBG

Once again no pictures :x If you want to try partying at +66, like party with the locals, go Demo. Seriously, amazeballs. Period.

After Demo, met our friend (HAHAHAH), and he told us to go to Club Mixx for after-after-party. Crazy one, 5/6am (BKK time) still got after-after-party O.O But we ended up not going in because it looked shady.

Club Mixx is near Big C, which is relatively near Pratunam too so we decided to walk back. Eugene commented Minz and me could go in the trolley and the boys push us back and so we did!! One of the many happy YOLO moments at BKK; not everyday you get the chance to get pushed across roads at 6am in the morning in a trolley. Too. Much. Fun. :D

Next morning, our last day, woke up and went to utilise the pool in our new bikinis! :D

Lunch at Outback. Mind = Blown. Love the food there.

Hiakhiakhiak :3

Bought my C there! :D 

Wanted to party one good one on my last night BUT turns out nobody really parties on a Sunday even though the club was open. :( Ended up travelling everywhere and back to the hotel and I totally slept immediately. TOO TIRED ALREADY. 

Last day :( Damn sad. Really left my heart in +66 this trip. Came back and constantly asked myself WTF AM I DOING BACK HERE? Argh. Flew back alone because Minz was flying via Tiger and me on Jetstar. Quite an experience too :)

 :'( Bye +66, I'll be back for you soon. Very very soon.

Chanel alldayerrday.

Bought the Starbucks Christmas tumblr :D Coffee alldayerrday woooo~

Met Jora for dinner at DTF after my dermatologist appointment. 

Next day went back for facial and ended up sinning again. :///

Chio bags ftfw!

Starbucks Christmas Pie for lunch.. I forgot what day.

Wore my new dress from Geraffe (BKK) and my Antigona. Looking like a true OL, for once. LOL. 

Met Ng for dinner at Olio Dome, SAM. May & Damz joined after.


#lightmakeup; only concealor and sunblock on.

Met le BFF after work and she's so sweet, THW's charsiewbao for me! :D

Timms after to chill with Damz and Jem :D

Bust out my C to go for dental :D

My dermatologist is amazeballs :D

THW for lunch with half the BKK clan after dental :D I don't usually eat siewmais or har gaos, not even at SweeChoon or 126 but the dim sum here is :O SOFA KING GOOD! :O

New jeans! :D

&yet again, one more to the family :x

Sunday dinner with SinHan :D

Smoked Duck Salad from Green Bar for lunch last Monday.

Met up with my 3 other musketeers for dinner at Marche. S'been so long since my last visit to Marche; nothing much I missed :/

Early birthday celebration for Jora's birthday :D 

New nails; since I had half day and time to kill after dental, why not? :D

Ichiban dinner with C and SL with BFF at Ichiban.

Desserts after at Paris Baguette. 

And my favourite candid picture of us LOLOLOLOL~


Birthday dinner for the birthday boy at Timbre. Finally tried the "legendary" Duck Pizza. Likka meh.

Blur picture but IDGAF.

Strangers' Reunion with FH; meh meh meh. Full of meh. Will. Not. Return. Not even for their coffee. Overrated maximum.

Friday's OOTD; Topshop, Nudies and New Look. Oh and my current arm candy, Trapeze. I love this the most out of all my bags.

Healthy eating-obsessed Magnebro and his new protein-packed Banana Pancakes recipe. According to him, this is VERY VERY GOOD. I still waiting for him to make for me LOLOLOLOLOL HOR MAGNEBRO? :D 

Bibigo for lunch on Friday; I LIKE THIS. Very yummy :D And healthy (Y)

Saturday, Zouk-ed with the Ninjas to celebrate Jem's and Shawn's birthday :D Wasn't in the mood to get smashed. Wasn't really in the mood to party actually (not after Demo happened) but for my bros, I will. 

Poor Damz got pretty smashed no thanks to me and my 7dwarves :D Shu couldn't stop yelling "AWWW SO CUTE LIKE A BABY" at Damz, but then again, she was drunk too so.. LOL.

126 FINALLY for supper after, I always find it hard to choose between 126 and Swee Choon, both have their merits :D

As posted on IG; thankful :3

Brunch yesterday with le BFF; found a new place to chill. The food wasn't exactly good, but the coffee was and the ambience was really good :D Will be back again! :D

Family dinner yesterday and korkor bought Laduree! :D So long no Laduree, this time I stuck to my favourites, Pistachio and Salted Caramel :D


&so that rounds up the past few weeks from BKK till now. Things to look out for; braces on my birthday, new job on 5 December, Zoukout after! :D Might be flying to KL this weekend but no concrete plans yet! 

Whoopdedoo! Till my next update, x!