Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Had a pretty good day today. Though I spent alot of transportation. Cab to and fro tskkk. Should probably exercise more self discipline me thinks. Caught The Ugly Truth with Ng, was awesome and funny and vulgar! Saw the cutest guy ever at Vivo's Topshop oh God someone save me!): HAHAHA. Think Imma go out and do something with my hair tomorrow, IDK who knows maybe I'll shave it off. My life is so sad and sianzx right now. Life, please surprise me. I don't mind a Peter Parker or a Zac Efron, whichever goes. (: Goodbye.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Harrow! Here to update again! :D Hmm, but IDK what to update about. How about... me not clubbing for a week till 2 weeks? IDK have I told you that? Time for me to rest and chillax and relax whatever fuck. Give me skin some purity! So sad, everytime I xcore club my skin xcore dies like )): Time to shop for masks!

Lately I've been a little disappointed with my hair. Looks lacklustre and always tangled like fuck. Seriously, I can spot them split ends so easily! ): Been wanting to dye it back to black, since I have this golden/lightbrown for more than a year already. Should I? But I am still hesitating 'cause what if I like my lightbrown again how? Have to chiong dye again. TMD decisions decisions.

Got rid of my manicure colour. Surprisingly my nails are quite healthy.. looking. (: Bought a nail buffer shit and gave it away on the same day. HAHA, some angmoh saw me buffing my nails and got so fascinated he stopped me and asked me where I got it. So I gave mine to him. LOL. I can buy it anytime anyways! :D Such a nice Singaporean, he took a picture LOL!

Sigh, should I paint it gold, blue or nudish pink? Ahhhh, I really really like the gold, but the blue is cool BUT WHO CAN RESIST PINK! ^^v
GAHHH, off to bed naozxzx. So tired! Nights!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I'm all fine and dandy, sometimes I just can't stop wondering. But I know I'll be fine. (: Someday, soon enough. I can feel it already.

Anyone else agrees that the first song on my blog playlist is just fcking awesome? Ahhh, ' Day N Nite' Crooker's remix is my instant get high fix before clubbing! :D Anyways after my 4 days FUN campaign, I abit the sianzxzx about clubbing already. Hence, me is taking a weeklong break! From alcohol, partying and stuff! Abstinence! :D But for Amanda Mak! I will club again on the 7th! Whoop whoop! ^^

Ok laaaa, I wanna take a nap! Or maybe play my Sims3! What I can't seem to accomplish in life now? My Gwen Ronson will accomplish for me! :D So fun to play God! (:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I've always wanted us to go back to how we were last time. Not, as in together last time, but more of friends who can turn to each other kind. But we never could do that. And I don't know why.
But now, I know why. I no longer feel pain and hurt when I see you but I guess the fact remains that you, took my heart, tore it into mini mini itsy bitsy pieces and fed it to the sharks. Though we're friends now, or maybe acquaintances, but there's always this thing blocking us. Now we know.
OhMyGod, it sucks having a cough. Its so horrible. The phelgm is like,perpetually stuck in my throat! \: Tiny little bastards. Ok, gonna go get my coffee. Updates again later, bye!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Something exceedingly terrible has happened. I feel so helpless right now cause apparently theres nothing I can do to salvage the situation. I mean, technically there is something I can do. But there is this incredibly huge and obstinate obstacle in the way that just refuses to budge. I tried my best to shift it away, but it remains the same. I really didn't mean for things to turn out this way but yet it did. I know its my fault, that I'm the one in the wrong. Which makes it all worse. ):

Anyways, today was poolslot with only 5 devlins. It was, well.. painful? 1 hour nonstop game. Omg, with no subs. Omg, my hands were like numb after it all. After that was L4D with Benedict, Leonel, Romeo, DicksonH, Lin and Shunli. Omg this time our team not so imba already. ): Cannot blame Shun and Lin also since they don't usually play. ): Ahhh. Not that I take things too seriously, but the fun thing about playing L4D is when you win. Right, Benedict? HAHAHA, the both of us just pek cek over there HAHAHA! But nehmind, we'll be zai again!

Fuckkk, I think I'm falling sick again. Two days of poolslot under the rain, well no literally, but still all wet and cold... hmm. Having the flu and sorethroat too. Bahh.

Sometimes, I really wished I could turn back time. I wish there was actually something I could do. I wish I could do what I want, with no regards to what others might think. And of course, without having to lie. It is just so tiring.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Imma blog backwards cause I forgot blogger loads pictures the backwards way so yeah I'm too freaking lazy to shift and adjust the sequence of the pictures!

So anyways, Wednesday's clubbing session was like 'awesome clubbing session part 2' after the one with Fanghui! :D We went to Butter then back to Phuture for last hour! OMG, that means the whole clubbing session was good music throughout! Jane Ho ahh, seriously should start to like learn to not be so high after a mere couple of drinks! After a few mixers and she machiam flying siaa!

We L4Ded after clubbing and breakfast and BtTimahShoppingCentre! Omg, my team comprising of mainly Benedict Malcolm and yours truly is totally IMBA siaaa! Versus mode we totally pwnzxzx the other team! :D

The life cycle of my brother, Benson Ng. ROFLMAO. All of us had a good laugh at BeautyWorld McDs. Thanks to his photos and ShuhuiBFF's super funny comments to them! :D

Malcolm damn zai please. Look at the photo above. Does he look any drunk to you? No right. He looks perfectly fine right? Would you believe if I said before that he conked out for 2 hours? He only awoke when we reached Phuture, which is whut? 3am? HAHAHA! Zai sai please!

Awww ♥ Shuhui knows. I also know why this picture is so awesome! :D ♥♥♥ ♥you dipzxzx dipzxzx worzxzx! :D
And so, that was the Wednesday. I don't know how else to describe it except it was LEGEN.. WAIT FOR IT... HAHAHAHA! Its was really that fun. Which is why Jane and I are thinking if we should go again next Wednesday! But the sad thing is, likka nobody else siaaa. I dont know about the juniors, gotta ask them tmr. But Shuhui not going cause she'll be in Genting for her birthday celebration. Yushan thinks its too tiring. Lin, I not sure. Lets ask Gracieee! :D HAHAHA! Yeh lorzxzx. Howhow? Plus I got work on Thursday siaaa!):
And and, today team dinner like seriously WOOO. Now my stomach is feeling all wonky cause I ate TomYam noodles and after that I had Yoguru. Seriously. Yoghurt and TomYam do not mix very well with each other siaaa): Sianzxzx.
Okok, tmr slot again. Gonna sleep naozxzx. Anyone wants to play L4D after trng please text text me heh heh! :D

Monday, September 14, 2009

HARROW! :D Today was one helluva day. Spent pratically whole day in town. Hmmm, interesting photoshoot. Wanna see the end product but I gotta wait till Thursday! Owells. Finally caught '9' which was the epitome of awesomeness. Just kinda pity that it only last whut, 1hr 15 mins max I think. Seriously, the dolls are so cute that you just wanna grab them out of the screen and keep em in your pocket ^^v
Made a last minute decision to get a manicure pedicure. Kept looking at my nails before and felt instantly ugly. Will you believe me that manipedis are addictive? Once you start on them, you feel like any other nail polish brands just suck once you have tried OPI? Seriously. Not kidding! And and, if anyone ever wanna try doing a manicure or pedicure or GodBless, BOTH, do go down to NailsBar at FEP! They are at the 3rd floor where all the nail salons are situated! Purple and black cosy looking outlet! You won't miss it! I tried their services and one near the store and I tell you, I'M NEVER GOING OTHER OUTLETS. Their skills and service is superb! :D Always come out of there feeling like a Princess -cuePrincessyMusic No, I'm serious. They are goooood! (:

Finally, I think it should be safe enough for me to post this(: The boy whom I've been secretly crushing on for the 2months(: Yknow yknow, I'm not gonna mention any names. If you know then good for you! (: Isn't he cuteeeeeee! Don't you wanna keep him in a box and put a bowl of milk nearby awwww :D HAHAHA, machiam dog siol. But seriously, he is so adorable :D

I don't understand how some things are soooo obvious yet you don't pick up any details of it. At all. You're fcking brilliant. Now you know why you're at this stage? Why we're like this? Now you know? Oh yeah, I forgot. You still don't. >.< By the time you realise that it was never meant to be, it'll all be too late. Really too late. Sometimes I feel like I don't know you at all.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yet another day spent practically sleeping. Hahaha? Just that this time I was stuck in Pasir Ris which feels like a perpetual desert! So hot and humid! Had to like, not move and keep psychoing myself that 'the weather is fineeee' so that I might feel a little better. TSKKK.

OMG, the lips and the eyessss. :D Hot, can anyone spell HOT? Hehhehhhh! Kind of nervous for tomorrow yet full of anticipation! Gonna be in town for '9'! :D I knowww its gonna be an awesome awesome movie since Tim Burton stuck his thumb in it! Ahhh, don't even get me started on Tim Burton(:

Oh and I realised something. How spicy food, horror films and falling in love are so similar. They all give you that kick, but they always end with bad endings. And even though we're fully aware of the consequences, we still indulge in them nonetheless. Hmmm.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

End of the competitions for us already. So many unanswered questions. Need to get a job, quite desperately here. ): Sad.

Bought my new contacts cause very smart me flushed one side of my grey GeoLenses down the sink. Fucking clever. Now I'm stuck with FreshKon's Perky Brown which doesn't agree with my eye cause just 3 days after I wear it the left side is like screwed up already. Keeps sliding up making me look like a person with cockeye. WTF FML.

Nails also cui ttm. Shall not do manicure but instead I shall paint them myself. SINCE I've been practically collecting nail polishes, so yeah shall dig them all out(: And and ooh jam packed week part 2 next week! Monday will be photoshoot and movie with my brother, Tuesday will be lunch with YT and CorinneOng then training, Wednesday is ButterFactory with my lovely BFF, teammates and juniors! Thursday is tentative suntanning with BFF and C02 steamboat at night, Friday is DEVLINS DINNER! :D WHOAAAA, MONEY PLEASE FALL FROM THE SKY(:
Went to Marina Barrage today with TehYuShan and YunLinKheng today after competition for ChunkFest! Quite happy I got to eat the ice cream! No queue siaaaa! Took damn alot of grass pictures HAHAHA but they all with TehYuShan so yeah have to wait. Gahhh.
Ok luhhh, I got to go prep for sleep naozxzx. Tired like one mofo. Tomorrow got to go to my uncle's house in PasirRis. ): So early so faraway! DA JIA BU YAO XIANG WO WORZXZX! :D

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Decided to blog, because of the awesome date(: 090909. Something that only happens once in a lifetime. I wanted to club tomorrow but decided to put it off, and club next Wednesday instead. Butter butter butter! :D Sigh, after this Saturday everything is going to cease. Everything is going to seem weird. I'll be like, exceptionally free. I want to workkk! Anyone with any job lobangs? HAHAHA, I like jobs that are fun, nothing much to do but pays hellloads? HAHAHA! Imma idiot! I have one such job already! Going for photoshoot on Monday, eggcited much? :D But but its only once in a while so also can't have money literally rolling in. ): In need of a sugar daddy. HAHAHAH! Okok, I'm pretty tired. Gonna crash now! Will update again soonsoon!

You know whats the downfall of every single relationship? Miscommuncation. Coupled with the disaster of insufficient trust and not willing to sit down and listen to the other party's words, you get the perfect recipe for a love catastrophy.

I'm honoured, really. That people think that I'm trustworthy enough to tell me stuffs about their relationships and ask for my opinions and suggestions and stuff but sometimes, it gets so overwhelming. So suffocating. Its as if, I'm in their relationship. I'm the one suffering their heartaches together with them. I know it sounds weird why I take it so seriously. But its because when they tell me of their woes and rants, I get pulled back into my past. And it sucks. Having to relive it. And I only not show it is because they're my friends. And they really need my support and they can't have me telling them 'stop, I don't want to hear about it.'

Don't get me wrong friends. I'm not saying that I don't like being there for you. In fact, I'm happy I can be of help(: Its just my 2 cents worth. That sometimes, I am not the solution to your problems. You are. All you have to do is communicate. Be willing to do so. And TRUST. Mutual trust. :D

& to you. Never thought I'd say this. But here goes. You are a fucking asshole. Really. And an uptight pussy who can't decide what you fucking want. And I can't believe I didn't see that coming. I can tell you straight in the face. Up yours, biatch.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sorry for the major lack of updates recently. Have been too caught up with polo and stuff. End up returning home so tired I really just conked out within 5 minutes of touching the bed! National Champs hasn't really been good this year, we only end up doing right near the end, which was a little too late. Sigh, we'll see about the rest in the future yes? One month has past since end of attachment! So incredibly fast): Now I'm left with one more month, think I'd better find something to do to earn money soon soon cause my bank account is depleting like mad! And I haven't gotten the chance to do my tatt. Gotta head down to Penin soon.

Hmmm, what do I do now? \: I've got one more month till Year3 Semester 2, after which I would have graduated from Polytechnic life. Still no inkling on what I wanna do after that. Ahhhhh....