Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sorry for the major lack of updates recently. Have been too caught up with polo and stuff. End up returning home so tired I really just conked out within 5 minutes of touching the bed! National Champs hasn't really been good this year, we only end up doing right near the end, which was a little too late. Sigh, we'll see about the rest in the future yes? One month has past since end of attachment! So incredibly fast): Now I'm left with one more month, think I'd better find something to do to earn money soon soon cause my bank account is depleting like mad! And I haven't gotten the chance to do my tatt. Gotta head down to Penin soon.

Hmmm, what do I do now? \: I've got one more month till Year3 Semester 2, after which I would have graduated from Polytechnic life. Still no inkling on what I wanna do after that. Ahhhhh....

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