Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Decided to blog, because of the awesome date(: 090909. Something that only happens once in a lifetime. I wanted to club tomorrow but decided to put it off, and club next Wednesday instead. Butter butter butter! :D Sigh, after this Saturday everything is going to cease. Everything is going to seem weird. I'll be like, exceptionally free. I want to workkk! Anyone with any job lobangs? HAHAHA, I like jobs that are fun, nothing much to do but pays hellloads? HAHAHA! Imma idiot! I have one such job already! Going for photoshoot on Monday, eggcited much? :D But but its only once in a while so also can't have money literally rolling in. ): In need of a sugar daddy. HAHAHAH! Okok, I'm pretty tired. Gonna crash now! Will update again soonsoon!

You know whats the downfall of every single relationship? Miscommuncation. Coupled with the disaster of insufficient trust and not willing to sit down and listen to the other party's words, you get the perfect recipe for a love catastrophy.

I'm honoured, really. That people think that I'm trustworthy enough to tell me stuffs about their relationships and ask for my opinions and suggestions and stuff but sometimes, it gets so overwhelming. So suffocating. Its as if, I'm in their relationship. I'm the one suffering their heartaches together with them. I know it sounds weird why I take it so seriously. But its because when they tell me of their woes and rants, I get pulled back into my past. And it sucks. Having to relive it. And I only not show it is because they're my friends. And they really need my support and they can't have me telling them 'stop, I don't want to hear about it.'

Don't get me wrong friends. I'm not saying that I don't like being there for you. In fact, I'm happy I can be of help(: Its just my 2 cents worth. That sometimes, I am not the solution to your problems. You are. All you have to do is communicate. Be willing to do so. And TRUST. Mutual trust. :D

& to you. Never thought I'd say this. But here goes. You are a fucking asshole. Really. And an uptight pussy who can't decide what you fucking want. And I can't believe I didn't see that coming. I can tell you straight in the face. Up yours, biatch.

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