Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I'm all fine and dandy, sometimes I just can't stop wondering. But I know I'll be fine. (: Someday, soon enough. I can feel it already.

Anyone else agrees that the first song on my blog playlist is just fcking awesome? Ahhh, ' Day N Nite' Crooker's remix is my instant get high fix before clubbing! :D Anyways after my 4 days FUN campaign, I abit the sianzxzx about clubbing already. Hence, me is taking a weeklong break! From alcohol, partying and stuff! Abstinence! :D But for Amanda Mak! I will club again on the 7th! Whoop whoop! ^^

Ok laaaa, I wanna take a nap! Or maybe play my Sims3! What I can't seem to accomplish in life now? My Gwen Ronson will accomplish for me! :D So fun to play God! (:

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