End of the competitions for us already. So many unanswered questions. Need to get a job, quite desperately here. ): Sad.
Bought my new contacts cause very smart me flushed one side of my grey GeoLenses down the sink. Fucking clever. Now I'm stuck with FreshKon's Perky Brown which doesn't agree with my eye cause just 3 days after I wear it the left side is like screwed up already. Keeps sliding up making me look like a person with cockeye. WTF FML.
Nails also cui ttm. Shall not do manicure but instead I shall paint them myself. SINCE I've been practically collecting nail polishes, so yeah shall dig them all out(: And and ooh jam packed week part 2 next week! Monday will be photoshoot and movie with my brother, Tuesday will be lunch with YT and CorinneOng then training, Wednesday is ButterFactory with my lovely BFF, teammates and juniors! Thursday is tentative suntanning with BFF and C02 steamboat at night, Friday is DEVLINS DINNER! :D WHOAAAA, MONEY PLEASE FALL FROM THE SKY(:
Went to Marina Barrage today with TehYuShan and YunLinKheng today after competition for ChunkFest! Quite happy I got to eat the ice cream! No queue siaaaa! Took damn alot of grass pictures HAHAHA but they all with TehYuShan so yeah have to wait. Gahhh.
Ok luhhh, I got to go prep for sleep naozxzx. Tired like one mofo. Tomorrow got to go to my uncle's house in PasirRis. ): So early so faraway! DA JIA BU YAO XIANG WO WORZXZX! :D
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