Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chikuwa Tei

On Tuesday, I had this sudden craving for Japanese food. Like this, I just got to have it NOW craving. So during work, I went to scout around online where has the best Japanese food in Singapore. Okay maybe not THE BEST but more of Authentic and Value for Money. And then I came across, Chikuwa Tei. Googling it shows that the current owner of Chikuwa Tei used to be the Nazi Chef from Wasabei Tei! Of which I hadn't tried but heard loads of good reviews of. And so I made reservation for 4 that night for my family and off we went.

 The appetiser. It was some sort of chicken stew. Pretty good. You can taste that they probably stewed it for the longest time because the carrots and mushrooms and the chicken bits were so tender. The lotus roots added a nice crunch though (:

 Hehehe my daddy mommy who were so excited to be dining in a proper Japanese restaurant (:
 May I present their Salmon Sashimi. Most places serve slices of salmon. At Chikuwa Tei, they only serve chunks of salmon. Which is good because their salmon is so fresh and so good! You could taste the sweetness of the fish. And the aftertaste? Soooo fucken good.
 /drools seeing this makes me wanna hop on a cab and make my way down now. :S

 My Unagi Bento :D Which was the right amount of softness and texture. The sauce was done just right, not too savoury not too bland. (Y)
 Momsy's Saba Bento. It was pretty good, but I always though Saba can be easily bought and cooked at any other Japanese stores so this was pretty ok.
THE MOTHER OF CHAWANMUSHI. Steaming hot soft creamy egg with generous helping of konnayuku jelly, mushrooms, chicken and prawn steamed in chicken broth. Mmmmmmm...
 Ultra yums.

 Korkor's Beef Teriyaki Bento! Which IMHO very well cooked! I love beef and this dish had the right amount of onions : beef. Something about sautéed onions that taste sooooo good. I had this again on the other 2 days that I went back!
 Daddy's Salmon Teriyaki Bento. One thing Chikuwa Tei is so good at? Is how they handle their salmon. Cooked or sashimi, both equally delicious. One salmon steak barbecued in teriyaki sauce till the skin is charred and crisp yet the flesh is still moist and flavourful.
 And I went back the very next day, but this time with J <3.
 Tried something new this time, the Codfish Hotpot. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, the codfish was so tender and it doesn't even have the slightest hint of fishiness. And cod has this creamy taste? So it was soft and creamy, and when eaten with their sauce? Heavenly.
 HAHAHAHA 3rd time with BFF <3. :D

 The appetiser for this visit was slightly different. I couldn't make out what exactly this was. The black stringy thing, but all I know was it was stewed with chicken, and dried shrimps. Sweet and yummy ^^

 Wahhh /drools some more.
BFF and her Codfish Hotpot. She was so happy to be back as she is used to be her HUGEASS FAN of Wasabei Tei but couldn't figure out where the Nazi Chef went hehe. 
So if anyone is interested, the address is above. I would say its really good Japanese food they serve there and do take note to make reservations should you wish to have dinner there. On Tuesday and Wednesday, there wasn't much of a crowd but Thursday started to be more packed. Even though I went there for a consecutive of 3 days in one week, I still don't mind going back for some quality and generous servings of salmon!

I would rate this restaurant, 4.5 out of 5 stars! :D

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