Sunday, April 8, 2012


I have always been a fan of tattoos. At least since polytechnic years. But frankly speaking, at that time and at that age, as much I like the idea of having a tattoo, I toyed with countless designs for years and still couldn't make up my mind if I was ready to commit to something so permanent. But in 2010, I chanced upon a quote, got it done and that started the whole tattoo journey. Everytime I do one, it'd be quite an experience (sometimes unbearably ticklish/painful) that I'd swear off getting another one. But after seeing the final art piece, I can't wait to get the next one. 

These pictures are taken during my most recent tattoo session (which was in Dec '11) at The Daily Dozen. The artist is Deon and he's SOOO PROFESSIONAL. And skilful. Le boyfr says he used to be the apprentice of this famous tattoo artist from Visual Orgasm. I would say he's very good and he's not VERY expensive. My first 2 were done at First Tattoo's Anthony. He's alright I guess. But I would most definitely get my future tattoos done at Deon's.

Ok I'm not sure how most tattoo artists work, but from my experience I infer that some basically take your desired design, redraw it on a stencil. Trace it onto your body, and tattoo it. Tada there you go. But Deon is different. You show him your design. He gives you suggestions, but ulitmately still up to you to decide. THEN HE FREEHAND DRAWS IT. WTF AND HIS FREEHAND IS FUCKING ACE I TELL YOU. The picture above is an example. No stencil or whatever bullshit. Fuckin ace.

Pretty isn't it :D

So if anyone is wondering what my tatts are about. I got this because the last word of my Chinese name is 薇. Which is also another variation of "rose". And 3 is my favourite number, also my birthdate. "La Vie en Rose" is a french phrase which is directly translated as 'Looking through Life with tinted glasses'/'Life in Pink'. IMO I felt it meant to always be positive in Life.

The phrase running down my spine reads "Infragilis et Tenera". Its latin for "Unbreakable yet tender". To be firm yet flexible in Life. The placement on my spine serves as an oxymoron, I mean how flexible you want my spine to be right?

The last one was shows 21 birds flying out from a quill. In most tattoos, its typically just a feather. But I requested for the tip of the feather to be a quill to symbolise my love for writing. 21 birds to symbolise the year that I am supposedly "free"(HAHA what a joke). 

So yeah. These are my tattoos. Simple and meaningful enough for me.(:

If you guys have any tattoos/tattoo ideas share with me! :D I love tattoos. I think they add a lot of personality to someone. :D

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