Sunday, April 8, 2012

... more March 2012

I am a pro at eating :D

 Seoul Hotpot once a week :S

 Ah Loy Thai (Shaw Towers) with FH :D

 Greenview (FEP) mhk with le CEO bro :D

 Hehehehe finally le Chanel necklace is mine #gollum myyyypreciousssssssss~ ^^

 Ikea Alexandra with le boyfr <3

 Happy hour at Applebees. Beer makes me burp, sleepy and have zero judgement. Or eyesight. HAHAHA because that night ended with me taking the wrong bus home :(

 Eggs Benedict for me..
 English Breakfast for le BFF. :D 
 Mushrooms. /devilhorns THESE ARE SOME MAGICK MUSHROOMS :D:D:D


 Manhattan Fish Market there is sooooooo value for money. The grilled seafood platter we had was 50S$ HOLY SMOKES. And we even had seafood chowder and a Caeser Salad on the side. :O  Soooo goood.

 Hehehehe so cute :P

And we ended the trip with my favourite BKT. This time I ordered so I remembered the enoki and my favourite beancurd skin :D Anywhere in JB theres awesome and cheap food share with me okay! :D Other than Loklok cause I also know that! :P

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