Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oh so random, but I can't stand the texture of my hair. I guess my hair is photogenic. Because it looks hella nice on camera (most of the time) but when you touch it, its akin to running your fingers through straw. Farm straw that is, not the straw you get from the dispenser at McDees or KFC. And after going to Salon Vim, I'm sorry Mine's Salon but I think I'll be sticking to Melvin. And after my experience with Salon Vim, I can't wait to get my hair permed! Salon Vim has shown me that it IS possible to get large, loose curls as your perm and not those, tight, tiny curls that your auntie has.

Okay this is really a random post. With no narcissism :O Shocking hur? On another note, I'm going Chikuwa Tei later! :D Can't wait :D If my mama brings out my camera, I'll take some photos for you guys ^^

Till my next post, X.

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