Monday, August 6, 2012

200 pounds beauty

Can't tell you how much I love this movie. Plus the main actress is so pretty :D

You know that feeling when your Life doesn't seem to be going anywhere? Like you feel super frustrated with everything thats going on? But suddenly you feel at peace with the world? Thats how I feel when I'm with you, B :) Suddenly everything else doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I just chop off my locks and dyed it black for SIA but I didn't get in. It didn't matter that factually I look better with not so short hair. It didn't matter that I was all bare faced and wearing spectacles. It didn't matter that I could only meet you for not more than an hour for lunch. It didn't matter that you had to come all the way down to Suntec just for that one hour with me.

Because when I am with you, I feel so happy. When I'm with you, it really didn't matter that I was having so much trouble at work. For that one hour when I was with you, all those trouble really just disappeared. It was like a stormy weather that always turned bright and sunny once you're around. :)

It doesn't matter what people say. Relationships exist between two individuals. Sometimes it does help to listen to what a third party's got to say. But sometimes you have to make your own judgement. I know for sure, that you are the one person who makes everything better in my Life. 

I really am a lucky girl, am I not? 

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