Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jobs (III)

In case you are wondering why do I keep posting about jobs and careers, thats because stripping my blog off all its aesthetic and frivolous content, this is still my journal. I am so deeply confused lately. Its like having a quarter life crisis. I am at that point in my life where I am not happy with where I am. I am not happy with my job. I am not happy that my life seems pretty much stagnant. I am not happy that I do not know what to do to get what I want. 

I know that I can't just let it go. I can't ignore this nagging feeling of my unhappiness. We all know it doesn't work this way. But what if as of now, I realise that I really don't know what I want? Ok maybe I do. 

You see, for the longest time /deepbreath (this takes alot of courage for me to say it out here), I have been trying to be an SIA girl. Really long. Long arduous journey. Since 2010? Fcking 2 years mind you. Ok but I didn't exactly go for every single interview since 2010 but rather I went for it the first time in 2010. I believe it was in October.

Back then, I just tried it just to see if I could get in. So I went without much preparation on the interview and I didn't even dress like I was going for one. Needless to say, I got booted right at the first stage. A few months passed, a friend wanted to give it a go, so I decided to try again since I agreed to accompany her. Still went there, dressed the part, but clueless so out we went. 

I thought I had given up, and I don't know what I was thinking (I think Jules really wanted it for me) so I read up on the SIA interview stages and blahblah online and in April 2011, I made an impromptu decision to try for it again. Like the interview was at Sheraton Towers and its only on from 8am to 2pm and I decided to go for it at 1:30pm. Mad rush I am telling you. 

Surprise surprise, I got through the first stage. For people who have no idea how the SIA interview goes, let me break it down for you.

Stage 1: Mass Introduction
This stage is like an elimination round. They will group you into groups of 10 according to the sequence when you arrive at the registration. Meaning if you walked in with your friend, high chances you will be in the same group as them. So it'll be 10 of you being interviewed by 2 SIA representatives. This round is basically a mass introduction where they will ask you to introduce yourself and answer a random question that they asked. Questions like, "whats your favourite movie?"; "If you can be a fruit, what would you be?"; etc. After which you will be led outside to wait for the results. 

This round is a killer because you are competing against 9 other people and the question could be anything and you have to think real fast and your answer has to stand out or you're definitely out. I used to hate this stage alot but now like, used to it already. :x

Stage 2: Certificate and Height Check
Pretty self explanatory, they just check if your height is complying with the requirements and if you have brought the necessary requirements.

Stage 3: Skin check
Also pretty self explanatory, basically they check your face, back of your neck, upper back and arms if they are any scars or blemishes. If you think you can conceal pimples, afraid to burst your bubble but they will shine this really bright light to your face so if you have pimples, everything is revealed. 

Stage 4: One to one Interview
This stage you will be interviewed by an SIA representative on your own. Almost similar to stage 1, just that you will be talking alot more about yourself and all. They will also test your pronounciation through a reading test and sometimes, ask you a question based on the passage that you just read (which is usually a situation on the plane).

Stage 5: Management Round
This is conducted on the next day. 4 to 6 of you being interviewed by 2 of SIA's management personnel. You will have to introduce your partner (you will be paired up), and afterwhich its either a debate, or they will give you a topic and you will voice out your opinions. 

Stage 6: Kebaya Round (For girls only)
Basically a more thorough skin check. And see if you can carry off the SIA look. And how you walk. And smile. 

Stage 7: Medical Check Up
I believe I don't need to cover this.

So yes, back to where I was. April 2011. Surprisingly, I got through the Stage 1. Thought I would most probably get booted out at Stage 3 because I definitely remember having some blemishes on my face, but surprise yet again, I got through to the next stage. I thought my luck couldn't get any better and probably would run out by the next round since I wasn't prepared to go THAT far. But when I was in the room with the interviewer, I thought I did pretty good. Crapped like I really knew what I was talking about. And surprise yet again, I got through to the next day's interview. 

I remember so vividly, how happy I was. Like "OMG I did it. I passed all those stages that I thought I couldn't!" Next day, went through the Stage 5 and got booted out. Disappointed to the max. But after April 2011's interview, I became obsessed with wanting to get in.

I am the kind of person that when you dangle something in front of me, and I know I can do it. I will not stop till I get it. What am I trying to prove? Maybe to myself that I can actually get what I want. But for the next few months, strangely I couldn't get past the first stage again. Slowly, I began to give up. I mean, determintation and mentality is one thing. But do you have any idea what it feels like to have doors shut in your face everytime you open it? Once, fine. Twice, I can take it. Thrice, hang in there. Four times? Fuck this shit I am done.

So for a few months, I didn't go for it. I just didn't wanna face rejection anymore. 

Partly the reason why I didn't try for it was also because J wasn't too keen on the idea. Don't get me wrong. He doesn't like "Oi I don't like, you cannot go." He was like, "I will always be supportive of what you want to do. But I am not too keen on the idea of you being an Flight Attendent (FA)." 

Firstly, if I were to be a FA, my working hours are irregular. That means less quality time can be spent. 

Secondly, this social stigma about FAs personal conduct. I mean if you google "SIA interview" or something along that line, you will see results pop out from sites like , where the forums all have people talking about how if your other half is a FA, you guys are gonna break up soon. Your girlfr/boyfr is gonna cheat on you. They are gonna be very materialistic and you won't be able to match up to them. 

Thirdly, I think he'll miss me /shy but yeah vice versa as well. :(

So I didn't go for it anymore for those months between mid to early 2012. 

Recently, maybe due to all my unhappiness with my past and present work, I started trying out again. This time, I was numbed. Like I know the frazzled nerves part. I have read up like countless times about the interview and tips online. I replayed and came up with as many questions as I could possibly think of that they might ask. I went there somewhere around Mid 2012, fully prepared.

Yet sad to say, I passed through all and got booted out at /sigh Management Round again. It just really boggles me as to what exactly are they looking for. I thought I did really well. I didn't fumble. I made it a point to smile like all the time. I thought I sounded confident. The other candidates fumbled, they address their partner with the wrong name. But they went through. And I didn't. #okaymeme

Why am I bringing all these up? Because I am unhappy with my current job now. I feel exploited. I feel angry. I feel all sorts of emotions that I shouldn't be feeling. And I want to do something about it. This Saturday, August 4, 2012, there is a SIA interview to be held at Sheraton Towers. I am putting it out here, that I am going for it. And I am going to try my best. I truly want to do something that I believe I can do well. And I want to do something that I enjoy.

To all those people out there who think poorly of FAs, eff you. If it were a lowly job, they wouldn't pay FAs so much. To all those people who think that FAs have poor personal characters and a are loose, eff you. I know of friends who have been in the line for 2 years plus and they are still in a loving relationship. Stop passing personal judgements on FAs just because of some black sheeps. 

This post really requires alot of courage to click on "Publish". To tell the world that I am a failure, that while people just breeze through stuff while I get stuck at every possible turn is just /stabsheart.

And so with that, August 4 2012, GAMBATTE  o(>w<)o

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, all the best for tomorrow's interview! :) I'm gonna try it out too! see you there tomorrow! :)
